a terrible day for me

Discussion in 'General' started by VFnumbers, May 19, 2008.

  1. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    thank you guys on vfdc for ur support
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I've never understood why certain groups of people try to reduce each other to the lowest common denominator. I see that all the time in certain minority groups where the disenfranchised members of that race try to prevent others of the same race from succeeding...

    I used to see that all the time in high school and I never understood why they did that to each other, it's just jealousy and hatred and it's wrong. I'm so sorry that happened to your brother, maybe he should think about trying to leave Lowell. The future is not bright for that city...

    By far, the most important thing is that they will be alright. I'm glad to hear they will be OK. I will pray for your brother's health too.
  3. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i agree with u gernburgs lowell is dangerous as hell every time i go visit my brother there it feel like there always some kind of unrest among asians there. they tend to think wearing certain colored clothing represents a rival gang and that is plain stupid.
  4. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I know! What colors are you supposed to wear? Our society has a lot of problems and they become very apparent in certain places, I think Lowell is one of them. I think there is a lot of depressed people there who have really given up on being happy. They are miserable and misery loves company.
  5. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    I really hope everything will be alright for you and your brother's situation vf5395, best of wishes.
  6. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    I am happy and relieved that they are recovering. It really sickens me to hear about this kind of violence and really any kind of violence in general.

    I live in the outskirts of a couple of not so good neighborhoods. One day a few months ago after I came home from work, I heard there was a shooting down the block from where I live. It was scary and sad at the same time. People are just so crazy these days. Everyday when I wake up I always hear negative things on the news most of which consist of people getting murdered. It's absolutlely disgusting and it makes me wanna cry honestly.

    I hope your relatives get the justice that they deserve. I mean 30 people? What the fuck!? Fucking cowards. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    I was in an all day meeting at work today. I sat by this group of girls that talked about gang culture about gang tats, shootings, parties, fights, drugs, etc,. What I thought was sad was they thought that the only thing that wasn't cool was people getting shot at. Evertything leads to this and quite frankly it disgusts me.

    While I don't condone tattoos or parties I think tatoos related to you being in a past or current gang are pointless and should be removed or covered up till you can afford removal, I'm also kind of leary of who I party with. The VFDC group is a great group to hang with and I highly doubt I will ever have any problems with them.

    Once again vf5395 my deepest sympathies and speedy recovery to your brother, and all those affected by random acts of violence. here's to hoping are culture will change for the better.
  8. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Really sorry to hear that best wishes,
    I'd blame the people in charge in the course of decades, centuries etc who haven't helped bring about the right conditions for providing, food , clothing , shelter, education etc for the masses, thats what happens, most humans will become animals given the right circumstances (war zones extreme example etc).
  9. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Holy hell, Im khmer and I can't believe this is what "our" people are involved in such things!!! My family came to america to get away from the poverty and corrupt government, we where refugees. It seems like youth have forgotten what hell their parents had to go through in order to get here. Man this very sad to hear, I hope your brother gets better. People take shit for granted in america, try living in a 3rd world country and those gangster assholes wouldnt make it through the night. Just makes you hate humanity.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    In the days of the caveman, mammoths and glacccccccieeersssss!
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you fully should expect that of "their" people.
    Shit love the racial undertones in here.

    Back on Topic,
    VF5395 you know you have my support bro, if you and your fam
    share strength of character comparable to your your VF game they
    should be back on their feet in no time.

    I've been there before with a shitload of bangers trying to beat
    your ass luckily I didn't get the worst of it.
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I don't think that this topic is addressing any one race in particular. What happened to VF5395 wasn't a racial attack and it's not about "our people" or "those people".

    It's just another senseless act of violence that has affected one of our members of this VF community.
    If any fingers are getting pointed it's at our violence-friendly-culture and the gradual increase of violence in society as a whole.
    I know, I know, this is from a guy who's an Army vet on a FIGHTING game forum but hey, I don't condone REAL-LIFE violence to resolve things just bc I play fighting games, watch The Sopranos and UFC. I believe in self-defense, not senseless-offense.

    Our current culture IS fucked up but we can't put all of the blame on our entertainment, violent behavior does not come from the things we watch or hear, it comes from the things that we do. I have cousins that grew up playing all of the GTA's, learned how to fight and grew up in the ghetto and they're exemplary citizens.
    Why? Because they were raised right. Upbringing is the key.
    If those wannabe-gang members that attacked VF5395's family had proper upbringing, they wouldn't be out in the streets looking for trouble.

    Anyway, medieval times and wild-West days were much worse and what kind of games were they playing? What kind of movies or music were they watching and listening to?
    Proper parenting and mentoring > violence in the media.
  13. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    I was going to say something funny, but tony's comment was to profound to follow up with shannanigans. I worked for 2 yrs as a youth counselor and I can tell you first hand that all the kid who had problems, you could look at thier parents and know exactly why they had problems. the kids who were exemplary, you could usually look at thier parents and understand that too. It takes a lot less forsight and intelligence to make a kid than it does to raise one. Usually those who are the worst at it have the most kids too! But thats just the way it is.
  14. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    my parents came from cambodia in 1982 after all the hardship they been through. they raised me my brothers and sister 2 be respectful, show kindness and help others.
  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I agree with what you said Tony. I was particularly referring to
    the post I quoted with "our" people and gernburgs post to be
    exact. I wasn't really referring to the topic with my first
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    This is what I meant... Here's a quote from a black writer from ESPN, originally about Kimbo Slice. I don't think this applies to just black people though as I've seen many different groups do it to each other...

    <span style='font-size: 11pt'><span style='font-family: Times New Roman'>"Of course, the pain of it all is somewhat dulled by the fact that none of this is really new. Ever since the first House Negro spied on the Field Negroes in exchange for a clean pair of pants, it seems the jealousy and selfishness within my community has always played a key role in hindering its progress.

    If you speak with good diction, you're not black enough.

    If you agree with white people, you're an Uncle Tom.

    If you stop hanging around bad influences, you're a sellout.

    We never deal in nuances, only absolutes, all the while shifting from an ideology of "we shall overcome" to "you better get yours cuz I'm getting mine." From Slice to the cast of "I Love New York" to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright (who recently re-emerged in the public eye to spew his nonsensical rhetoric, injecting Barack Obama's campaign with more controversy in the process), whatever remaining ties that bonded the black community during the civil rights movement are being shredded, repackaged and sold to the highest bidder. In a world where anyone and everyone can be a 15-minute star, dignity is freely being exchanged for a book deal, a hit record or a reality show."</span></span>
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    My apologies, my mistake.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Funny thing is Gernburgs this is just true of poor people or
    uneducated people in general. White trash if given the
    opportunity will rip on upward bound white people. You just
    don't see it as often because white trash and upward bound
    white people generally don't occupy the same space.

    I knew white kids in trailor parks that tried to improve themselves only to be dragged back down the shitter. God knows
    the same trailor trash kids would pick fights with the white
    college jock if the numbers proved right.

    It's a CLASS problem. Misery loves company as someone else
    says. It's also the human condition sadly to want to put
    someone else DOWN due to where the are from, where, talk
    blah blah.
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Funny you say that cause afterwards I thought of a very good example and I realized it... My sister had a serious relationship, and a kid, with a person I would personally describe as white trash.

    He worked at Burger King with his mom, no I'm NOT making this up... He wanted to get a new job and she kept giving him shit about it like, "What??? You're too good for Burger King???" Which sounds so fucking dumb, but that's what she really thought.

    I can't imagine my own mother being offended if I wouldn't work at Burger King.

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