XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' msg

Discussion in 'Console' started by POKUS, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. POKUS

    POKUS Member

    Hi guys,

    Been playing online on the Xbox360 since yesterday and noticed that I often could not connect to a session when looking up opponents in ranked matches (either Quick match or Custom match option). What's up with that message? I get about 70 % of the time!!! Very annoying... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  2. Kurenaii

    Kurenaii Active Member

    It just means that somebody else got to the person before you.
  3. POKUS

    POKUS Member

    wow! That`s a lot of times it happens though... so you guys are all experiencing this on a heavy frequency? (60-70% of the time)
  4. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    could also be router issues with the other player but don't worry. It happens a lot to me aswell, it's not you.
  5. Duckguin

    Duckguin Active Member

    Yep. That happens a lot to me, too. I've usually had better luck doing a custom search and just leaving it open (could be total coincidence, though).

    What's worse is when the connection drops out *during* the match. Like you've just kicked El Blaze in the head, the announcer starts to say "KO" to tell you that you've just won the Ranking Match, and then you get dropped... yeah.
  6. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' ms

    There is no definitive proof that this is a router issue at all. If for some reason it is, then its a simple NAT problem which can be fixed in a matter of minutes. However I get the issue quite a bit and have correct settings to avoid such a problem. Also when I host a session with the create session option I never get the issue, If it was such a common router issue then I would get it when people tried to connect as well.

    I believe the creator of the session is in fact the host of the two connections. If thats the case this common, assumed, router issue, would be more the just a frequent annoyance. Packets would constantly be dropped and games would lag out almost always. If ONE person has a NAT issue you can still sometimes connect to a user and the issue would then appear mid game.

    Basically the issue of "unable to connect" is simply you have attempted to connect to a game that has already been filled and just happens to still be in the queue.
  7. Kurenaii

    Kurenaii Active Member

    Re: XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' ms

    'Tis why I make my own sessions. It doesn't take long for people to join up.


    Auvii, I fought you before. I'm that trash Aoi player. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
    Mind if I add you? Maybe we can get some more matches in sometime?
  8. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' ms

    Sure! That would be awesome.
  9. Outkast

    Outkast New Member

    Re: XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' ms

    I get this in Guitar Hero 3 alot too. Since these are 2 player games, the server list just isn't fast enough to update, so when you go to quickplay, right when you are connecting to something, somebody else got it first, then its gone, then you get the message.

    At least thats what I think it is. Chances are that I am probably wrong though, hehe.
  10. POKUS

    POKUS Member

    Re: XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' ms

    Thanks for the info guys... at least I know I`m not crazy! lol!
  11. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Re: XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' ms

    Yeah, I think the game just shows some players as available even though they're not. It could be a little slow to update. I hope there's some future patch to update this because it happens quite often.
  12. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' ms

    Sometimes you get the message, scan for matches again, and the player you tried to connect with earlier is still there.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: XBox Live: ''Unable to connect to session'' ms

    yeah it's TOTALLY annoying! Makes me want to smack the something. . . someone.

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