Virtua Fighter 4 evolutions annouced at recent Sega Shareholders .....

Discussion in 'General' started by Cause, May 17, 2002.

  1. Cause

    Cause Well-Known Member

    ......... meeting. Hardware is speculated to be Naomi 2.

    Hmmm this kinda makes the rumors of an Xbox exlusive version a little more real, what with the exclusivity deal running out very soon. There are simply to many rumors for Evolutions on Xbox for it not to be true, I guess the naysayers will chime in wait and see. Also see the term "Networked capabilities" Who is launching their comprehensive online strategy at E3, Microsoft. In addition to their system being broadband only, could we see VF being played against opponents online? If not that than some new addition of the, can't wait to see what Sega has in store for us.

    A new game based on Virtua Fighter 4 has been announced, entitled 'Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution', for arcades. It will be shown off at the arcade show on une 11th, will feature 'network capabilities', and will be released in August. The arcade hardware which it is running on, was not announced.
  2. AnimeJoe

    AnimeJoe Active Member

    Just hope Sony doesn't get its grubby paws on this one and it's allowed to get ported to the X-Box.. I'd love to see a Gamecube port also but after Sega's painful comment about the Gamecube I doubt it /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  3. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    i don't think sega's ever going to release VF series on the gamecube; i don't like the gamecube, because it seems like nintendo targets kids with their systems more than other systems; just look at N64. super nintendo was a bit different, but it seems that recently save for a very few games, gamecube will always aim for the little kids; if you are a VF fanatic i would pin my hopes on the PS2, X-Box(if you're slightly dreaming), or hope for a release on a sega-exclusive console(if you're REALLY dreaming).

    btw, i don't suggest that i TOTALLY hate nintendo; there's a couple of gems that i've played by nintendo(super smash bros for one) and enjoyed.
  4. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 4 evolutions annouced at recent Sega Shareholders .

    In case you forgot, Virtua Fighter Quest is coming to Gamecube next year.
  5. blackshadow

    blackshadow Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 4 evolutions annouced at recent Sega Shareholders .

    thats gay gamecube has some nice games
  6. Kali

    Kali Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 4 evolutions annouced at recent Sega Shareholders .

    And exclusives for Resident Evil / Biohazard - for 4 or 6 next games from serie:).
  7. blackshadow

    blackshadow Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 4 evolutions annouced at recent Sega Shareholders .

    another biohazard is comin out on game cube? damn i remember biohazard on ps1 that shit was wak rippin ppl n half cuttin off arms legs head all sorts of crazy shit if this is the game im thinkin bout

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