smurf is back smurf is slowly going byebye smurf is a commie smurf is now on 4 linux distros smurf is the leader of the whole smurf village smurf...
[ QUOTE ] Shadowdean said: Ohh ohh ohh <thumps chest> ohh ohh [/ QUOTE ] Translation = Oh yeah baby you know what I like. Bring it, it's...
Re: Quit with the dumb stereotyping Nicely put and now can we end this freaking thread since I'd would never expect it to last this long. [img]
Re: Daioh clips - mirrored in DivX format. Trust me if it wasn't for the knee that kind of floating combo would not be possible. That freaking...
[ QUOTE ] Sudden_Death said: look to raider's avatar, that's shakira. but... imo, without a doubt, most beautiful girl i've ever seen is...
[ QUOTE ] afroconnexion said: [ QUOTE ] NinjinSan said: I don't... I want Shakira instead!! [img] [/ QUOTE ] Amen to that [img] [/...
[ QUOTE ] Shadowdean said: Flying balls of buddah. [/ QUOTE ] I want to see more Smurfu fighting. [img]
The lad probably got a hot british chickie at his pad. [img]
After knocking out Clifford in 49 seconds damn dude. Was it luck or him getting his game back? I'd just watched the Fox interview and I think he...
Ok, for all you VF Otakus out there. No, I am not going to shorten my nick to either kungfu or smurfy. [img]
Hey Josh, thanks for being such a great host and all your chauffeuring me around D.C.. I really appreciate your advice on trying other characters...
You're all freaks I tellya, All of ya! [img] blondie: stop opening your mouth when you're playing it's bad VF manners, hehehe. [img]
Oh damn it and I thought that MeatBoy would be a better nick for me, oh well. [img]
Hey Tetsuo and anyone else, if you're dropping by CTF gave me a PM since I only work a couple of blocks away from there. I can take a short break...
Too bad I was looking forward towards seeing you in that intimadating mask of yours again, hehehe. [img]
[ QUOTE ] finally someone who aint "afraid" to say they care about VF's storyline! i also do care for it, no harm in that. [/ QUOTE ] Wow,...
Dude, your avatar is awesome. Too bad you're used for yourself already. Now I can't use it as my own [img]. Make another akira if you can that's...
dude, it's not there. [img]
Hey, can you make me one of akira? [img]
Separate names with a comma.