what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming VF's?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Crazed, Sep 23, 2003.

  1. Crazed

    Crazed Member

    Everybody always argues about what fighting style would be the best, i wonder which would be the total worst!

    <font color="red"> (i'm personally thinking about classical, normal, no feet, boxing) </font>
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member


    It reminds me of eddie gordo, which reminds me of tekken and mashing and everything bad in a fighting game. It's a dance for chrissakes.

    A boxing character would be ok with me if he was elegantly done, boxing is certainly practical. Characters with general punch sabakis (goh!) would eat that boxer alive.
  3. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    I really have to agree here. Also, I don't want to see any more animal kung fu styles... especially not anything with the words "monkey" or "dragon" in the title.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I completly agree with Aeon and Creed's post and they said basicly my exakt feelings.
    I don't want a Capoeira user and feel that it would truelly destroy the game, he would never be perfected (as most vf characters aren't) in the first game. I'd specially hate it if he was like Eddy Gordo and won on deception (cheapness) or something. I can not, with a gun to my head, understand how anyone would want Capoeria in this game.

    No more kung fu users in the game period. Please.
    I want alot of changes to be done to the characters that are in the game as such but what I really want is more 'power users' as Akira (he almost has it patented) in the game instead of anything else. And preferbly non asian (put Bass Ruten in!) arts / practitioners.
    Do a Taka on Shun while we're at it.
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    You know, most tekken heads I know eat eddy gordo button mashers alive...now a Eddy gordo who knows what he is doing, that is another story.
    Don't bash an art simply based on ignorance of it, or a bad representation of it in another fighting game.
    I personaly would not want to see some sort of iska fighter. Most iska fighters are just garbage to begin with and DEFINATLY not some sport Karate fighter, standing in flamingo stance all day poking away with dingy kicks that do no damage.
  6. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    1) I agree with you on the exclusion of Capoeira. I don't care if the the 12-year olds think it looks "cool"!! Even though I think AM2 could actually make a decent non-scrubby Capoeira fighter, the thought of even a POTENTIAL eddy gordo is enough to make me ill.

    2) I hope they exclude whatever fighting style Jin's scrubby lazer scraper comes from. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    3) Tae kwon do seems like a popular suggestion lately, but IMO it would be too similar to Sarah's current style. In order for me to take this new character seriously, AM2 would have to make him/her completely different from Sarah. How the hell are they supposed to do that? I'm still undecided on this one.

    4) Finally, NO WEAPONS....except on your body as an item that can't be used in actual combat. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  7. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Any MMA character as they are all the same. Ground and pound isnt interesting it isnt entertaining. Goh and Vane have this covered more than enough. MMA practioners can do many things box, kick box and grapple but can do neither exceptionally well. "jack of all trades master on none" comes to mind when i think of mma. I would really like to see taka re-added as for new characters i have no clue. imo the charm of vf characters is they have their own style. i dont like it when they allow characters many types of styles a mian stlyle maybe supplemented by a side form sarah flamingo and lau's tifer for instance. as long as they hold true to this ill be fine. we have enough chinese martial skills.
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming V

    overweight female jello wrestlling.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Re: what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming V

    What da hell is ''overweight female jello wrestling'' !!!??? Lol

    To all you Eddy haters :

    Eddy was considered ''cheap'' for a short period of time and that was back during the T3 era when most ppl didn't really know how to defend against him properly. Scrubs were beating good players by simply bashing on 3&4. Those days are LONG LONG gone. Now there isn't any excuse to losing to a button bashing Eddy Scrub. Good players will low parry them to death. High level Eddy/Christie play is a totally different story you can barely get one low parry due to the sick amounts of mix ups they throw at you and the fear or getting hit by one of his killer mids. Believe me, it takes skill to be effective with Eddy nowadays, he's not a new character anymore. If you still lose to Eddy scrubs, than you suck big time and should quit the game.

    As for styles I wouldn't want to see in the next VF. I'd have to say Dural's style. Completely useless and way past her due date ! They should've X her ass back in VF2. How can you get rid of Taka and keep Dural in the game ????? Baffling !
  10. Klandestine

    Klandestine Well-Known Member

    Re: what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming V

    No karate or taekwondo.
    Wing Chun or Tai Chi would be cool. But what's wrong with having non-asian martial arts?
  11. FuSionX

    FuSionX Member

    Re: what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming V

    NO BJJ!!!
  12. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    A) Any style can be made to be cheap, that is up to the programmers.. Get it out of your head people that its not the martial art style that makes the character cheap, but how it is portrayed.
    b) while sarah may kick a lot, I would not place her in a TKD category, she has no double mid round house kicks done from a hop, no evading style jump spin hook kick, her side kick is as far from TKD as anything possibly could be. She has no fore-arm strikes, a pathetic version of an out-to-in closing axe kick...do I need to go on? A tkd fighter, done right, would almost be day and night.
    c) MMA fighters are not only jack of all trades, but generally are VERY well versed in all the areas. Due to the nature of no glove combat, your not gunna see the same TYPE of slugging you do in a boxing match, nor will you see the same type of grappeling you would see in a pure wrestling/bjj match. A MMA fighter could be the most impressive of all to watch, going seemlessly from one position and distance to another.
  13. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    Heh my buddy studies Kempo, and at his school they call Tae Kwon Do "Take Da Dough"...
  14. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    and your point is?
  15. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    Take it easy, punchy. Many martial artists think that TKD isn't a "real" art because of the teaching structure and belt system. I don't have an opinion because i've never studied TKD or Kempo or anything else. I just think it's funny all this bullshit people talk about one style versus another style and all that, when in a real fight the stronger, faster guy wins almost every time. You people are so fucking sensitive it's unreal...
  16. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    Kenpo, Jiujitsu, TKD, Sumo (yes bring back Taka!), and Boxing would be cool (hell we already have a Pro wrestler) are what is needed. Definately NOT capoeriea. Also agree no more Kung Fu animal stuff.

    Give Vanessa more ground fighting options... Vale Tudo and Jiujitsu are both versed in ground fighting, especially the latter. There should be all kinds of mounts, and ways to reverse AND escape them... so yeah there might be a lot of rolling around on the ground UFC style just trying to get the upper hand :p

    The Jiujitsu character would probably be a solid mixture of Aoi and Vanessa, being to tackle, mount, reversal, and sabaki from just about any situation (even when grounded vs down attacks or when BT). Reverals should lead to mounts or link-throws (like Van standing punch inashi) rather than guaranteed damage. Lots of submission holds which require struggling to escape, esp throws that utilize the walls for leverage. Striking ability is limited (similar to Goh) but could have good movement options.

    Of course we all know that styles that emphasize takedowns/ground fighting are most practical, so there'd have to be at least some level of realism vs fun factor to keep it balanced.

    *cough* Just realized this thread is about what we DONT want... ah well. Can't win them all /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  17. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    soul calibur bullshit
  18. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    On the belt system - most korean AND Japanese systems have established a belt system within the last 100 years. The biggest gribe with TKD (and is mine as well, btw...having practiced the art for over 13 years and running now) is the McDojo virus of TKD...they just spring up everywhere and most studios suck.
    To everyone else: what is your gripe about Capoeira? Are you basing it on Regional or Angola? Do you know what those two words even refer to? If not, you have NO right to say anything about the art being or not being in VF.
  19. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming V

    why is what Cosmic wrote soul calibur bullshit? If this is some joke between you guys, sorry.

    I tend to agree with most of his ideas (although they are in the wrong thread), aside from the fact that I'd integrate these ideas into the existing characters (Aoi does use Aiki-Jiujutsu after all). Were you responing to someone else? I don't see any connection between the ideas CF put out and Soul Calibur.

  20. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: what fighting style whould you NEVER like to see in the upcoming V

    he was probably saying he doesn't want soul calibur BS in VF ... at least that's what I got out of it...

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