what u think of low punch attack or recovery frame

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by charleypk222, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. charleypk222

    charleypk222 Well-Known Member

    hello everyone
    what do you think of low punch attack speed or recovery frame
    , my opinion is going to be great to slow attack speed or recovery frame to reduce low smashing punch or cheap looking gameplay ,i play on psn and i`m barbarian rank and ic a lot of player higher rank always smash the low punch if they start to lost and is very hard to conter for a so easy move, thank everyone for your point of view
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    You play Wolf? [9][P][+][K] beats [2][P] up to -10. Pretty easy solution with pretty decent damage.
  3. R_Panda

    R_Panda Well-Known Member

    R Panda
  4. charleypk222

    charleypk222 Well-Known Member

  5. charleypk222

    charleypk222 Well-Known Member

  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    When people say elbow in this instance they mean 14f mid. Wolf's "elbow" is his [3][P]. Try using that immediately after blocking 2p. If you opponent uses 2p again or most other attacks you earn a counter hit.
  7. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Remember, after you block the opponents 2p you have to buffer the elbow, not do it after you recover or will eat another 2p if they do one, since it's 12f and the elbow is 14f. Buffer, buffer.

    If you do get with 2p look to see what happened.

    What I mean is look at the hit.

    - Did you glow yellow? If Yes. Prepare to attack with P or input a TE, or Evade. You can't duck in time to avoid a throw.

    If No. You are at -5 which means you need to Crouch Dash if you want to duck under highs and throws. At the very least Crouch Dash Fuzzy Guard.

    Those are some simple answers
  8. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    This move should be removed from the game. It's the only thing that mars an otherwise flawless game.

    It's unrealistic, cheap and breaks the flow of a good match.
  9. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    Training mode is good for practicing the buffering. 2P is easy to counter, once you know how to it's not a problem.
  10. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    welll.... avoiding low punch is not the issue, I think. It is just sad to see players hitting low P like there's tomorrow after you showed them it isn't going to work. Personally, It's what I meant.
  11. Plume

    Plume Well-Known Member

    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    When you block 2P, if you play online, you can't really punish it with an elbow because it will probably be interrupted by another 2P. But if they have the habit of using 2P twice in a row, you can block the second one and use your elbow.

    Other than that, how is 2P cheap? If you fight someone who spams that thing to interrupt all your strings, you can trick them by using strings that have mid/special high attacks and interrupt their 2P. Or don't finish your string, block their obvious 2P, and go with the elbow right away.

    If they don't spam it but use it often, you can predict it after a little while and use jumping attacks or just block it in anticipation. Then if they don't hitcheck properly, your elbow should interrupt their next attack.

    If they only use it once in a while, it shouldn't be such a problem.
  12. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    You're going to find that in any fighting game, it's not unique to VF. It's a FGC thing, people that spam are either young or don't care.

    Eventually it won't be much of a problem. The spammers will get bored and leave, or actually try to learn.
  13. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    Nothing is realistic in a video game. You have to understand it's there TO BREAK FLOWS, but once you understand that, you can us your opponents 2P to continue your flow.

    It's a valid defensive tactic in 3D, where projectiles are in 2D games. There is nothing wrong with it, unless you are making it out to be something it's bigger than it really is.
  14. charleypk222

    charleypk222 Well-Known Member

    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    everyone know how to conter [2] [P] in theorique but in practice is realy far to be so easy , my point wolf [2] [K] -6 but [2] [P] +4 i just feel is a bit to easy and give to much reward ,btw i use a lot of low punch because wolf have nothing safe down ,but is make fight look very ugly and cheap
    and player get very frustrated because a mix my FLOWS,im winning and a feel is cheap ,and the only way to win again this make the same or you will need to be very skillful, i`m defender rank now thankyou
  15. KarnF91

    KarnF91 Active Member

    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    That's something you will find with most characters, low attacks are not that safe on block. Everyone has 2P which goes against that. There is nothing wrong with 2P, most people just hate people that spam it.
    When I started playing this game I used 2P a lot, it does break the blow which helps. But as I've learned how to play Sarah, I've learned I have so many more options than 2P. A lot of players will eventually do a move or a string that will put them at negative frames. That gives you the chance to do more than anything 2P can do with any character. Sidestepping is another great way to avoid pressure as well and gives you the chance to go on offense.
    It's just something that comes with experience. Something that training mode really helps with. Play against the CPU in that, record command to moves that give you trouble. You'll find that in most situation where you would 2P, if you just let them finish or you side step you will have more options.
  16. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Re: what u think of low punch attack or recovery f

    Also, lots of people spam more 2P in the row, because it is... strong.
    They do not realize that getting 3x 2P as MC in a row is nice, but that they can use their advantage right after the 1st and put there some BIG dmg with up to 19 frames exe move (up to 17 in some special cases). They claim 2P is stupid and cheap without realizing that they are missing big damage opportunities just in order to spam something they call "stupidly strong move" [​IMG]

    I do not wish to attack anyone nor I do not talk about anyone specific or anything, just talking from my own, IRL experience.

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