why vf is better than tekken

Discussion in 'General' started by jm571, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. jm571

    jm571 Member

    amars2016 and Stl_Tim like this.
  2. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Oh, good grief...

    Scanning through this guy's channel and I'm willing to guess that he built a shrine around his ninth Dreamcast and takes it out on dates every weekend, while still not getting over the first eight breaking on him.
    IcKY99 likes this.
  3. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Actually, the video is well made and brings up some good points. Maybe you should watch it in whole before passing judgement.
    BeastEG, Tricky and jm571 like this.
  4. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    I'll pass. Unless he was writing all of this down while waiting in an empty XBL lobby, I see a lot of time wasted on sharing an unpopular opinion while he could've just been getting better at the game he prefers.
  5. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Looks like your wasting time commenting about a game that's dead on a dead site. Shouldn't you be playing your favorite game instead? I'm confused?
    leftylizard likes this.
  6. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    That video was well done and entertaining. My only thing is why did they keep showing soul calibur 1 o_O in a video titled WHY VF IS BETTER THAN TEKKEN.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2017
  7. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Where in here was I mentioning this? I was "wasting" my time giving my word on a video that will ultimately cause a shitstorm, just like every other VFxTekken-related video out there. It doesn't achieve anything.
  8. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    @semi you admitted that you didn't watch it and your trashing it, stop. Its like saying, "I've heard for years that Bob's burgers are disgusting, so I never ate one and told my friends not to buy one too."

    Your iron fisting is waiting for you. Please go enjoy your game.

    @leftylizard yeah, it was strange, but I think he was just pointing out namco based products that seem to stem from the same root build. ex:namco is a pizza pie build where vf is graph paper.

    The video was mature and well done.
  9. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    [QUOTE="Seminasuke, post: 399357, member: 12347" It doesn't achieve anything.[/QUOTE]

    Kinda like all your NEGATIVE posts in this thread.
  10. jm571

    jm571 Member

    I liked the video a lot and will always be a vf fan... it will continue to be my fav game. I did pick up Tekken 6 and have been playing it for about 2 weeks. I suck...I mean really really suck at it and maybe that has to do with how vf is.... using separate buttons for each limb is just confusing to me and trying to plan combos is difficult....I need to give it more time obviously and I do really like the game but it does not compare to vf.....in fact I think I grasped vf faster when I first started out.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I thought it was a pretty fair video.
  12. emperorshadox

    emperorshadox Well-Known Member


    Are you on XBL ? Because I got T6 too.
  13. jm571

    jm571 Member

    not on xbl as of yet...although i am seriously thinking about considering it....
  14. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    I gotta agree on this. He probably couldn't tell you what ECD is. Sigh....fanboys aye...
  15. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    I saw it. It was straight. I liked it. But what was annoying was reading Godoku no Dan's bitching posts in the comment section. Little did all the other people know that he's just a noob ass scrub that gets ass raped by Chief Flash constantly. And all the Tekkenites unknowingly getting riled up by a VF loser fuck.... Crazy.
    IcKY99 likes this.
  16. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Last night I went 22-0 vs. Godaku No Dan.(ranked)

    22-0, let that sink in as you watch his video of the 3 total rounds he won. 3 rounds in 22 matches.

    I dont smack talk too often, but he won his first round and tea bagged, so.... I Kage crouch guard tap "jerked off" on his face 22 matches straight.

    He attacked after guarded 2p (-5) EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    Thanks to OffshoreRandy and JasonElbow for beating me that night and keeping me "somewhat" humble.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
    IcKY99, Jason Elbow, Modelah and 2 others like this.
  17. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Never oppose the sho-nuff warlord of vfdc!
    Kiss my converse!
    BLACKSTAR and Ytpme_Secaps like this.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    This video is so bad, I don't even know where to start and reading some of the YouTube comments (from both sides) really made my head hurt.

    Anyway, I think I'll write up a proper response to this video later.
  19. Jason Elbow

    Jason Elbow Well-Known Member

    Its ok now...
    Jason ELBOW AKT
    He did the same to me. We played about 15 and he won 2. But of course he posted the vid of him winning only. Also did you see that stupid ass vid he posted about Dural in VF 5 FS having Jacky's Laido Kick supposedly as a "hidden move" a' la Tekken?! Can you believe this dumb fuck!!! He even attempts to execute the move in the vid as well, so just let that sink in.... SMFH....
    Ytpme_Secaps likes this.
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


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