VFLive Tournament Series - Online tournaments. Now with prize.

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by DigitlSamurai, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Since the original thread was difficult to find and didn't call it VFLive, I made this thread to replace it. I'll post the latest videos here and keep this post up to date with any changes to the rules, which as of now are:

    - At the moment, we only have enough room for up to 8 players per event, however we're looking into ways to increase this limit.
    - Double elimination.
    - Best two out of three matches to a set.
    - Grand finals are best three out of five matches.
    - Dural is banned.
    - The loser of a match can optionally change characters, the winner must keep their current character.
    - Players can optionally switch sides between matches, loser decides.
    - In the event of an unintentional disconnect, the match will be resumed from the round where the disconnect occurred.
    - Leaving before being eliminated from a tournament will result in a forfeit if a legitimate reason is given before leaving. If no reason is given, a warning will be given for the first two offenses and a ban from VFLive for the third.
    - Rage quitting will result in disqualification and a permanent ban from VFLive.
    - All recorded events will be posted on YouTube unless stated otherwise. By entering a VFLive event, you agree to have your match footage (including your gamertag) posted. No exceptions.
    - In grand finals, if the player in loser's bracket wins, the fight is reset and a second set of 3 out of 5 is played to determine the winner.
    - The 1st place winner of each tournament gets three points, with 2nd and 3rd place scoring two and one point respectively.
    - Points are reset to zero at the beginning of each season.
    - The player with the most points at the end of a season is declared champion.
    - If, at the end of a season, there's a tie for first place, a tiebreaker must be played to determine a champion.

    Season V final score:

    Champion: KADAJ757 - 12 points

    2nd place: CRASHEM8000 - 11 points

    3rd place: DigitlSamurai - 7 points

    Tied for 4th place: DARXIDE83, Jami San - 4 points each

    Tied for 5th place: Craigbot, GunSniper Ls, ShadooLord1979 - 3 points each

    6th place: SilentNephilim - 2 points

    Tied for 7th place: Bloodstyle, RAVINGunicorn - 1 point each

    Previous season scores:

    Season IV:
    Champion: Craigbot - 6 points
    2nd place: DigitlSamurai - 5 points

    Tied for 3rd place: GunSniper Ls, THE VERY BEST85 - 3 points each

    Tied for 4th place: DrFamilia, RAVINGunicorn, The Vicenator - 2 points each

    Tied for 5th place - CRASHEM8000, KADAJ757 - 1 point each

    Last place: Everyone else - 0 points each

    Season 3:
    Champion Craigbot - 22 points

    2nd place: DigitlSamurai- 21 points

    3rd place: Bloodstyle - 13 points

    4th place: CRASHEM8000 - 11 points

    Tied for 5th place: JackoRCB, Rare Entity - 8 points each

    Tied for 6th place: EvenPit, KADAJ757 - 6 points each

    7th place: Jami San - 4 points

    Tied for 8th place: BLACKSTAR48i, DrFamilia, Tricky- 3 points each

    Tied for 9th place: GunSniper Ls, Jayded 3rd, ShadooLord1979, Stl Tm - 2 points each

    Tied for 10th place: Fortune07, RAVINGunicorn, Rommil, THE VERY BEST85- 1 point each
    For those who are wondering, VFLive is currently only hosted on Xbox 360.

    If there's anything I forgot, please let me know and I'll correct it.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
  2. CRASHEM8000

    CRASHEM8000 Well-Known Member

    This new thread should definitely be a breath of fresh air for VFL! Also, we're apparently 'the' VFL, now? XD
    I like it. Here's to VFLive!
    Pai~Chun and DigitlSamurai like this.
  3. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    VFL that's what's up!!
    CRASHEM8000 and DigitlSamurai like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    VFLive, we in here!
    CRASHEM8000 and DigitlSamurai like this.
  5. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    DigitlSamurai and Craigbot like this.
  6. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    I was running a little behind schedule, but I'm quickly getting back on track. Last Thursday's VFL is up:


    I plan to post a tournament every day until caught up. In fact, the casuals that followed the tournament I just posted are uploading as I type this and the tournament after that is in the works.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2013
  7. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
  8. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Craigbot likes this.
  9. CRASHEM8000

    CRASHEM8000 Well-Known Member

    I don't even know who that is. =|
  10. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
  11. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Still wish yall had a Twitter :( any how this gives me a reason to actually use Google+ now no one ever uses it. Ill make a Circle and add you if thats even how it still works,
  12. CRASHEM8000

    CRASHEM8000 Well-Known Member

    Oh ho ho! Okay, Jayded? Yeah, doing a ft10 against him would be great! I'm down for that.
  13. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    The most recent VFL is up:


    This one has one of the best grand finals ever on VFLive.

    All that's left to upload is casuals episode 8.
  14. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Unfortunately I wasn't paying close enough attention when cleaning out my hard drive and deleted the footage of the casuals. I feel like such an idiot! I had everything put together and ready to upload, too!:mad:
  15. CRASHEM8000

    CRASHEM8000 Well-Known Member

    Oh, don't worry about it! There will always be more casuals.
  16. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    ........ Hmmm. So much to respond too already. But I'll skip all that and start w/ this. I don't like "VFL". That shit could be anything, played anywhere. VFLive on the other hand, just screams Xbox.

    Update as to Thursdays tourney, Winner was Rare Entity, w/ Crashem8000 and DigitlSamurai taking second and third respectively. ( fucking Jacky :mad: ) Digi should have the video for this tournament up soon enough.

    And for the next important piece of info, which I cant believe ya'll seem to be overlooking/and or not doing....

    We are doing another tourney tonight ( Sat, 11-09-13 ) @ 9pm eastern time. So if anyone is interested in joining up, reply on here or hit us up on xbox live. I'd like to see some faces I haven't seen before or even those I haven't seen in awhile.
    Craigbot likes this.
  17. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Thank you, I thought I was the only one who thought this.

    It's rendering as I type this, but it won't be uploaded today,
    because it's going to take long enough that it won't be finished in time for tonight's tournament.

    I'm not overlooking it; I sent out notices yesterday.
    Craigbot likes this.
  18. Bloodstyle

    Bloodstyle Well-Known Member

    I meant on here digi :p, not just xbox.
    Craigbot likes this.
  19. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Thursday's events are up:

    Tournament - http://youtu.be/YfpDrlx0NvI
    Casuals - http://youtu.be/IGP68KAyqHE

    As of this event, we also have awards in some categories, which will be voted on in this thread. The awards are:

    Funniest moment (already decided this week) -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfpDrlx0NvI&feature=player_detailpage#t=106
    Best comeback (must result in at least a match win)
    Best overall set

    Only tournaments are eligible for awards. Voting ends when the next event is posted.

    The next VFLive will be Thursday at 9:00 PM EST!. Post in this thread, or message me, or BloodStyle over Xbox Live to sign up!
  20. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    DgtlSamurai KOF
    Saturday's tourney is up already:


    This event is eligible for all the same awards as the previous one. Since I finished editing this one sooner than anticipated, voting for awards on both events will stay opened until the next tournament is posted (even though nobody has voted yet). Expect the casuals to be posted tomorrow.

    Also, don't forget the next VFLive is this Thursday at 9:00 PM EST! Sign up in this thread, or message me, or BloodStyle over Xbox Live!

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