What do the new stages on Evo look like.

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Kousotsu, Sep 18, 2002.

  1. Kousotsu

    Kousotsu Well-Known Member

    I know that Brad & Goh have new stages on Evo. Every character has his or her own stage. So I know that if they went in and updated all of the other characters stages they had to make some pretty smooth stages for Brad and Goh. No one ever fights on them in the movie clips. I wonder why? Has anyone seen them, or does anyone have a pic of them. Please post if so thanks.
  2. Enishi

    Enishi Well-Known Member

    Uhhh...all the stages in every vid ARE the new stages. The old ones aren't in the game, and if they are , no ones found out how to access them. And most of the stages are really just updates to the old ones. The only one that really doesn't look at all the same is Pai's.
  3. Kousotsu

    Kousotsu Well-Known Member

    Yeah but they are still the same stages just with better graphics. I want to see all brand new stages. Stages that I have never ever seen before. Thats why I said I wanted to see Brad and Goh's stages. I know that they are the only completely new stages on the game, and mabey a another practice stage and special kumite stage like on VF4.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    From what's been reported, Brad and Goh don't have their own stages. They just use other characters' stages (I forget which ones).

    While all the existing stages have had a face-lift of sorts, the changes haven't all been purely cosmetic. For example, the fencing around the corners of Lion's stage has been removed, making for normal RO possible should you corner your opponent.
  5. Kousotsu

    Kousotsu Well-Known Member

    Man thats stupid. Thats one of the reasons I didn't like Tekken Tag. Not every character had his or her own stage. Mabey when it comes out on a system they will have made stages for them.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    stupid? shit... what does sega owe YOU? /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    Actually I sort of agree, it feels halfassed to make new characters but not the new stages, music, etc that go with them. Sega's been good to avoid the SF and tekken syndrome of recycling animation, characters, backgrounds, ideas, etc. It's disappointing to their insane work ethic towards the VF series start to flag.
  7. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    There might not be totally new backgrounds...

    But taking into consideration the revamped character models, new re-done animation, and totally new soundtrack, it's a pretty minor quibble.
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    There are no new stages. Going off of memory, Brad uses Vanessa's & Goh uses Lau's... no wait, that can't be right. Goh's is a 'japanesey' stage but really dark. Hmmm...Kage's I think.
  9. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    i believe Brad uses Lau's stage and Goh uses Kage's stage.
  10. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    These are my observations from playing the development version of EVO:

    Akira: His stage no longer changes scenery with each round. It's now set in the early afternoon and features the forest background from his VF3 stage so it looks like the dojo is some sort of forest retreat.

    Aoi: Her stage has merely changed season, it's now has red leaves instead of cherry blossom.

    Brad & Goh: Their stage seems to be random as each time the machine was reset they'd share a different stage with another character. The first time I played, Goh was using Kage's stage while Brad used Shun's. The next week I came back to the arcade to play, the machine was under maintenance and was reset. After the reset Goh then used Akira's stage while Brad used Jacky's.

    Jacky: His stage is now at day break and has gaps in the corners to allow for ringouts.

    Jeffery: His stage is now set at noon time.

    Kage: His stage is now at night with white cherry blossom trees in the distance instead of the old ones with red leafs. It's as if his and Aoi's stage have swapped seasons.

    Lau: It's now raining heavily in his stage with noticeable puddles and rain drops etc. Clouds are darker too.

    Lei-Fei: Gone is the sickening shade of yellow and in it's place is a more natural blue sky with bits of cloudy grey here and there.

    Lion: His entire background has been remodelled. It still features a castle but it's different than the old landscape. It looks much more like a courtyard now with the castle on one side with a field of snow on the other. The corners of the ring have been removed to increase the likelihood of a ringout.

    Pai: Her stage has been completely revamped. The aquarium now looks like a proper exhibit with the tanks visible on two sides of the stage with two exits on the other two sides consisting of a staircase and a regular door. The ring itself is in-between the tanks and the exits with part of the ring/cage lining the fish tanks. The whole stage appears as if it's still in construction or has been closed for the night as the lighting is dim to extent that you can barely see the outline of your character in one corner of the ring with the only light emanating from the tanks. There are less fish in the tank but the dolphin and the whale shark are still present.

    Sarah: Sarah's stage is back to night time so it's like an updated version of her VF2 stage. Most of the statues on the right have been cleared away and it's now possible to see villas bellow in the far corner of so it seems that you're higher up. The lightning is still there and it really sets the mood.

    Shun: His stage is near identical but the stage seems brighter in the direction of the caves entrance.

    Vanessa: Virtually unchanged though there are some more lights from the houses along the harbour.

    Wolf: Just like before except the stage is more red/brown. The canvas logo has been changed too.

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