What flowchart were you attacked by this week?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Chanchai, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I figure we can have fun with this (and provide ammo for everyone's Dojo - Record Mode ^_^).

    For a given situation (like your 2P was blocked, or you were hit with a poke, or Sarah entered Flamingo Stance by NHing you with move X)...

    What options (ideally 2-3) did your opponent attack you with?

    Optional: What do you think are your good options in this situation to deal with any of their options?

    If possible, try to pick a real one that an opponent did against you this week, online or offline ^_^
    Tricky likes this.
  2. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    1. I block opponents attack. I counter with my own attack.
    2. Opponent uses the almighty 2P.

    3. evade, block it and try to attack back (only to get hit by another 2P)
  3. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Random low-level Brad

    Round starts...
  4. toastcrumb

    toastcrumb Well-Known Member

    Any Taka: lots of [P], low swipe, more [P], grab.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen


    all on normal hit from starting positon range. Brackets are things that beat it with eileen.
    3K > 1P (3K)
    3K > 2P (low crush or slight backdash 46K+G)
    3K > backdash 3K (3K or 46P)
    3K > backdash block (3K stagger or 46P)
    3K P (46P)
    3K > 3K (3K, 9K, 46P)
    Chanchai likes this.
  6. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    That info was private! Just kidding
    Chanchai and Tricky like this.
  7. ajs_

    ajs_ Well-Known Member

    Also might want to try 3k > backdash P+KP

    I use that to beat out 2P's from people fast enough to react duck 3KP. Has to be from a little shorter than starting distance to the tip of Jacky's 3K. Curious what Eileen has to beat it. Maybe Eileen's 3K beats that, too?
    Tricky and Chanchai like this.
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    by backdash do you mean jacky's shuffle move or do you mean beat knuckle? her 3K will beat any backdash that's not evade canceled in this particular situation.
    Chanchai likes this.
  9. ajs_

    ajs_ Well-Known Member

    Ah, I meant actual backdash, 44. About Eileen's 3K, that makes sense frame wise I just didn't know how long the reach was on the move. I haven't really played against a strong Eileen that uses her side kick yet unfortunately.
    Tricky and Chanchai like this.
  10. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    I don't play a lot those days.
    With Eileen :

    [P][P] on block. After that usually my opponents want to crouch with 2[P]

    To beat that i cancel the second [P] with 236[P] (this move jump over low and special low, hit mid and is safe on block +3)

    They cannot crouch between [P][P] but after yes so it's the trap
    After some matchs they started to evade but it's not easy to attempt an evade after a [P] on block because the opponent is suppose to have the advantage so he take the risk to score a failed evade if i do nothing. Usually you try an evade when you are at disavandtage

    I could try [P][P] then 3[P] (a mid who stagger versus crouch opponent, -5 on block) but i don't know, i prefer the other option. I have more good results with that. Plus the +3 on block can mindfuck my opponent too since the move doesn't look safe at all
    Tricky, Chibiaya and Chanchai like this.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I think you meant [6][P] instead of [3][P]. That's the one that will stagger a crouching opponent.
    Cnul likes this.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    More Jacky because Jacky needs to die

    [1][P] > [2][P] ( [1][1],[4][6][K][+][G])
    [1][P] [K] ( [1][1],[4][6][K][+][G])
    [1][P] [4] >[P] ( [1][1][4][6][K][+][G])
    [round start range][1][P] [4] > [P][+][K][P] ( [4][4] buffer [4][6] 1fdelay (wait for 1st punch to come out but before 2nd makes it out) [K][+][G] OR [4][4] 1frame delay [9][K] )
    [close range][1][P] [4] > [P][+][K] ( [4][4][8]/[2] [9][K] )
    [close range][1][P] [4] > [P][+][K][P] delayed ( [4][4][8]/[2] wait for 2nd attack then [9][K] )
    [close range][1][P] [4] > [K][+][G] ( [4][4][8]/[2] [3][3] [9][K] )
    [close range][1][P] > [4][4] [1][P] ( [4][4][8]/[2] [6][6][G], [4][3][P][+][K] )

    (edit: I double posted some of this in a new eileen matchups thread cuz this really belongs there too)
    Cnul, ajs_ and Chanchai like this.

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