Virtua Fighter E-Sports and VS Mode?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Is Virtua Fighter E-Sports only for online?

    Or will the New Tournament Mode be used for Offline VS mode e-sports:confused:

    The VS mode for VF5US doesn't support Ring Names, or Player Profiles, or Player 2 customizations. No Replay saveso_O

    So is E-Sports now an online only thing:unsure: No brackets, or player profiles for offline VS mode:eek:

    Does Sega Plan to only Host Cups and Tourneys online:whistle:

    I hope that's not the case:cry:

    If VF5US is supposed to be the definitive edition of Virtua Fighter, how can it have no real support for VS Mode e-sports or Single Player Content?:mad:
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    The game Is not for online only. Since the game was announced, Sega mentioned the finals for their Challenge Cups will be offline. That could change depending on pandemic of course.

    The tournament mode appears to be used for weekly online tournament/events with in-game titles given out to participants.
    OniwabanCL and masterpo like this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Oh no doubt the Offline VS Mode can definitely be used for Sega's Challenge Cups, . But I'm referring to the bracket game/ software aspect and the player profiles which would include player ring names, ranks, win/loss ratios, player customization, as well as progression brackets.

    I play the UFC fighting games. They have Tournament support in Offine VS Mode with brackets up to a 16 competitor tournament. The competitors can be:
    • human vs human
    • human vs cpu
    • cpu vs cpu

    With full bracket support, customization, ring names etc. Virtua Fighter e-sports offline needs this.(y)

    VF 5, and VF4 EVO had at least the bracket idea in the EVENT Square and the Underground Tournaments. I was hoping that VF5US might bring those brackets and tournament style displays to VF5US Offline VS Mode:rolleyes:

    Yes, the current Offline VS mode can definitely be used to support Sega Cups, in the most bare bone fashion. But VF5 and VF4EVO had the basis for brackets that could be added to VF5US Offline VS Mode.

    Obviously offline tournaments should not affect Online Rank, Rank Statistics, or Online Room Statistics., But Offline Tournament should track Offline Rank (Yes there should be a offline rank for Single Player and VS mode) and Offline Win/Loss statistics. (Yes IMO there should be offline win/loss statistics)

    How this would be implemented of course takes a little work.. Currently each player's VF online profile is more-or-less associated with their PSN account.

    AM2/RGG would have to add the notion of a offline player profile in addition to the online player profile. Tekken 7 has online and offline player profiles. I have an Online Rank and Win/Loss ration in Tekken and I have an Offline Rank/Profile in Tekken. In the UFC games I have an Online Rank and Win/Loss Ratio and I have an Offline Rank and Win/Loss Ratio. SC5, (and I believe) SC6 has both a offline and online player profile. So it can be done

    1rst Approach

    So in an offline Tournament, Players would have to login to their accounts to have their offline win/loss ratios updated, and to have their ring name, customization. and rank properly displayed during the offline match.

    2nd Approach

    AM2/RGG creates an offline profile capability that allows a player to store their profile in the PSN cloud and then download to whatever machine they're playing on (of course the profile would only allowed to be active on one machine at a time) So during offline tournaments players download their offline profile from the PSN cloud to the local machine and get their ring names, customization, ranks, and win/loss ratios that way.

    3rd Approach

    AM2/RGG sets up the offline tournament software itself to get the player data for every player that will be in that tournament. Lock that data in the cloud until after the tournament is completed and then update the stats at the tournaments conclusion and unlock the cloud data.

    approach N, Approach N+1, Approach N+2, etc.

    Their are a lot of ways to support Offline and Online Player Profiles. As posted I'm currently playing 2 UFC series that both have progression brackets, animations, etc for OFFLINE VS mode, and VF5 and VF4 Evo do have a least a basic concept of brackets in the EVENT Square and Underground tournaments.

    So the real question is will RGG/AM2 provide complete e-sports support in VF5US Offline VS Mode:unsure: and to do this requires a Offline Player Profile Capability and Bracket Progression Mode.

    Yes the bare bones support is there :ROTFL:because we do have an Offline VS Mode. But there is no support for Ring Names, Character Customization, Win/Loss Ratios, Offline Ranks, or Progression Brackets, or offline profiles of any kind:whistle:

    If RGG/AM2 really wanted to expand the player base for VF5 e-sports they should support:

    • Single Player Profiles (Rank, Win/Loss Ratio Customization)
    • VS Mode Offline Player Profiles (Rank , Win/Loss Ratio Customization)
    • Online Player Profiles (Rank, Win/Loss Ration, Customization)

    A three tier player profile would encourage VF game play at all levels, and would grow the player base significantly. Yes it would require a little extra software engineering on RGG/AM2's part, but it would pay off in the long run;)

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