Virtua Fighter 5: Basic Edition (Free to Play)

Discussion in 'General' started by WiZzYx, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    Is this possible? I mean, look Killer Instinct, look Tekken Revolution, Dead or Alive 5: Core Edition or even Spartacus Legends...I think that is a way to catch people, before a future VF6 launch on next-gen consoles (or current gen...who knows). A great portion of the FGs scene, flee from the game, just because they hear about the technical aspects of the game, and their difficulty, applicable to VF5, but I'm not sure to VF5: FS. Imagine a FTP game with 2 or 3 chars available (the rest of the cast, 160 MP/240 MP each, or so...), with all the game unlocked, even the online modes. All the gaming community download Free Games...with no exception, just because IT'S FREE!!!. Discuss.

    PS: Excuse my filthy english.
  2. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    I don't think this is a business model I would like to see rolled out for fighting games but as long as the complete version is also available I guess it can't hurt.
  3. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    The complete version is currently available. I'm talking about a Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown FTP version...the idea is to promote the game, make a "fanbase" for VF6 and get people to play with now.
  4. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I don't think this model (F2P) works very well for the genre. Tekken Revolution is the finest example of a very badly executed F2P model. So many restrictions, Pay-to-Win, always on line. You can't just release a fighting game with a few characters. Fighters are the tool to enjoy a fg. I'm not going to support F2P fgs. It's just a demo with more options and nothing more.
    FaethonsNemesis likes this.
  5. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    I agree. Tekken Revolution isn't the best can even upgrade your character, breaking the "balance"...a big WTF.
  6. daRockReaper

    daRockReaper Shadow Hammer MADNESS Bronze Supporter

    Yeah I think F2P is a bad idea for FG especially in Tekken Revolution. Limited characters breaks the spirit of the games, an experience is the best way to learn VF so limiting fight time is out Unless you want to pay for costumes individually (which I wouldn't think would amount to much revenue) I don't see how you could do it
  7. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    I see the point here. You're limited to the initial free characters. But you can play and learn the basics/mechanics/concepts of the game, play matches on ranked or play on lobbies (obviously with people who has the FTP version, or the full normal version...the idea isn't divide the community). If you like the game, just purchase the full normal game. It's a way to promote the game...a thing that the demo isn't capable to do. We need the tag "FREE GAME", to capture the public attention.
  8. ExzetyXat1

    ExzetyXat1 Well-Known Member

    VF5FS was a free game for PlaystationPlus users for a while. It had everyone and all modes unlocked except special sparring and the costumes for all the characters.
  9. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    I know. Same with Dead or Alive 5, KOF XIII and SSF IV AE...what if i'm not a PSN+ subscriber, or I'm only an Xbox user?
  10. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    the game cost 10 bucks and not 60 bucks... if you can't afford that then play something else.

    i feel so sorry for the new generation of gamers. this new FTP policy stinks. soon there will no longer be hardcore gamers. just phonies
  11. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    Is not a matter of cost. Even with the recent discounts (400 MP or U$S 4.99), the people don't get the know why?
  12. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    Yeah I do!

    And the reason is VF simply is just not an appealing game to almost anyone who knows nothing about it. Looking from the outside the game looks very fucking dull. Trust me I used to be one of those people who was heavy into SF, MK, etc and thought the game looked fucking stupid.

    There is no combo counter, no flashing lights when a high risk launcher connects for massive damage, no EX moves and barely any background interaction. So again looking from the outside and based on what everyone is used to (SF, Tekken, Soul Calibur, heck even Killer Instinct) the game sadly looks fucking dull.

    However, if you are seriously interested in trying something you are going to try it and it's just that simple. Whether you check out a demo, rent it, play it at a friends house the bottomline is if you are SERIOUSLY interested you are going to make the effort.

    Why do people not make that effort? Well in my opinion it's because of that stupid taboo, dark cloud, whatever you want to call it that's been hanging over VF since VF2 and especially VF3. The game is just fucking hard to play and sadly most gamers just don't have the attention span necessary to play it and get good at it. If you ask someone who has never played VF, but plays other fighting games most of the time their excuse for not playing it is usually "Well I hear it's a hard game to learn." ppfffttt something they most likely read on the internet in a forum somewhere.

    "Um did you ever try it?"


    "So what you're saying is you were never really interested in playing it in the first place?"

    "Yeah I guess you're right!"

    Everyone who has given VF just a little bit of time and actually started learning about it's system always end up loving it in the end. Most often say they wish they had tried it sooner.

    I honestly don't think we need a FTP version of the game what we need is for players or anyone interested to simply put up or shut up.
  13. FaethonsNemesis

    FaethonsNemesis Well-Known Member

    "Everyone who has given VF just a little bit of time and actually started learning about it's system always end up loving it in the end. Most often say they wish they had tried it sooner."
    My case exactly.Downloaded it day one but started learning it just recently.I make amends for that by introducing the magic of VF to my two little nephews trying to keep them away from retarded fps games.
    Shinobi likes this.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man


    I agree. The one thing that annoyed me the most about Tekken Revolution was the fact I couldn't play my own character straight off the start. I would prefer characters to be either purchasable from the cashshop instantly as an option to be grinded out like they currently can in revolution.

    I am not sure I would want a restricted F2P version of VF5FS.. There are few enough players in VF5FS proper as is. And I can't believe that the price of VF5FS is a big obstacle to anyone. The F2P version would just end up as a bullshit version to 'real' VF like revolution to TTT2, with invulnerable moves and BS like that. Can you imagine Jackys flipkick as a properly invulnerable move? UGGGGH
    Shinobi likes this.
  15. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Essentially, VF5FS is F2P. When it was released, it costed 12€ and now you can find it for less then 10 bucks.

    Sometimes I don't understand people. For example, they are excited for the new Killer Instinct, because it has two fighters and one stage? They are happy as long as the game is free. They don't mind if that game is basically a demo and not a full fledged title.

    A fighting game without fighters and stages, is not a fighting game. If any friend wants to play F2P VF5FS, he can download the demo and have fun with it. It's 100% free. If you want to support the franchise you love and care, buy the game.

    F2P model can hurt our beloved genre. The FGC will demand less and less and the developers will get lazy, because of that. Free games are not necessarily a good thing.
    DomAug and Rodnutz like this.
  16. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    unfortunately, for better or worse, the gaming market in general has evolved to allow free-to-play systems to gain popularity and slowly start to grow. in my opinion, with some heavy tweaking, F2P systems CAN work with some types of games.

    but, even as an early attempt at getting fighting games into the F2P system, i think Namco's attempt with Tekken Revolution so far has been a disaster. i wouldn't want Sega anywhere near that when they are fighting to spread VF popularity in the States hard enough as it is. why make it harder and risk alienating some of the newer (and even older) fans?
  17. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    I would like to see companies like SEGA, Capcom, SNK, Namco, etc... Start to offer pay a to play type of setup for new arcade releases.

    For example, Virtua Fighter 6 is released in Japan arcades. Well normally we would have to wait months maybe years for a home release, because the foreign arcade market is nearly dead and SEGA would be less than inclined to sell an arcade setup to these markets.

    Why not release a special home version (with a free training mode and short single player campaign) on the same date the game release in Japan arcades. Then the non arcade markets can download the entire game for free then pay to play like you would at the arcade and not pay if you continue to win. Basically turn the home console market into its own arcade. Maybe have special weekends where to play would cost half the normal price.
    Of course the one main issue with this is that you will need the game to have a killer and stable internet connection and something would have to be done for offline gatherings. Maybe offer a 24hour price to open up the entire game for that day.

    Just my thoughts.
  18. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    People are excited about KI not because it's F2P but because of nostalgia or in my case being infected by the passion of others who have played it. The people of KI have been travelling to events to let people play an incomplete version of the game to get feedback and then tweaking the game.

    The F2P version is a demo. If you want the full game, you need to purchase it as you currently would with other fighting games.

    The problem with VF is the "selling point" of it. If you've never played it, the first thing a VF fan will say to try and appeal to them is that its the most balanced game available. But that doesn't sound fun... The selling point should be about something fun, not something hat makes you sound like an elitist.

    For an unpopular game like VF, it really helps to have an F2P. Every time there was a sale on Xbox Live, there was a noticeable pool of newcomers who tried it. But then nobody is online to play so they stop playing.

    I don't think companies would want to release a console version at the same time as their arcade release. They'll be cutting into their own profits and killing off sales of one version.
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Are we forgetting FS seemed to do well this time? It's not normal for VF but the majority of the fighting game community seemed to purchase FS, problem is getting them to stick with it.
  20. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Yeah, a lot of people out there have it, for sure, but ez mode knickers & bra dlc fest 5 keeps luring them away, plus of course Wolverine & friends. Some of the problem is the ranked modes, especially on Live, are often dormant, except for a few really strong players, or cheesy laggers, and the new players just won't have a friends list of VF player they can tap up for rooms or even player match.
    If you really like VF, and desperately want to play it to the max, exploring all of it's intricacies, you will probably have already made the effort by now to do the appropriate networking and dojo time. I know I have, after pretty much coming into the game cold, after seriously struggling to find matches on the old one.

    EDIT: on topic - no thanks.

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