I want Elf Shoes.
I gotta say, I'm with MADrox... I don't get the impression he ignores anyone except veterans, he was simply saying who he respects. I see nothing...
Shun vs. Kage or Lei Fei. Always a blast to watch.
Fayetteville is only about an hour and a half from NOVA. Disreali and I may make the trip up if we have the time. Also, I should, you know......
Whoa whoa whoa... there's a southern virginia? When did this happen and why did no one tell me?
I don't have too much in the way of problems with it myself, but I haven't spent much time on a stick with VF so it's probably just me. I do...
Anyone still have a working Dreamcast? I would love to play some Mars Matrix. Oh, and Metal Slug is officially better than Contra, if only for...
I've done some tinkering tonight, and, best I can tell, Shun can always go straight into Sou Koku Kyuu moves without drinking right after a cancel...
Opera Mask seems to be the fourth (I went something like Warrior, Veteran, Gladiator, Assasssin) rank after master, whichever that may be for you....
In my experience, simply holding the direction you need as fast as possible will work. For example, after a chouwan (down to forward P),...
Hey it's Matt (the Shun guy). Thanks for the fights last night all. VA crew, let's do that more often. Josh and I are just around the corner,...
Separate names with a comma.