[29 Mar 2013] FINAL ROUND 16 (Atlanta, GA)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by ShinBlanka, Oct 15, 2012.

Start Date: 29 Mar 2013 08:00 AM
End Date: 30 Mar 2013 02:00 AM
Time Zone: America/New_York -04:00 EDT

Hilton Atlanta Airport
1031 Virginia Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30354

Posted By: ShinBlanka

Confirmed Attendees: 15
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  1. ghabstopr

    ghabstopr Member

    It was great to see VF present there this weekend, many thanks to everyone who made it happen. GGS to everyone and big thanks for all the tips and tricks, it helped me learn some cool new things and break some bad old habits. Haven't really been plsying the game too often these days, but I'd love to jump back into it more regularly if time allows and I can find some people to play with again.

    I was the Akira player btw... I don't recall seeing any other Akiras if that helps differentiate things lol
    ToyDingo, BLACKSTAR and Feck like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Thanks, Trykt. And thank you for pointing out one of my greatest weaknesses while in casuals. I have plenty to study up on for Sega Cup now

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Oh, and people who keep asking me about vids, please work with me, because I'm trying to figure out how to convert .flv vids to .mp4, so that I can actually edit them before uploading them onto youtube
  4. Steel_Samurai

    Steel_Samurai New Member

    Hey guys, I was a Jean player at the event that went by Steel, it was nice playing in a VF event that wasn't local for a change.

    I wanted to say thanks to Trykt and Drift for the the casuals and the company during the event, nice meeting and playing you guys.

    Also shoutout to Heaton, for giving me my most intense tournament set of VF yet.

    Most importantly thank you Blackstar for running the event and being an awesome TO. Sacrificing your spot because of a bracketing mistake was very nice of you, and I don't think many people would have do the same in that situation
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  5. Trykt

    Trykt Well-Known Member

    Was great to meet you Steel! I wish we'd gotten to play more games, I really liked your Jean's style. Hope to get out and meet you Arcade Legacy guys at more events!

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Steel and Ghabstopr -- I can't thank you guys enough for coming through. Seeing guys like you two who turned up are a big part of the reason why the tournament turned out so well
    ghabstopr likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    This file-conversion crap is mad annoying, so I'll just put this grand finals vid up for now. Next, I'm gonna find a good conversion program and then be able to adjust these vids to my liking before putting it up

    P.S. Jussayin', my hatred of the PS3 console has increased after this weekend. I can definitely feel the offline lag that's due to the PS3 internal structure. Totally messed up my just frame moves in casuals :mad:
    BlueLink likes this.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    What TV's did you use? Did you switch them to game-mode? etc etc.

    I expect lag to be caused by the TV much more propable than PS3 internal lag..
    However I still hate PS3 due to the unnecessarily encrypted AV signal stupidity.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    The monitors were the same exact monitors that I use to play VF at home (on xbox), the ASUS VH236H, the "EVO monitor" -- which, if I'm not mistaken, the rest of the tournaments at Final Round were also using the same monitors.

    So no, the lag had nothing to do with the monitor, but with the notable timing difference betweenthe xbox and PS3 console versions of VF.
  10. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    This myth regarding PS3 has internal lag has been debunked already. There isn't a difference and I'm pretty sure there is a Japanese site that tested both versions. As well as other games.

    Capcom games are another story though lol...
    Aion, Richkwondo, BlueLink and 4 others like this.
  11. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    Last year at Final Round- the Sega Reps made a point to show the PS3 and 360 versions side by side to debunk this. I was there for that.

    I couldn't make it this year due to sequestration - but I will be able to hit TFC. I just hope I don't need to win fight money there.
    Aion likes this.
  12. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I'm going to agree with Blackstar on this.

    Not to make excuses for my crappy play, but I was having extreme difficulty pulling off Sarah's just frame kicks as it felt that there was a bit of lag between my inputs and what was on screen.

    If it was the PS3, the monitors, or random magic, I dunno...but something was up. Otherwise, it was an enjoyable experience...
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Just for the record, I don't blame SEGA for the lag in timing. I blame Sony, because from my research, I believe the lag has something to do with their USB ports.

    So the fact that I have to retrain myself just to play Sarah on a different console shows how noticably different the game is on each system.

    Yes, Sony. I hate you. :mad:
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Just quoting this.

    If you had lag it wasn't coming from the game, the only difference with the PS3 version is that netcode.
    Banana_Subordinate and llort like this.
  15. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Whatever it was coming from, it was there, it was noticeable. Again, not enough to kill/ruin the game, but enough to make you say "Dafuq? How'd that punch not come out?"
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Again, I'm probably gonna redo these vids, once I get this conversion issue straight.

    Loser's FInals: Blackula vs. Drift

    Loser's Semi Finals: Blackula vs. EG | Justin Wong

    EG | Justin Wong vs. Steel

    BlueLink, Richkwondo, Trykt and 2 others like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Just being totally honest, I don't know how you guys can come up to me and tell me that the lag wasn't coming from the system. First of all, I'm putting faith that you guys (Feck, Jide) ACTUALLY played both versions within close time proximities of each other (which, of course may not be true, and personally I doubt it is. but hey, maybe I'm wrong). My experience is from running the tournament and playing casuals all weekend (PS3), to playing the game on my home console (xbox) within less than a 24 hour subsequent period. ON THE SAME MONITOR. NOT the same brand monitor. Not the same kind of monitor. THE SAME EXACT MONITOR. Same stick as well (though I also used other sticks at the tourney).

    I practice my just frames every day for the past 9 friggin' months. I hit them (no joke) about 90% of the time on xbox. I know because I literally tested doing Sarah's FL P2KKK and STEP KKK for about 30 minutes at around 1am last night (using Taka as my opponent, since FL P2KKK/STEP KKK doesn't knock him down). I can literally count the number of drops I had on 2 hands -- and honestly, most of that was from switched of timings between FL P2KKK and STEP KKK. Playing on the PS3 during FR casuals, my success rate dropped to around 20%.
    Like, literally, every 5 times I tried just FL P2KKK, I would land the entire thing once. This change is significant.

    I don't understand why you guys are trying to 'defend' the PS3, when even I'm not the only one saying there is a 'noticable difference' playing on the PS3. I've actually tried giving Sony the benefit of the doubt -- this is the THIRD PS3 console that I've bought. This is important, I'm not bashing the system just because -- this can literally affect my performance in tournament. Unless you guys have got some hard proof otherwise, don't try to come up and tell me its some kind of figment of my imagination or some other issue I didn't take into account.

    As a matter of fact, even IF you have some kind of 'test' or 'proof', it doesn't really even matter. Firsthand experience shows that the difference IS THERE, IS NOTICABLE, AND HAS TO DO WITH THE SYSTEM ITSELF.
  18. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I have no problems executing just frames on PS3 offline, and don't miss them often online, even in extreme lag. If you're complaining this hard about PS3 maybe you better skip SEGA Cup...
  19. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Hey, i'm not defending the PS3, any chance I get to shit on Sony I'll take it.

    Proof is proof though, if it's been tested and proven that there's no difference between the versions then you have to look at the other hardware involved or your imagination.
  20. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    There's really no point in continuing this line of conversation. Those of us in the room that day could tell that there was a bit of delay or "lag" or whatever the hell you want to call it.

    Whether it was the PS3, the monitors, the streaming/recording software, the smog in Atlanta, some random voodoo, or that fat chick that kept randomly entering the room (seriously, who the hell was that?), there was a delay. It was noticeable.

    Yet, we all can and will agree that the outcome of the tourney was determined by the players' skills or lack thereof.
    Feck likes this.

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