Will We Ever Go VF Old School or VF CLASSIC?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    With cars, we sometime go back to the old styles, big body cars,
    long devilles, peeps wearin gators and stuff.

    With sneaks we sometimes go back to old school (like wearin chucks with 2 and 3 pairs of fat laces)

    Sunglasses, damn those big ass lenses are back in style!

    Are we at some point going to do the same thing with VF?
    like go back to the old school VF2, VF4, VF4Evo like in
    a retro revolt.

    Will we ever pickup VF4 again playing Kumite mode, trying to get to battlelord, demonlord, stormlord, emperor etc. Maybe VF4 tournaments will be wats up 4 everybotty in the future.

    What about those underground tournaments in VF4 EVO. Those venus matches and mirror matches were off the hook. Does anybody still have those? Those quest-mode challenges did keep me lookin for a while.

    It would be kind-a-funny, if the ticket was all about playin old school-classic VF. What would Sega do if we all decided to go back to the old stuff 4 a while?

    Will the old games comeback just like the old school cars, clothes, hair cuts, sun glasses. Hell I heard the pitt bull is out and the doberman pincher is coming back in style /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  2. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Well, there was VF1 style characters in VF4 Evo, but that was because of the anniversary, not the retro resistance.

    I still have VF4 Evo, but only because I can't afford 360. But the underground tournies were cool. That had old school VF4 stages as well. Wall Death mode, Wrestlers battle, knockdown clash, and not to forget the Ultimate battle.
  3. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    masterpo, you've skipped 1, 3 and 3tb?
  4. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    you need to stop making threads when u are baked

    for seriously
  5. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    I'm one of the few who actually liked 3tb. But yes VF4 Evo was something else when it came to the Underground tournaments.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I mentioned VF4 and Evo, but my post really applies to all of the VFs 1-thru final tuned. Will the old versions ever become the preferred versions. The character models have went through some crazy changes.

    Just wondering whether old versions of VF can come back in style, like old cars do at the car shows /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm inclined to say no just because things that are retro and cool are such because they are intrinsically different now than they were then. Old saxophones are much more sought after than current day saxophones because they don't make saxophones right now as well as they did back in the day. VF only adds new things to the formula but really isn't taking away too much from it either along the way. I feel like it truly gets better each version while other things like cars and instruments aren't made with the same amount of care and dedication now as they were in the classics age.

    now a game like SF which changed drastically from SFIIST --> SFAlpha series --> SFIII --> SFIV

    each string of their SF games just changes so much that you can still like their retro games like ST (which actually happened). VF doesn't change in such drastic ways IMHO, which I like, I'm not saying they should be going the SF route.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm making so huge gernalizations with some of these examples but I hope the overall point gets across
  8. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    I can understand the TC point, but the problem is that unlike 2D platformers, VF1 gameplay has not been bettered. The basic of VF1 have stayed fresh despite the years, and to me they actually have never stopped being fun.

    For a re-discovery of VF1 or VF2 we would have to somehow stop looking at them as the genre-defining masterpiece they are, but that's not possible now, so maybe in 50 years time our grand-children will have a chance to see them with a fresh eye.
  9. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    hey tricky it's nice to see someone give some love to vf saying it actually get better as it goes forward. I couldn't agree more. Another problem i see with going retro is the character situation. Lei fei, brad, goh, blaze, vanessa, eileiin, jean, taka (lol, maybe not taka, are not on the first 1 or 2 vf's so if one of these is ur characters then ur kinda screwed.
    Speaking of always adding a little to they system, i would have to give props to the new OM. It is really a kinda large new element but plays in the game as if it were always meant to be there. At least IMO.
  10. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Now that I've gotten used to OM I can't see the game without them. It feels like there is a lack of mobility without them when I play VF4evo.
  11. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    The classic VF systems with VF5 graphics? I'd like that. But I'm probably the only one...
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'd seriously miss the new additions to the cast like shun and eileen. . . lion too but damn his voice.
  13. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    Games like Super Turbo/Championship Edition and Third Strike/Second Impact and the Alpha Games series still have competitive leagues in the U.S. and especially in Japan. Even though SF4 is coming out soon to consoles, people in the fighting game community are just as excited to play ST:HDR.

    For Virtua Fighter this is not the case, you aren't going to see people getting together for VF4 or VF2 anymore now that 5/5R is out which is a real shame. I still consider vanilla VF4 and 4:EVO to be the pinnacles of fighting games, shame they are abandoned.
  14. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I'm right behind you and cozby 100% on wanting the old vf4 evo/ft system back. I sure do miss the old counterable moves on block, 8 frame throws etc.
  15. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah? I was under the impression that you only cared to play the latest version of VF and refused to play VF5 now because it is outdated... quote:

    """I don't think I'll ever not enjoy watching old VF matches for fun but I can't invest time playing VF5 when it's an old version that Sega doesn't care about"""

    You keep talking shit as usual then?
  16. combo2008

    combo2008 Well-Known Member

    lol at Matteo. Virtua Fighter3tb is my fav virtua fighter game but i just recently bought vf4 evo (cost $4) for my girlfriends little brother and got a chance to finally play it. cool game
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I would vote for getting together to play VF4evo, unfortunately my PS2 and Ps2-stick supply is pretty low.

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