What massive company do hate the most?

Discussion in 'General' started by GaijinPunch, Oct 7, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    So -- let's hear who it is and why you hate them so much, and how you would like to take revenge.

    For me, it's NTT, no doubt. They're worse than Micro$oft, as they have a REAL monopoly on phone lines in Japan, and even tried to STOP DSL from coming to Japan, to protect their ISDN investment if you can believe that. While there are now different local carriers, they own all the lines still. They've only lowered the prices recently for foreign competition to enter after the CIA told them to go fuck themselves when they tried to buy a huge stack in a major US internet backbone. They were forced to sell a large portion of shares, making the govt a non-majority holder. It was a pretty ugly standoff from what I heard.

    Anyways, I've forgone my revenge plot, as one of their execs turned on them, and formed Metallic -- the first DSL carrier in Japan (which I'm a proud member of -as my online gaming bills went from $200 a month for a couple of hours a day to $45 and playing MUCH more.) After that, other carriers jumped in. So, NTT goes to their fibre optic 100MB connection to the home for the low price of 14,800 yen a month ($125 ish). Usen announces a week later the same speeds for only 7000 yen a month. Gotta love that! And finally, there's now broadband phone. I can call the US w/ Yahoo's BB Phone for 2.5 yen a minute -- fuck that's cheap! But, NTT doesn't really do long distance, but still - it's nice to see the big guys get fucked. I love watching empires crumble.

    Hope this turns into a fun thread.
  2. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    I would have to say Sony for using such cheap components to manufacture the Playstation 2. Over the course of eighteen months I've had to have my PS2 repaired twice, at the cost of £70.00 on both occasions because the CD tray would break down or the lens would fall out of place. Now I treat all my consoles with tender love and care yet it's as if the PS2 is made out of wet tissue paper.

    I've owned my Dreamcast since it was launched in the UK and I've never had a problem with it to this day, my Saturn is just as sturdy too. If I remember correctly, I recall an article where the designer of the Resident Evil/Biohazard series slagged off Sony for the same reason.

    Also, I have a grievance with Square and Capcom for their poor EU conversions and public relations. The huge borders and slow speed of FFX is a crime in this day and age not to mention the lack of FF Tactics in Europe. I've also boycotted Power Stone on the Dreamcast and Devil May Cry on the PS2 to express my displeasure with Capcom for not having 60htz options. I've sent detailed letters and got no reply so, to the above I brandish the finger.
  3. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    Yeah, my MOTHERBOARD was faulty after 5 months, got it replaced for no extra charge, though. My SNES, on the other hand (ancient, obviously) which I still play hasn't broke to this day PLUS I got it secondhand (?!). I think Sony just wanted to get the PS2 out before Xbox so perhaps it was a little hastily put together... but I don't know if I'f have bought a PS2 if it came out after....
  4. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    The Crappest of all companies has got to be 3DO because they make the crappest games ever, tell me who wants to play.......ARMY MEN. The console they made was crap too.
  5. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    It's probably not fair to compare a cart based system to a CD based system. Cart systems have less moving parts (if any) so it's alot harder for them to break down *knock on wood*
  6. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    netzero. it was supposed to be free internet and then they had to go out with a stupid plan for money and then one that is free sucks badly. But I am getting dsl soon, so I shouldn't complain. lol.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Before I even read your post, I thought "Verizon"... it doesn't surprise me that our choices are similar.

    I was getting raped for long distance with verizon and got a lot of extras in my phone package that I didn't need. When I requested that these extras be eliminated they also eliminated my ability to make long distance phone calls, it was literally not doable. I didn't 'overlook' the removal of long distance, I was specific about what I did and did not want.
    I requested the long distance be put back in place but their prices were so shitty I decided against it and thought to try IDT. IDT seems like a good outfit, but I have no idea if they are or not. I requested that verizon switch me to IDT, they said they'd do it for five bucks. I said fine. I don't know if they ever got me for the five bucks, but the switch didn't happen even after I nagged them two weeks later.

    My second choice is my current ISP. They overcharge for crappy service and when I called tech support, they tried to lay a snowjob on me.
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you've got to hate the corporate world -- seems that it's a worlswide phenomena between Asia, the US, and Europe, just from the few posts we've had so far.

    I feel your pain on the DSL thing -- it took Japan a good 3 years to even get it!
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    waaay too short for a chanchai post.

    I'll take a wild guess and figure that they pretty much use africans in mines as slaves and enforce a monopoly over the diamond market with armed force.
  11. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Yup yup
  12. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    And how many original model NES systems are still semi-functional, may I ask?
    There's a reason Model 2 NES consoles are so pricey...

    As for me... Squaresoft circa 1997 onwards. *prepares to dodge rocks*
  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Generally the more MOVING parts something has the more likely it will break down.
  14. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    I'd say that the massive company I hate the most (other than M$) would be Telstra, Australia's telecommunications provider. They own the whole infrastructure for telephone lines, meaning that DSL is only available in main cities for huge prices, and that isn't helped by the fact that rescrictions like pair gains mean that DSL isn't always available, even to people in the center of the city. The cheaper alternative (but only just) is Cable but Telstra's main competitor, Optus, has just put a 3 Gb cap on their cable service (now the same as Telstra's offering) and for a 10gb cap it's 300% more. Of coarse Telstra's problems don't stop at broadband but then again I guess every country gets ripped of when the Telco companies own the infrastructure /versus/images/icons/frown.gif .
  15. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    I thought 3DO was a CD based system just like the Phillips CDi console and the Atari Jaguar CD. It was supposed to be a 64bit console but worked like a 24bit, and the price £350 for 1 control and a game as I remember
  16. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    ...yeah, though me and a friend repared an origianal Playstation that had been with some foil and tape... with only a minor risk of electricution... they just don't make 'em like they used to...
  17. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I feel your pain -- try when the GOVERNMENT owns the telecoms infrastructure. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  18. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Chill PKG
    Well that's part of the problem. Telstra are half owned by the government and half owned by the shareholders. It's terrible. Neither the government or the shareholders want to spend the money for acceptable broadband (although I wonder whether it has gotten even worse since half of it was sold of) and even though investigations are going on into why Australia doesn't have affordable and accessible broadband it's run by the government anyway so they aren't exactly going to be the ones that run out to the public and say that Telstra needs to start doing it's job.

    Anyway I'm glad I got that off my chest /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif .
  19. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    News Corp

    Rupert Murdoch= Modern Day Randolph Hearst

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