Wolf vs. Akira

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by MrWhite, Dec 10, 2001.

  1. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Granted it doesnt seem like it, but I've noticed Wolf has been having a serious win streak (in my area) against Akira.

    I play both and most players do aswell up here. But it seems everytime Akira <font color=white>| FCs | croush dash |</font color=white> he gets grabbed on a<font color=white> | sidestep | slide grab |</font color=white>. And everytime he pushes Wolf off with <font color=white>d+P</font color=white>, its almost like auto-counter<font color=white> | d+P+K |</font color=white>. Although Wolf doesnt get too many frame rates in which he has priority, the "guessing game" | yomi | is definatly on Wolf's side. I'm actually hearing bitching from strict Akira players /versus/images/icons/smile.gif! Never thought I'd see the day...

    Although Akiras usually buffer a <font color=white>RTE</font color=white> after being reved on the low punch, the <font color=white>low reversal -> | sidestep/low grab | sidestep/mid-shrm MC/ P (G)/ heavy toe kick-side kick |</font color=white> works beautifully. Seems like timing is a bit slower from Wolf's part so to mix Akira's quick<font color=white> RTE-ing</font color=white>, which whiffs during the sidestep.

    Obviously most of the pressure in the matches comes from the Japanese side of things, while Canada boy is dodging and poking. Most grabs get reversed, on both sides ('cept for <font color=white>fake grasping mind/revbc</font color=white>, but slow to come out). Some Wolfs also waste time on floor to ease pressure (get a bit of damage from pounce/punch) and setup a <font color=white>TR</font color=white> throw (most get reversed | so whole sequence is for nothing except waste clock time + take initiative from Akira). This is the basis of the bitching. Shit, it was so funny, I had to do it too /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif! And works rather well...

    We all know what Akira can do on his side, so this is just a little strat post for Wolf. Feel free to post some of your own sequences/setups for these characters against each other.
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Although Akiras usually buffer a RTE after being reved on the low punch, the low reversal -> | sidestep/low grab | sidestep/mid-shrm MC/ P (G)/ heavy toe kick-side kick | works beautifully. Seems like timing is a bit slower from Wolf's part so to mix Akira's quick RTE-ing, which whiffs during the sidestep.


    Ok. Umm...what??!

    Really - I would to respond intelligently, but I can't understand your post very well. I get an idea, but what's with the ||'s?
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    wolf and akira are my BEST players, i will NEVER put them against each other!! noooooo never!!
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Really - I would to respond intelligently, but I can't understand your post very well. I get an idea, but what's with the ||'s?

    I'm guessing they mean 'or' even though he used one too many.

    and bare_knuckle: way to spam!
  5. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    | | = Just my way of separating strings of moves. I'll reiterate : Akira pushes off often enough with the <font color=white>d+P</font color=white> during fights, well Wolf has 3 solid options regarding it; <font color=white>Low reversal , sidestep+low grab, sidestep+medshoulder (MC)+P(G)+heavy toe kick+sidekick</font color=white>. All 3 take off about the same damage. The Akiras usually buffer <font color=white>RTEs</font color=white> (instead of attacking) after the low punch after being tricked once by Wolfs. Thing is that the sidestep on Wolf's part is just long enough for the <font color=white>RTE</font color=white> to whiff and give priority to the canadian. The whole sequence forces Akira to slow down and ease pressure, thus a good strat against him.

    Make more sense? Sorry if the first time was uncomprehensible, I'm french /versus/images/icons/smile.gif.
    BTW, Wolf's <font color=white>| b,f+P+K,P(G),b+K+G,K |</font color=white> is a beautiful thing.

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