Virtua Fighters fans show your VF skills to other Fighting game communities. DOA5 Ultimate is chance

Discussion in 'General' started by Autobotdan, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    So Sega is distributing the Japanese arcade version of Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate with a new unnanounced chdaracter to be added. We could have another Virtua Fighter character in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade version. We already have Virtua Fighter Icons Akira, Sarah, Pai and Jacky in DOA5 Ultimate. So what are you Virtua Fighter fans waiting for Virtua Fighter 6?? LOL!

    Ok first things first...Stop hating DOA and start dominating DOA with VF characters. Alot of Virtua Fighter fans dislike Dead or Alive. Than beat everybody up online with Virtua Fighter characters. Dominate the Ayanes, Kasumis and Hitomi with four Vritua Fighter icons Akira, Pai, Sarah & Jacky. It will be a complete joy to see members of VFDC start dominating all the DOA players with the four VF Icons

    Second of all you want a new fighting game with Virtua Fighter characters using all their moves etc. Than guess what..there is a new fighting game out there with some VF characters. Go get it!
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
  2. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    Maybe Sega wants to see if there is a demand for Virtua Fighter 6 by the watching the arcade version to see if alot of people are using Virtua Fighter characters. Sega is distributing the arcade version and a new character will be added. I'm guess another Virtua Fighter character might be added

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    So they are releasing doa 5 ult in arcades? Plus I have doa 5 regular ver and doa 5 ult core game.
  4. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    If VF fans want to show their support to the franchise and sending a direct message to SEGA, regarding VF6, they should buy VF5FS on PSN and XBLA. It's easier than a P,P,P,K combo.
  5. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    well I already have purchased VF5 FS as well as many here but its just not helping. Maybe I need to start a new thread or reword my entire thread. Dead or Alive 5 is opportunity of a lifetime to show other fighting game communities how we play and how skillfully we play. We are extremely very lucky that Akira, Pai, Sarah, and Jacky control nearly about 95% exactly like they do in Vitua Fighter 5. It is a miricle that Tecmo didnt dumb down the Virtua Fighter characters movelist too much. It is almost entirely possible that a Virtua Fighter 5 master can skillfully clean house online in DOA5 using Akira, Pai, Jacky or Sarah. They control almost exactly like in VF5. i think we have Sega to thank for that
  6. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Wow. Is this going to be "Is Final Showdown coming to Consoles Part 2. Electric Boogaloo."?
    aoi ameindei likes this.
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    You're serious?

    So the moves and some of their inputs are identical. Which is pretty cool. But this isn't VF. This is DOA with VF characters. Different frames, different mechanics, silly shit like "slow escaping", etc etc etc

    If DOA5U gets popular the only thing it will do is prove to Team Ninja that DOA is still popular. It might turn a few heads towards the VF series, but Sega shouldn't hang their hat on the success of another game...
  8. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Uh, yes.

    It's not so much hatred, it's more indifference. The fact they keep releasing the games so close together, then packing it with $$$ of dlc with constant tier revisions, detracts from it's credibility as a serious, long term fighter worth spending hours learning. The 2000+ posts in the Casual thread on FSD speaks for itself.
    ToyDingo and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
  9. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    this might turn DOA fans into VF fans if you showcase VF skills
  10. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    Lets put it this way lots of vf players dont like tekken. You will never get a oportunity to show the beauty of Virtua Fighter to Tekken community and Tekken fans because they AVOID Virtua Fighter and keep away from it. There can never be a Tekken vs Virtua Fighter properly without changing VF gameplay. You will never get a opportunity to show VF skills to the street fighter fanbase etc.
  11. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    DOA 5 Ultimate is the RAREST opportunity a virtua fighter fan can or will ever have. Point Blank
  12. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Don't get me wrong. I like DOA. And I'm thrilled to see VF characters in it. It's a nice game. But DOA5 is not a cross-over title between the DOA franchise and the VF franchise. It's not like Capcom vs SNK 2, where the Capcom fighters and the SNK fighters played identical to their respective games. DOA5 is a DOA game and not a VF game. Yes, you can pick up Akira, you can use all of his moves, but you can't win if you play like you play a VF game. Because it's a different game and you have to play with the DOA rules.

    Also, there is no reason to prove anything. DOA fans don't need to prove anything to anyone. The same goes to VF fans and Tekken fans. Play and enjoy the games you like.

    If a Tekken fan wants to know more about VF, he can download the demo, watch a couple of good fights on youtube etc. It's not like we are in the 80's. We have the internet, we have access to every possible information we want.
  13. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    I guess i've been trying so hard or too hard to get friends and people into Virtua Fighter series. Outside of this VFDC website, Virtua Fighter series is dieing so fast.I dont want to see VF go out quietly.I am on a specific mission to save VF. I want to educate others about VF and it looks like I am on my own on this. Nobody here will help me. I might jusr close out my VFDC account
  14. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    In VF that's called Stagger Escape. The frequency at which you need to do it is a love it or leave it thing. I'm sorta in the middle, but lean toward not caring for it.
    VF5:FS ver.A rev.1 is some what new and especially for us in the U.S., a little over a year old. New tech is being found out because of stuff like this.
    To be fair, the VF series starting with 4 had constant revisions as well. The difference with DOA is they are all being released 1) in a timely manner and 2) not being limited to one country.
    Actually SNK players hate this game because of the nerfs to the SNK casts, on top of Capcom characters like Sagat, Cammy and Blanka getting SNK (more like KOF) properties on their attacks putting them top tier.
    What if the change the gameplay from Tekken? A VF player can showcase their skills in other games, and have done so.
    2) GamerBee was a threat in CvS2 and SFIV (came from VF4) and Fuudo won Evo2011 with a skill based character(Fei Long) when Yun was said to break the game( and people with prior SF experience were getting blown up left and right by pocket Yuns). He only picked up the game a year prior to that Evo and had to go against people who only play SF to get there.
    So in the end if much like other fighting games, if someone wants to play other fighters for whatever reason, all the resources are there.

    Feel free to leave the site, or use it's networking features to setup games. Getting friends into it is equal parts teaching/explaining why the game is a blast, and for the other party willing to learn. It's not easy however.
  15. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    Never realised Sega were distributing the arcade version, guess it looks as if Sega are using that position to promote VF via DOA similar to your idea, it's a good idea but slightly counterproductive as the two games are now in direct competition which undermines VF,
    I prefer VF & Tekken personally but if I played DOA I'd probably use Ein or Hitomi and stick to using VF characters in VF.
    Autobotdan likes this.
  16. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    Thanks Femto and MDSPrime for putting some serious tought into my little topic and trying to understand me. Thanks for the kindness. I just got off work at 1am, kinda exhausted and your posts were nice to read to give me a better peaceful sleep.

    I used to hang out with southern California Virtua Fighter friends at Wednesday Night Fights at Super Arcade and I even attended the Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown launch party. I even purchased Virtua Fighter 5 Final Shodown on both Xbox360 and Playstation 3 on Day ONE and I was playing both since day 1. I have not been able to attend Wednesday Night Fights anymore since last year December when my Grandma started getting sick. I started taking care of my Grandma everyday till she passed away in Febuary. And now I have been taking care of my Grandpa who is very ill and might not live very long. So I havent been able to drive far and hang out with anyone. I havent seen my Virtua Fighter friends for a few months-the last time I visited Wednesday Night Fights I was out of practice and I didnt participate. So untill my grandfather passed away I dont get out of the house much. So I have to play my fighting games ONLINE. Taking care of my grandfather and I have a full time job, I dont have as much time to play alot of games but when I go Online, VF5 FS is not very active. I want to play some matches and I dont like waiting around to find matches so I been playing alot of DOA5 this summer because it is active-and it has Jacky and Sarah Bryant =) Well thanks Femto and MDSPrime.

    PS- and yes Femto VF4 and VF5 also had Constant revisions Thanks
    MDSPrime and Shinobi like this.
  17. Autobotdan

    Autobotdan Well-Known Member

    Here is my YouTube channel if any of you want to see my gaming habits. Yes I've been a Virtua Fighter fan for a Long time many years. I give alot of VF love on my Youtube. And yes I am also a Ninja Gaiden fan as you can see my YouTube lol
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I guess im a weirdo because I get busy in all 3 lml!!

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