Where are the VF4 or VF4 Evolution arcade units located?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Ryo_Hazuki, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. Ryo_Hazuki

    Ryo_Hazuki Member

    I know companies like Namco actually let you search for which arcades near you have their games..... but how do I locate a VF4 arcade machine?! I've been to some of the arcades where I live and I've only seen VF3tb in our arcade.... I'm willing to go to the next town to play in the arcade... provided it's only a 10-30 minute drive.. lol
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Letting people know where you're located would be a start... but even so, VF4Evo arcade units are quite rare in North America.
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Sega of Japan has one of these on their site... no clue about SoA though.
  4. number 6

    number 6 Active Member

    The Namco system doesn't work all that well. It relies on the arcade manager filling out a postcard or something that comes with the kit. None of the Namco machines near me ever showed up on their search.
  5. Ryo_Hazuki

    Ryo_Hazuki Member

    It did me justice in finding an arcade with Soul Calibur II.... thats about all the experiences I've had with it... since most of their other games are everywhere...

    I live in Grand Rapids Michigan and the arcades I goto are located in Wyoming and Kentwood Michigan.... but I'm willing to travel to play a nice game of VF4 against people of the same skill level or better...
  6. aok1425

    aok1425 Member

    This is the only sort of site I've come upon; it's slightly outdated, but will do the job.

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