Wednesday night at Kanispo

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by vf4akira, Feb 19, 2003.

  1. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Wassup to the socali crew and everyone else!

    Just got to Tokyo and luckily the hotel I'm staying in has internet access. I also got in early enough to go by Kanispo and play some VF.

    I was there from about 7:30-10p roughly and there weren't that many people... although enough for everybody to challenge on the 8 VF4Evo ver B machines they have. Basically there was no waiting, so that was good.

    I didn't recognize any "famous" peeps, but the players were from 4dan up to osha (I don't know the order after 10dan, but I think osha was the highest I saw).

    There were some Wolf players, Pai, Sarah, Lei Fei, Akira (me hehe), Kage and a Jacky or two. I'm sure if this was a weekend, all the characters would have been represented.

    I didn't use a card since I figured I'd get my ass handed to me. Not that it would've been different than all my other cards /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif. However, I was pleased with my games. I'd say I had about 40% or so. Since I never played ver B, I kinda stuck with the standard Akira combos and setups that I knew were the same (PK rules!).

    I was able to play a game by myself when I first got there and was able to get a feel for the controls. I made my skills look crappy so people wouldn't challenge. hehe

    Anyway, my first battle was against a Jacky player. In short, he whooped my ass. He was around 92% (some 17 or so losses). I guess he figured I was an easy target. That match was discouraging as you might guess. Lucky for me, that one match was the only one where I got my ass whipped as if I wasn't even playing.

    I won my 2nd game (against a Wolf) and lost the next. It was win, lose, win, lose for about the first hour as I got used to the styles everybody was using. After I got warmed up enough I had some really great battles. The ones I remember the best are ones I lost, but I got up from the game thinking "Man, that was a great match!" Actually, almost all of my matches were like that whether I won or not.

    I actually got SPoDs on people (w/o wall assist, Andy! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif), big combos like yoho|shrm|knee, p, shrm, dbpm. Although I can do the combos fairly well, I sometimes have trouble on the arcade machines.

    Right before I left, I played this 10dan Kage. He beat a few people down and had a 7 or 8 win streak at the time. Since it was getting late and that was the only machine open for challengers, I figured "why not?". Well, he got a perfect on me first round, then I won, then he basically broke my ass down the next two rounds. After all the time playing against Joey's Kage, I thought I could do better. So I took a 5 min break... got a drink and went to get more change. Then I challenged him again. This time I totally destroyed him. It was like 3-0. It was totally weird because it was like I was untouchable for that entire match. Weird zone strikes back!!! haha /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif (socali reference) I got a perfect on him one round and the rest of the rounds he might have hit me like 2 times at the most.

    After the match was over, I saw a head peak out from the side of the row of machines. I believe it was that Kage player wondering who the fuck beat him. He didn't challenge again and I basically played against CPU and then left.

    Great night to say the least. And to Andy and Bryan... the magic kick(TM) works!! I MC'd this Pai player like 4 times in a row! Also beat a Wolf and that Pai with it. I couldn't stop laughing!

    Now, if someone could tell me how to get to Nishispo I'd appreciate it.
  2. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Get a card and rank up! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  3. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    PLAYA! Whats up? You shoulda used your Akira card! Thats cool that you did pretty decent on your first day. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Are you staying in Tokyo through the week?
  4. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    yo David, I didn't think I'd be hearing from you in another year or so ....and here you're already chatting from hi-tech everything Japan! Sounds like the trip's been worth it so far. As Mike says, your awesome beginners luck entails the purchase of an Akira card NOW. btw what's the magic kick? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    WTF? Who said it was beginners luck? My boy vf4akira has mad skillz. Its all about the weird zone /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  6. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    To vf4akira
    You need to go to another game center for every day of the week, if you want to fight with players, such as OOSU and CHIBITA.
    In order that OOSU might heat up VF, it was made for a specific day of the week to go to a specific game center. It is a high-tech landSEGA Shibuya store on Wednesday and Saturday.

    It is Ikebukuro GIGO in Ikebukuro on Thursday. However, it is better for this store not to go, since the bad visitor of manners exists in a regular customer.

    It is the Shinjuku sport land west entrance store on Friday.
  7. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

  8. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

  9. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    Moreover, on most Saturdays, the convention is held by the beat live of Machida. It is carried out also on Saturday of this week. A lot of players will appear in either Shibuya or Machida on Saturday. However, Machida is not in the Tokyo game center map. The way is writing to the site of the beat live. What is necessary will be just to say that he wants to go at a station to JR Machida station.

    Appearance of beat-tribe
  10. andy

    andy Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's a surprise to any of the socali players that vf4akira did well. He's got the best fingers and is the most unpredictable/unconventional (weird zone) player we had.

    Did you get any magic kick - double palms on that pai player?
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Right on David!

    Good priorities... Arrive in Japan, step off plane, go play VF. Most excellent.

    Magic Kick is now internationally feared.
  12. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    we're at a loss without you. Have fun in Tokyo, and call my homie!


    PS David already has a 4th dan akira card, break it out!
  13. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member


    Thanks for all the links to the arcades. That info will help a lot. I'll have to check it out when I come back to Tokyo. I'm leaving today but will be back in March.
  14. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Lessee... haven't played again yet, but might try to hit shibuya high tech land sega before I fly out.

    Andy, I was so surprised that magic kick was hitting that I forgot to try double palm after! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    I'll probably get a card today, but not sure if I'll use it in Tokyo or not. I got 6 cards and none of them are even half way used. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    Well, don't know when I'll be able to post again but I'm sure I'll be able to find an internet cafe or something. However, that'll be cutting into my VF playing time... /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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