Wolf's Combo

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Mister, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I was wondering if anyone would like to share some infos.

    Here's what i have right now.

    [3][K]+[G] [9][P]+[K] (big bounce) [P] [1][P]+[K] [4][K]+[G] for 83 damage.

    I'm pretty sure you can use a different ender like [6][6][K]+[G] like some japanese player used to to

    then i'm not sure how maximize the damage from [4][6][P]+[K]

    Right now i do something like
    [4][6][P]+[K] [P] [9][P]+[K] [4][K]+[G] 78 damage, good oki pressure

    [4][6][P]+[K] [P] [9][P]+[K] [​IMG][3][6][P] [6][6][K]+[G] for 86 damage.

    same fore the [6][P]+[K] starter

    [6][P]+[K] [P] [9][P]+[K] [​IMG][3][6][P] [6][6][K]+[G] for 80 damage.


    [4][P] i just follow with a punch then the screw hook until i found something more powerfull.

    And about wall combos i found these 2 videos:


  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Screw Hook at the end of the [3][K]+[G] combo instead of [4][K]+[G][K] may be a better option. Works on all characters I think except Taka (and possibly stance dependant on heavyweights and Jean - second hit will whiff).

    I need to do some proper practice this weekend.
  3. Okiron

    Okiron Active Member

    i'm using [6] [3] [2] [1] [4]+ [P], [P] in the end of the first combo. Looks like it works on everybody
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I can't edit anymore my post [​IMG] otherwise i could keep track of every combo in this section. I'm using the screw too now and it's definetly better than [4][K]+[G][K] as ender from [3][K]+[G] combos.
  5. otter

    otter New Member

    any of you have a combo starting with [6] [+] [P] [+] [K] [+] [G], [K]

  6. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I've got combos for counter hit [6][K], normal hit [4][6][P]+[K], [3][3][P]+[K] and front and back Deadly Move [P]+[G] here.

    Knee (Counter Hit)
    [6][K] (CH) -> [2][P] -> [1][P]+[K] -> [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] (86 damage)
    Eileen - Closed only
    El Blaze - Closed only

    Aoi - Open and Closed
    Sarah - Closed only
    Shun - Closed only
    Pai - Closed only
    Lion - Open and Closed
    Vanessa - Open and Closed
    Dural (R) - Open and Closed

    Lau - Closed only
    Kage - Closed only
    Lei - Closed only
    Brad - Closed only
    Goh - Closed only

    Jacky - Closed only

    Dural (M) - Closed only

    [6][K] (CH) -> [2][P] -> [​IMG][3][6][P] -> [4][6][P] (76 damage)
    Eileen - Open and Closed
    El Blaze - Open and Closed

    Aoi - Open and Closed
    Sarah - Open and Closed
    Shun - Open and Closed
    Pai - Open and Closed
    Lion - Open and Closed
    Vanessa - Open and Closed
    Dural (R) - Open and Closed

    Lau - Open and Closed
    Kage - Open and Closed
    Lei - Open and Closed
    Brad - Open and Closed
    Goh - Open and Closed

    Akira - Open and Closed
    Jacky - Open and Closed
    Jean - Open and Closed (82 damage)

    Dural (M) - Open and Closed
    Wolf - Open and Closed
    Jeffry - Open and Closed

    Taka Specific
    [6][K] (CH) -> [6][P][P] (63 damage) - Closed only
    [6][K] (CH) -> [4][K]+[G][K] (62 damage, recovers faster) - Open and Closed

    Short Shoulder (Normal Hit)
    [4][6][P]+[K] -> [P] -> [P] -> [9][P]+[K] -> [​IMG][3][6][P] -> [6][6][K]+[G] (96 damage)
    Eileen - Open and Closed
    El Blaze - Open and Closed

    Aoi - Open and Closed
    Sarah - Open and Closed (Timing on open is tight, use below combo for 3 less damage)
    Shun - Open and Closed (Timing on open is tight, use below combo for 3 less damage)
    Pai - Open and Closed (Timing on open is tight, use below combo for 3 less damage)
    Lion - Open and Closed (Timing on open is tight, use below combo for 3 less damage)
    Vanessa - Open and Closed (Timing on open is tight, use below combo for 3 less damage)
    Dural (R) - Open and Closed

    [4][6][P]+[K] -> [P] -> [9][P]+[K] -> [​IMG][3][6][P] -> [6][6][K]+[G] (93 damage)
    Lau - Open and Closed
    Kage - Open and Closed
    Lei - Open and Closed
    Brad - Open and Closed
    Goh - Open and Closed

    Akira - Open and Closed
    Jacky - Open and Closed
    Jean - Open and Closed
    Dural (M) - Open and Closed

    [4][6][P]+[K] -> [P] -> [1][P]+[K] -> [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] (80 damage)
    Wolf - Open and Closed
    Jeffry - Open and Closed
    (Note: the middleweight combo possibly works on Wolf, but the timing is tight)

    Taka Specific
    [4][6][P]+[K] -> [​IMG][3][P] -> [6][P][P] (70 damage) - Open and Closed
    [4][6][P]+[K] -> [​IMG][3][P] -> [4][K]+[G][K] (69 damage, recovers faster) Open and Closed

    Regret Discharge
    [3][3][P]+[K] -> [2][P] -> [1][P]+[K] -> [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] (74 damage)
    Eileen - Closed only

    Dural (R) - Closed only

    [3][3][P]+[K] -> [2][P] -> [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] (60 damage)
    Eileen - Open and Closed
    El Blaze - Open and Closed

    Aoi - Open and Closed
    Sarah - Open and Closed
    Shun - Open and Closed
    Pai - Open and Closed
    Lion - Open and Closed
    Vanessa - Open and Closed
    Dural (R) - Open and Closed

    Lau - Open and Closed
    Kage - Open and Closed
    Lei - Open and Closed
    Brad - Open and Closed
    Goh - Open and Closed

    Akira - Open and Closed
    Jacky - Open and Closed
    Jean - Open and Closed

    Dural (M) - Closed only
    Wolf - Closed only
    Jeffry - Closed only

    [3][3][P]+[K] -> [2][P] -> [6][P][P] (57 damage)
    [3][3][P]+[K] -> [2][P] -> [4][K]+[G][K] (56 damage)
    Dural (M) - Open and Closed
    Wolf - Open and Closed
    Jeffry - Open and Closed

    Taka Specific
    [3][3][P]+[K] -> [6][P][P] (51 damage) - Open only
    [3][3][P]+[K] -> [3][P]+[K] while downed (51 damage) - Open and Closed
    [3][3][P]+[K] -> [4][K]+[G][K] (50 damage) - Open and Closed

    Sky High Shoulder Throw (Front)
    Deadly Move [P]+[G] -> [9][P]+[K] -> [4][6][P]+[K] -> [4]+[K]+[G][K] (92 damage)
    Eileen - Open and Closed

    Aoi - Open and Closed
    Sarah - Open and Closed
    Pai - Open and Closed
    Lion - Open and Closed
    Vanessa - Open and Closed
    Dural (R) - Open and Closed

    Lau - Open and Closed
    Kage - Open and Closed
    Lei - Open and Closed
    Brad - Open and Closed
    Goh - Open and Closed

    Jacky - Open and Closed
    Jean - Open and Closed

    Dural (M) - Open and Closed
    Wolf - Open and Closed
    Jeffry - Open and Closed

    Deadly Move [P]+[G] -> [9][P]+[K] -> [3][3][P]+[K] -> [6][P][P] (89 damage)
    Eileen - Open and Closed (Delay the [6][P][P])
    El Blaze - Open and Closed

    Aoi - Open and Closed
    Sarah - Open and Closed
    Shun - Open and Closed
    Pai - Open and Closed
    Lion - Open and Closed (Delay the [6][P][P])
    Vanessa - Open and Closed
    Dural (R) - Open and Closed (Delay the [6][P][P])

    Lau - Open and Closed
    Kage - Open and Closed
    Lei - Open and Closed
    Brad - Open and Closed
    Goh - Open and Closed

    Jacky - Open and Closed

    Dural (M) - Open and Closed

    Best combo for Akira
    Deadly Move [P]+[G] -> [9][P]+[K] -> [3][3][P]+[K] -> [6][P][P] (86 damage)

    Taka Specific
    None - He can recover before any attack actually will combo.

    Sky High Shoulder Throw (Back)
    Deadly Move [P]+[G] (back) -> [9][P]+[K] -> [P] -> [1][P]+[K] -> [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] (114 damage)
    Eileen - Open and Closed
    El Blaze - Open and Closed

    Aoi - Open and Closed
    Sarah - Open and Closed
    Shun - Open and Closed
    Pai - Open and Closed
    Lion - Open and Closed
    Vanessa - Open and Closed
    Dural (R) - Open and Closed

    Lau - Open and Closed
    Kage - Open and Closed
    Lei - Open and Closed
    Brad - Open and Closed
    Goh - Open and Closed

    Akira - Open and Closed
    Jacky - Open and Closed
    Jean - Open and Closed

    Dural (M) - Open and Closed
    Wolf - Open and Closed
    Jeffry - Open and Closed

    Taka Specific
    None - He can recover before any attack actually will combo.


    Annoyingly with the Deadly Move [P]+[G] ones, Akira had the highest damage one in Vanilla C, but the lowest in this one. There was also Deadly Move [P]+[G] -> [9][P]+[K] -> [4][6][P]+[K] -> [6][6][K]+[G] that seemed to work as well on everyone up to Dural (M) for 91 damage, but my inputs are off now after testing all day, and getting annoyed at finding things that do more damage after I've tested with most of the cast and having to go back and test again, so I'm not going to test them now.

    I'll be working on more tomorrow. I'll do the Deadly Move K ones as well.
  7. otter

    otter New Member

    Thanks Ash! Heaps of helpful info. I didn't even realize you could combo from Deadly Move [P] [+] [G]

    I assume open and closed means in relation to the stage boundary, correct?

    Any more info you post will be put to good use.
  8. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    The Deadly Move combos are easier to pull off if you hold [G] to turn around before doing the [9][P]+[K].

    Open and closed refers to foot positioning. Closed means both characters have the same foot forward (i.e. both have their left or right foot), and Open is the opposite feet forward. If you imagine the circles in the diagram below as the feet of player 1 and 2, I hope this makes it clearer and not confuse you.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Code:</div><div class="ubbcode-body ubbcode-pre" ><pre> 1 2 | 1 2
    o o | o o
    o o | o o
    Open | Closed</pre></div></div>
    At first, it may not seem too important or it may seem overwhelming if you're just starting out, but don't worry. A lot of stance specific stuff has been removed in FS, and the stuff that is usually isn't that much more powerful.
  9. alexbib

    alexbib Member

    Hi! I think I've got a better combo against Taka starting with 46P+K: 9P+K, P, 6PP for 79 dmg, seems to work in both open and closed. Also, I think it's required to hit G between P and 6PP to clear the buffer.

    PS: I'm new, would someone point me to a thread that explains how to get the nice move icons other people use for notations?
  10. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You're right. That is a better combo. I'd edit my post but the time limit for editing has finished, so I can't. I'll add it to my next big post. Thanks for pointing it out.

    Also, to add icons, you need to put a : before and after each input, so for instance using : P :, : 4 : and : 6 : (without spaces) becomes [P], [4] and [6]. For moves like Vertical Smash and Reverse Sledgehammer that have charge inputs, you put an underscore after the numerical direction, so : 2_ : (again without spaces) becomes [​IMG].

    Finally welcome to the forums.
  11. Sithlord

    Sithlord Well-Known Member

    Here are my Wolf combos. I put a few of them found in this thread in the video as well.

  12. Zass

    Zass Well-Known Member

    against Taka, I like


    75 damage, and easy to do. Works both open and closed.
  13. Zass

    Zass Well-Known Member

    I forgot the [+] symbol, it should be

  14. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Ok heres my 2 cents, now I'm not sure how often this will work but I was playing around with this:

    [6] [G] [+] [K](stagger the opponent) [3] [G] [+] [K]/ [9] [P] [+] [K]/ [P]/ [1] [P] [+] [K]/ [6] [3] [2] [1] [4] [P] [+] [P] - 117 damage! I didn't try it on everyone, but I know for damn sure it doesn't work on Taka
  15. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    [6][K]+[G] stagger can be canceled pretty fast - there is nothing "guaranteed", not even jab.
    Tough if your opponent is slow in here, feel free to exploit it for sure [​IMG]
  16. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I figured it would never be guaranteed damage on a good player who would mash out of stun.

    heres a another quick one that starts with Normal hit [6] [P] [+] [K]:
    [6] [P] [+] [K]/ [P]/ [1] [P] [+] [K]/ [6] [3] [2] [1] [4] [P] [P] - 74 damage (doesn't work on Taka)
  17. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    my few cents (juggles):
    [3][K][+][G] > [9][P][+][K] > [​IMG][3][6][P] > [6][6][K][+][G] - 79 dmg
    [3][K][+][G] > [9][P][+][K] > [P] > [1][P][+][K] > [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] 87 dmg

    [6][P][+][K] > [P] > [9][P][+][K] > [​IMG][3][6][P] > [6][6][K][+][G] for 80 dmg, but this will not connect to everyone
    [6][P][+][K] > [P] > [1][P][+][K] > [4][K][+][G][K] for 70 dmg on the heavier ones

    [6][P] > [P] > [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] for 56 seems to be most I am able to dish out of this

    [1][K][+][G] > [1][P][+][K] > [P] > [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] for 70 dmg

    [4][3][P] > [1][P][+][K] > [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] - 73
    [4][3][P] > [1][P][+][K] > [P] > [6][6][K][+][G] - 75 can not came with anything better tough I will say there MUST be something

    [3][P][+][K] > [​IMG][3][6][P] is all I can get out of it
    [K](MC) > [​IMG][3][6][P] is guaranteed up to Jacky it seems, if you manage to buffer it in on reaction

    And quick question:
    for [6][K] (MC), I found that sometimes after [2]P: > [​IMG][3][6][P] my opponent does not flop over, so he can easily techroll following [4][6][P]. Anyone knows what I am doing wrong? I did not find any patter in this, is simply sometimes work and sometimes it does not [​IMG]
  18. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Does not work on Jacky in both stances as well, did not test other heavier characters yet
  19. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    got some time with wolf, few edits:

    [4][3][P] > [9][P][+][K] > [P] > [1][P][+][K] > [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] - 94 dmg

    [​IMG][3][6][P] - 46 dmg
    [1][K] - 40 dmg

    deadly [K] best followup seems to be [4][P] juggle for 76 dmg total

    edit: or you can go deadly [K] into [4][K][+][G][P][+][G] the damage is not guaranteed obviously, but
    a) it is superstylish
    b) it is still 33/33/33 chance for awesome damage
    c) you can get 107/102/87 damage out of it, wtf
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    few new findings:

    [3][P][+][K] (ground attack) - 56

    [9][P][+][K] into:
    [​IMG][3][6][P] - already known - 39
    [6][2][K] - 37
    [3][P][+][K] (ground attack, guaranteed) - 49 dmg lol!

    [1][P][+][K] into:
    [3][P] (ground attack) - safe and guaranteed - 41
    [4][6][P][+][K] - 41 dmg and awesome [4][3][P] okizeme against techroll
    [6][2][K] - 34 with some style

    [4][6][P] - it is not actuall jugle starter, but... if opponent fail just ukemi, BIG damage guaranteed!
    [6_][P] [1][P][+][K] [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] - 91 (!!!) dmg
    this SEEMS to work against anyone up to Jacky (on Jacky for sure), did not test it on Jeff/Wolf.
    I also get into some testing of wolfs wallgame and this is what I find:

    1) Moves giving you direct wallsplat

    2) indirect splat
    a) moves giving you wall stagger
    [3][P][+][K] (M / 18 / -4)
    [​IMG][3][P] (M / 16 / -4)
    [6][K] (M / 17 / -8)
    [4][P][+][K] (H / 19 / -3)
    + usual [P][+][K] max charge and [6][K][+][G]

    As you can see, all this moves are pretty much safe on guard

    b) moves giving you wall splat out of stagger
    [4][6][P] - 16 frames (+most damage)
    [3][K] - 18 frames
    [6][6][K][+][G] - 18 frames + buffering
    [4][6][P][+][K] - 20 frames
    you can also add [3][3][P][+][K] here, but it have some weired properties and I do not like it. Besides, it is 17+ buffering

    Nothing is guaranteed here, it is possible to mash out of this. Because of that I am giving you also the frame data

    3) Actuall wall juggle
    damage calculated for [4][6][P][+][K] splat; this should be universal juggles for everyone, hopefully
    [P] > [9][P][+][K] > [P] > [1][P][+][K] > [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] - 79 dmg
    [P] > [9][P][+][K] > [K][K] > [4][K][+][G][K] - 87 dmg

    and last, but not least... After any of 2a moves, you can try to go for [6][3][2][1][4][P][+][K]:[P][+][G] for nice (and on hit guaranteed!) 91 (!!!) dmg out of 22 frame special high move

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