Who's the winner?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Jul 21, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hello everyone ^^

    Sorry for the silly question, but I need that info.
    VF1 tournament: Lau
    VF2 : Akira
    VF3: ??
    Who's the "official" winner of VF3 ????

    Thanks for the response

    from Italy,
  2. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...that a tough one in my test version (UK bayswater) Akira is the last opponent so in VF2 style that would make him the winner. But I hope not. I would like Kage to have won. He had the more important reason to win. He had to find a cure for his mother who was sick after being rescued from the Dural Skin/Shell thing. So I want Kage or even Jacky. Anyone but Akira or Lau as they have already one. Heck, It should be Sarah!!! LOL.

  3. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    Lau won the VF1 tournament actually. So if it's VF2 fashion, it'd be the first person you fight.
  4. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    LOL Smart ass.... well my point still stands. Anyone but those two. COMON SARAH!!!

  5. Vicks Biru

    Vicks Biru Well-Known Member

    It'll either be Lau, Kage or Aoi. It's 6th sense.
    it won't be taka cos i don't see dead people.
    either that or the 3rd tourny will be disrupted somehow, leaving no winner.

    <font color=black>Yowai...yowai sugimasu wa!</font color=black>
  6. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Aoi? Why her? She may be a strong character but her story line is quite weak. She doesn't have a good enough reason to win. In fact, Aoi, Lion, Lau, Shun-Di, Akira, Taka and Wolf don't have any real reason to win. Pai wanted revenge on Lau for being a crap father and neglecting her and his sick and disceesed wife. Kage wants revenge on J6 for wiping out his Clan, kidnapping his Mother and scaring his face. Jeffery's way of life is on the line. If he can't afford a new boat he's toast, and that giant Saturn Shark is still around causing havoc in the seas. Jacky was crippled by J6 and Sarah was brainwashed so it's pay back time for them too. The others simply want to "test they're strength"

  7. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Hey Adio...

    Pai wanted revenge on Lau for being a crap father and neglecting her and his sick and disceesed wife. Kage wants revenge on J6 for wiping out his Clan, kidnapping his Mother and scaring his face. Jeffery's way of life is on the line. If he can't afford a new boat he's toast, and that giant Saturn Shark is still around causing havoc in the seas. Jacky was crippled by J6 and Sarah was brainwashed so it's pay back time for them too.

    Those are good reasons to enter the tourney. Winning should have nothing to do with them. Imagine me beating Kage down (yeah, right!). Am I supposed to remember that his clan was wiped out and his moms was kidnapped and let him win?
    And Jeffery can't be hurting that bad financially. He made it back for another installment, no?

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=blue>DOG</font color=blue>
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    IMO Akira is the hero of this series so that is his reason ( not personally) to win.
    Pai sure wants to win her dad but she doesn't give a shit about the game.
    Jeffery,if he could kill a shark under the water like that , he 's sure invincible and can easily be a winner.
  9. Vicks Biru

    Vicks Biru Well-Known Member


    Why I think Aoi would win.
    It has been mentioned that Kage and Aoi will have some connection in VF4.
    Which would mean that Kage's quest for the new model Dural would be related to Aoi as well.

    Pai cannot win over Lau, 'cos this would mean
    1. Revenge is hers. No more Pai in VF5. She has finally done it.
    2. Lau is supposed to be ultimate!

    Kage could win. After all he beat Akira in VF1.

    Akira could win too. But his chance isn't as high as the rest, from my guess and 6th sense.

    The Bryants won't win, either of them. They just don't have the oomph that previous winners had.

    Wolf in VF3 mentioned about stopping someone taking over the world.
    He won't win, but the story will definitely move somewhere, ridiculous it may seem. He'll be linked to Kage and J6.

    Jeff isn't really such an outstanding k'ter as far as storyline goes.

    Shun and Lion are just too out of the way to win. But interesting developments are going to happen. I'll bet a billion bucks that Lei-Fei is the 'shadow' that Shun saw at the end of the 2nd tourny, his long lost disciple. And Lion's legacy in the illegal arms trade will come out soon - supplying weapons to J6, like in the manga.

    <font color=black>Yowai...yowai sugimasu wa!</font color=black>
  10. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member


    You all make good points but I just want someone other than the more prominent characters to win. If Jacky did win that would be cool and would propel him to "A-class" status. What I'm saying is that too much emphasis has been put on Akira which IMO detracts from the other characters, when in reality any character can defeat another. There is NO super character in VF, that's it's key strength if you have the skill you can overcome anyone and this something that should be represented in the story line. Two Easterners have already won, Westerners Wolf, Jeffery, Lion and the Bryants need more attention.

  11. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Maybe it'll be Wolf. Dunno why I said it, but maybe it's his time to shine.

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=blue>DOG</font color=blue>
  12. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    I don't see why not Ghostdog. I just played a Wolf player this Afternoon. It was two all but he's one son of a gun in VF4. That blasted G-swing is back to its VF2 days when it's almost guaranteed to ring out (amazingly we kept going to Aoi and Kage's Stages) he's certainly been upgraded. But have you played Lau?! The mate of the Wolf player was a real Bad Ass. I got one match and the next 4 ended with a 3-2 point to him due to his evil rushes. Im a Sarah player and I couldn't escape him. VF4 was made for Lau! Though Akira hasn't got a chance, He's slower to me, and I just plough through him with the Kick Stance.

  13. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    But have you played Lau?!

    Yes I have.
    I don't know if you were asking if I've played Lau on VF4, but no I haven't. Anyway, I look forward to playing with Akira, Lau, and Aoi the most, and everyone else eventually.

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=blue>DOG</font color=blue>
  14. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    What I meant was, have you played against a strong Lau player in VF4? I was constantly trying to keep my distance and just stay out of his reach which, I guess is near impossible due to his dash. The guy would just wear me down with a random barrage of triple Punches then a low one or uppercut then triple punch kick (which does about 50% a turn!) To counter this I would use her elbow chop and punch sidekick combos. I've discovered that I rely to much on the new Kick stance Sarah has. It's so dynamic but, it takes time to get into it. The Lau user knew this and poked me till I was swiss cheese! VF4 has made Lau a monster. If you haven't got a counter (like Sarah) you MUST master the new dodge system.

  15. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    What I meant was, have you played against a strong Lau player in VF4?

    I haven't played VF4 at all. And I probably won't see it in any local arcades, so I'll have to hold out 'til the PS2 version.

    The guy would just wear me down with a random barrage of triple Punches then a low one or uppercut then triple punch kick (which does about 50% a turn!) To counter this I would use her elbow chop and punch sidekick combos.

    What?! No elbow-palm?!!
    I'm no VF master, and I don't want to seem like I'm telling you how to play, but low punch when he rushes high, or duck. The low punch will interrupt, and gives you a decent chance at a throw.
    But, since I haven't played VF4, I don't know if it still applies. I've heard that the low punch has been watered down throughout the series, so maybe it's different now.
    Just my two cents worth.

    -<font color=white>Ghost</font color=white><font color=blue>DOG</font color=blue>
  16. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    No problem Ghostdog. I'm sorry you can't play VF4. Damn, the PS2 release is so far away...


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