What it takes to be "good"

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Drift, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Ok, with a tournament coming up I knew I needed to work on a lot of my game. So I came up with a list of what I thought I needed to practice. I then expanded that list to include what I think everybody needs to know in order to be able to compete at a high-competency level. I post it here in the hopes that those with the knowledge will write well-detailed guides to help us 'tards and for us 'tards to have a place to look to see what we need to work on and what to search for on this site.

    Here we are (in no particular order):

    Know your moveset

    Learn canned series for all characters

    Learn all characters' special stances and possible attacks

    Learn throw escape directions for all characters including low and ground

    Struggling - how to and what can be struggled out of

    Capitalize on staggers

    Evading - when, what direction, and what to follow with

    Learn when you need to escape low throws (forced crouches, TR, etc)

    Know all mC opportunities/combos

    Learn to recognize Open/Closed stance

    Be able to deal with P-Throw and dP-Throw

    Learn to recover from beatdowns

    Punish rising attackers

    Learn all characters' throw counterable moves including low/back/low-back opportunities

    Be able to delay attacks/throws to deal with ETE.

    Know your ring out possibilities

    Learn your stance- and character-specific max damage combos

    Learn to recognize and capitalize on MC hits

    Know when, where, and how to (E)(D/T/Q)TE(G), ATE, RTE, etc.

    Know when, where, and how to fuzzy guard

    Punish TR's

    Know your movement techs ; ECD, BDE, BDECD, CBDECD etc. including the ones with Guard thrown in.

    Know your flowcharts. I know a lot of people choose not to use these, but that is generally b/c they don't want to take the time to learn them. FIrst, learn a technique, then evaluate its effectiveness. Without knowledge your opinion is invalid.

    Know all your defensive options ; ETE, 2-taku, reversal, etc.

    Learn frame stats on your character's moves

    Learn frame stats on all characters' moves

    Ok, that's it. I'm sure I've left a lot out, so if anything is missing please feel free to add to the list. Also, if you care to write guides for any of these, sign in here so we can anticipate your frothy-good knowledge.
  2. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    dont suck
  3. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Young Grasshopper:
    Understand the way and the rules and don't try to struggle against the way and the rules until they're your second nature. At first a punch was just a punch and a gaurd was just a gaurd - now that I know the way a punch is just a punch and a gaurd is just a gaurd.
    Metaknowledge is the wise mans bread; know what you know and understand what you don't understand. Be humble. Learn from the mistakes of others - you may not live long enough to make them all yourselve - but don't walk in the shadow of others, seek what they sought and walk your own path.

    (If it's your first tourney and against good people your most probably fucked - just enjoy yourself. The best thing about a gathering is that your spark for VF gets stronger then ever after and you understand why you love the game / put so much effort into it more clearly after).

    If you want something more concrete (I still think what I wrote first was best), here you go.
  4. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies, but I wasn't really asking for advice. I put up the list to help newbies recognize what needed work and to persuade some of the old hands to fill in the blanks.

    BTW, it is my first tournament and I've never played against anyone who could even throw escape, so I am heartily looking forward to being bitch-slapped all over the room. I only hope that the vids will be capped so I can watch my beating again and again. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the replies, but I wasn't really asking for advice. I put up the list to help newbies recognize what needed work and to persuade some of the old hands to fill in the blanks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But you're a Noobie! /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
  6. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    just so you know,humans are way smater tan ai, when ever you see the computer do a floater and stop, humans wont. whenever you get hit and stagger, go crazy and press those buttons, throw escapes are VERY important.especially when you fight against characters like wolf,oh, or Kage-especially him since his ten foot toss is the basis for his most damaging combos. besides that, dont over hype yourself, dont turtle and do not be cheap. oh and have fun.
  7. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Ok, smurf, maybe I should have said other noobs. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    You just have to win all the time, no matter who you are up against...
  9. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    Bring a bag of cheese
  10. ChibiSushi

    ChibiSushi Active Member

  11. PIZman

    PIZman Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ValeStyle_Gove said:

    Bring a bag of cheese

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cheese wins competitions. If you're smart, you bring more than one bag of cheese - one of those bags of the little mini-wheels, and then a backup bag of a straight-up wedge of cheese. I'm SO a believer in the cheese.
  12. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    your post is cheezy!

    p.s. i couldn't have said it better, dandy J, "don't suck /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif"

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