WNF - Weekly SoCal VF5FS Tournaments

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by akai, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Level|Up Live is hosting VF5FS tourneys on their regular occurring Wednesday Night Fights (WNF) series. According to L_A, VF5FS will be at WNFs if there is a minimum of 16 players. If you really are a fan of Virtua Fighter and would like to see it grow, please participate. If you live near enough. Go to WNF. If you're too far away, watch the stream and tell your friends to watch the stream. Then go out and make your own weekly event. [​IMG]

    The weekly tournament series is at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourneys to start ~ 9 PM PST.

    The events are streamed on Level|Up Series Channel

    Wednesday Night Fights 3.4 - June 6, 2012
    Challonge Bracket with Results / [​IMG] WNF 3.4 - VF5FS Part 1 / WNF 3.4 - VF5FS Part 2 / WNF 3.4 - VF5FS Part 3
    1. GoatCheese Blues
    2. DRE
    3. L A

    Wednesday Night Fights 3.5 - June 13, 2012
    Challonge Bracket with Results / [​IMG] WNF 3.5 - VF5FS Part 1 / WNF 3.5 - VF5FS Part 2 - Grand Finals
    1. L A
    2. DRE
    3. Rip

    Wednesday Night Fights 3.6 - June 20, 2012
    Challonge Bracket with Results / [​IMG] WNF 3.6 - VF5FS
    1. L A
    2. GoatCheese Blues
    3. Plague

    Wednesday Night Fights 3.7 - June 27, 2012
    Challonge Bracket with Results / [​IMG] WNF 3.7 VF5FS Tournament (start at ~1 hr mark) / [​IMG] WNF 3.7 VF5FS Grand Finals (start 1:55:42)
    1. L A
    2. GoatCheese Blues
    3. DRE

    Wednesday Night Fights VF Special - July 4, 2012
    The tournament was a five-person Round Robin (everyone plays everyone twice) followed by a Three out of Five Grand Finals between first and second place. M-Type had the most wins in Round Robin followed by DRE. They battled it out with a best 3 out of 5 in the Grand Finals. DRE reset the bracket and came back to win first place.

    Wednesday Night Fights Summer Edition 4.1 - July 11th, 2012
    WNF 4.1 VF5FS Challonge Bracket

    Wednesday Night Fights Summer Edition 4.2 - July 18th, 2012
    WNF 4.2 VF5FS Challonge Bracket
    [​IMG] WNF 4.2 VF5FS Tournament - Part 1
    [​IMG] WNF 4.2 VF5FS Tournament - Grand Finals

    Wednesday Night Fights Summer Edition 4.3 - July 25th, 2012
    Update: Results and Archive of event are up.
    WNF 4.3 VF5FS Challonge Bracket
    [​IMG] WNF 4.3 VF5FS Tournament - Part 1
    [​IMG] WNF 4.3 VF5FS Tournament - Part 2
    [​IMG] WNF 4.3 VF5FS Tournament - Grand Finals
    Winners: L_A, DRE, Plague.
    Weekly Rising Star Player Award goes to BL in a run-off 2 out of 3 match with Floe

    Wednesday Night Fights Summer Edition 4.4 - August 1st, 2012
    Update: Results and Archive of event are up.
    WNF 4.4 VF5FS Challonge Bracket
    [​IMG] No stream.
    Winners: L_A, DRE, Phillip S.
    Weekly Rising Star Player Award goes to Phillip S

    Wednesday Night Fights Summer Edition 4.5 - August 8th, 2012
    Update: Results and Archive of event are up.
    WNF 4.5 VF5FS Challonge Bracket
    [​IMG] WNF 4.5 VF5FS Tournament - Part 1
    [​IMG] WNF 4.5 VF5FS Tournament - Finals
    Winners: L_A, DRE, Cyborg Jon
    Weekly Rising Star Player Award goes to Cyborg Jon
  2. Kapwan

    Kapwan Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments

    Here is some more detailed info on WNF

    WNF:AE 2012 Tournament Season :
    Season 3:
    May. 16, May. 23, May. 30, Jun. 6, Jun. 13, Jun. 20, Jun. 27

    Stream Channel:

    Tourney begins at 9PM for all games!
    This is a Bring Your Own Controller event!
    Venue: $5
    Buy-In: $5 per game
    No spectator fee!
    Onsite registration only!

    Prize Distribution:
    1st 60% 2nd 30% 3rd 10%

    Super Arcade
    1211 N Grand Ave
    Walnut, CA 91789

    Super Arcade Twitter:

    Super Arcade SRK Thread:

    Hours of Operation:
    Mon-Thurs 10am-12am
    Friday 10am-1am
    Saturday 12pm-1am
    Sunday 1pm-11pm

    Level|Up President:
    Alex Valle

    Level|Up Operations Manager:
    Jimmy Nguyen

    Level|Up Stream Producers:
    AJ Papa/Frank Reyes/ Louis Vigil

    Level|Up Photography/Web Design:
    Bryan Gateb

    For more information on Level|Up events or interested in community programs and media, visit our site:

    Twitter: Follow @levelupseries
    Youtube: www.youtube.com/levelupseries

    Facebook Fan Page:

    *Level|Up is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged articles.
    *Level|Up staff can eject any groups/individuals that cause harm or malicious intent from WNF at anytime.
    *Individuals caught soliciting Level|Up sponsors/clients will be permanently BANNED from ALL Level|Up events.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments


    Thanks for the detailed write-up and your continued support of the game at WNF. See you Wednesday.


    See all of you in SoCal on Wednesday. VF5:FS at WNF is a dream come true for me. Alex Valle makes things happen. L A makes things happen. Let's all make things happen.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments

    Wednesday Night Fights VF5:FS tournament at Super Arcade this Wednesday. Casuals start at 7:00. Tournament starts at 9:00! It's like going to AI for FT, but better (because, hey, AI and FT don't exist anymore).

    This is our chance to grow a new scene. We've got people behind us. We've got whole organizations behind us. We have SEGA behind us. Let's make this happen by playing the game. Let's make this happen now.

    See you here on Wednesday: http://www.facebook.com/superarcade
  5. Kaozen

    Kaozen Member

    Wednesday Night Fights tomorrow

    anyone here in the Anaheim area or nearby that is going tomorrow to WNF that i can tag along with? would really appreciate it
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights tomorrow

    31 players in tournament. Fuck yes.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights tomorrow

    Wednesday Night Fights VF5:FS tournament at Super Arcade this Wednesday. Casuals start at 7:00. Tournament starts at 9:00! Last week saw 31 people in the tournament. Let's do 42 this time around.

    Remember, this is our chance to grow a new scene. We've got people behind us. We've got whole organizations behind us. We have SEGA behind us. Let's make this happen by playing the game. Let's make this happen now.

    See you here on Wednesday: http://www.facebook.com/superarcade
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights tomorrow

    Wednesday Night Fights VF5:FS tournament at Super Arcade this Wednesday. Casuals start at 7:00. Tournament starts at 9:00! Last week saw 30 people in the tournament. Let's do 42 this time around. Last chance before EVO!

    Remember, this is our chance to grow a new scene. We've got people behind us. We've got whole organizations behind us. We have SEGA behind us. Let's make this happen by playing the game. Let's make this happen now.

    See you here on Wednesday: http://www.facebook.com/superarcade
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Wednesday Night Fights 4.1 this week!

    [​IMG] Y'all thought you could rest. Hah. No!


    In the last season, L_A, GoatCheese Blues, DRE and Plague were regulars in the top spots. Don't sit on your ass at home and let that happen again. Come and do some BIG DAMAGE!

    WNFs are hosted at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourney to start ~ 9 PM PST. Casuals start at 7 PM PST. $5 to get in. $5 to enter the tournament.

    Last season saw 30+ players entered two weeks in a row. Looking for 40+ for Summer Edition. Let's do this!

    For past summaries of the previous events, please check the
    Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments Summary Thread. For those that don't live in the Los Angeles area, the event will be streamed at the Level|Up Live Channel.

    <iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/countdown/i36u25kr/n137/cf12/cm0/cu4/ct0/cs1/ca0/cr0/ss0/cac000/cpc000/pcfff/tcfff/fs100/szw320/szh135/tatTime%20left%20to%20Event%20in/tac000/tptTime%20since%20Event%20started%20in/tpc000/mac000/mpc000/iso2012-07-11T21:00:00" frameborder="0" width="180" height="72"></iframe>​
  10. BogusMeatFactory

    BogusMeatFactory Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.1 this week!

    I am so excited to know that WNF picked up VF5 again for the next season! Everyone out there in the Socal area sign up and support this! Why must I be so cursed by my location in the midwest!
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.1 this week!

    Win $50 - WNF Weekly Rising Star Player Award

    [​IMG]L. A. Akira and Industry VFX are paying you to step up your game!

    If you're new to Virtua Fighter, this is a no-brainer! Go to Wednesday Night Fights at Super Arcade, sign up for the VF5:FS tournament, and get the best placement of all new players. L. A. Akira of Industry VFX will then hand you a $50 check.

    This Rising Star Player Award is for new players only, so people like GoatCheese Blues, DRE, and Plague are not eligible.

    $10 Bonus! Win even if you lose!

    Win one tournament game off of L. A. Akira and get $10. Win two and get $20. So even if you lose the battle 1-2, you get $10 whether you place well in the tourney or not.

    L A. Akira is really stepping up here. Think about this: You put him in losers, then knock him out of the tournament, and get the highest placement of all new players in the tourney, you walk away with $90 of his money.

    This is happening every week. Come get some.
  12. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.1 this week!

    L_A is awesome.
  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.1 this week!

    I know it's listed, but just making sure, this is going on tonight right?

    I just updated the Northwest Players on the New Star Award and Wednesday Night Fight. Want to make sure it's happening tonight ^_^
  14. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.1 this week!

    I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow night lol
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.1 this week!

    Yeah, I was in zombie mode last night lol. My bad :p

    But now... I'm excited for tonight! And supposedly Gamerbee will be there tonight too ^_^
  16. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.1 this week!

    Yup he was there, saw him at the chevron before anything started lol and he ended up winning VF
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Wednesday Night Fights 4.2 this week!

    [​IMG] Y'all thought you could rest. Hah. No!


    Last week, Gamer Bee(!), L_A and GoatCheese Blues took the top spots and Rip earned $60 of IndustryVFX money by winning the WNF Weekly Rising Star Player Award. Don't sit on your ass at home and let that happen again. Come and do some BIG DAMAGE!

    Now there's more money up for grabs!

    Brisal73 just messaged a bit ago. He's putting his money on the line, too. He will pay players new to VF $5 every time they win a game off of him in the tournament. Send him to losers, you get $10. Meet him there later and kick him out of the tourney, BAM!, another $10 for you (or anyone else who does it).

    WNFs are hosted at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourney to start ~ 9 PM PST. Casuals start at 7 PM PST. $5 to get in. $5 to enter the tournament.

    Last season saw 30+ players entered two weeks in a row. Looking for 40+ for 4.2. Let's do this!

    For past summaries of the previous events, please check the Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments Summary Thread. For those that don't live in the Los Angeles area, the event will be streamed at the Level|Up Live Channel.

    <iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/countdown/i378tbi0/n137/cf12/cm0/cu4/ct0/cs1/ca0/cr0/ss0/cac000/cpc000/pcfff/tcfff/fs100/szw320/szh135/tatTime%20left%20to%20Event%20in/tac000/tptTime%20since%20Event%20started%20in/tpc000/mac000/mpc000/iso2012-07-18T21:00:00" frameborder="0" width="180" height="72"></iframe>​
  18. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.2 this week!

    I love the bounty idea, RIP got $10 lol
    I'll definitely watch.
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.2 this week!

    [​IMG] A couple years ago, If someone had told me there would be weekly offline VF tournaments in 2012, I might have laughed. Turns out I'm laughing now... because we're having these tournaments AND they're awesome!


    Last week, L_A, DRE and GoatCheese Blues took the top spots and Rip earned $50 of IndustryVFX money by winning the WNF Weekly Rising Star Player Award, plus he took $10 off Brisal73! Don't sit on your ass at home and let that happen again. Come and do some BIG DAMAGE!

    The extra cash incentives continue!

    WNFs are hosted at the Super Arcade in Walnut, California with the tourney to start ~ 9 PM PST. Casuals start at 7 PM PST. $5 to get in. $5 to enter the tournament.

    Last season saw 30+ players entered two weeks in a row. Now we've seen huge numbers for post EVO action: 16 one week and 19 the next. Looking for 40+ for 4.3. Let's do this!

    My favorite moment from last week.
    The whole fight starts here.

    For past summaries of the previous events, please check the Wednesday Night Fights - Weekly VF5FS Tournaments Summary Thread. For those that don't live in the Los Angeles area, the event will be streamed at the Level|Up Live Channel.

    <iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/countdown/i37jjb81/n137/cf12/cm0/cu4/ct0/cs1/ca0/cr0/ss0/cac000/cpc000/pcfff/tcfff/fs100/szw320/szh135/tatTime%20left%20to%20Event%20in/tac000/tptTime%20since%20Event%20started%20in/tpc000/mac000/mpc000/iso2012-07-25T21:00:00" frameborder="0" width="180" height="72"></iframe>
  20. Shingin

    Shingin Member

    Re: Wednesday Night Fights 4.2 this week!

    Hey Guys,

    You may have noticed we will be having persona 4 arena during wnf starting on the 8th of August for a test run. We will not be getting rid of VF5:FS until we have like less than 5 people show up for the tournament. I'm also the community rep for this game so if you have an questions regarding levelup, trb or wnf, you can pm me here or on twitter.

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