A VF Outdoors competition

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by CrewTW, Jun 8, 2003.

  1. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Oh im sure, shall I post some IRC logs for you?

    I instigate when its VF related sure. Your previous comments are full of it. I never take things personal like you said. I don't instigate on a personal level, only on a VF level. If its taken personal, it sure as heck AINT ME. (unless referring NOW to rich, you or FL)

    You dont BUY your friends respect, YOU EARN IT. and like all relationships you keep those which are most benficial. I keep reliable, hardworking friends. They Give and I Give what I can back. Thats the way a VF freindship should be built and kept.

    And your timeline is WHACKED.

    It's VF thread is all friendly before my posts.

    Creed quotes something from IRC, which was actually a response to ANOTHER point I made on irc to ilicit more flames.

    Thread after CREEDS comments and my reply gets ugly.

    ROLL YOUR EYES ALL YOU WANT TOO cause you cant challenge me for anythying. Point out what I cant take credit for? (I didnt take credit for Top GUN other than pointing out that I have as much a right as jedi or any member of any team to post about the gathering)

    Sorry but KAZU going to CTF was looking for VF4 EVO and EVO players, without Adam and I there would be no EVO machines with players in this 9 Mil city unless you wanted to pay $1-$1.50 a game with shitty sticks.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Creed looking for a conflict by taking something from IRC (which is considerably narrowly targeted) and turning it into a PUBLIC VFDC post.

    Pfft, you still fail to take responsibility for your comments.
    Like I said, if you didn't want them to be public, don't put them out to the public. You'd have to be retarded to assume the comments would go to 39 idlers and Dodee.

    When are you going to get it?
    Andy's theory: Nothing said online counts.
    Reality: It ALL counts. If it didn't, you wouldn't ban people from gatherings in a fit of spite. You could write off ANY comment or post as just "online fluff".

    Andy's theory: IRC is a place to make an impermanent, easily overlooked troll that only a handful of people will ever see.
    Reality: IRC is filled with VF forum posters. Shit gets seen and spread to other IRC regulars. Everything gets logged automatically. Nothing you say is going to stop at whoever is awake on IRC at that particular moment.

    The bottom line for my post is this:
    You make a bold and insulting statement by implying that NOBODY could possibly beat a Kazu+whoever team, and that if it weren't kazu, new york would inevitably win... even if the team had been, say, "andy+sal".

    If you're going to insult dozens of people, I feel they have the right to see that insult and respond. If you don't like the results... then take my earlier advice. Shut the fuck up.

    The 10 seconds of satisfaction you might have got by bragging on irc... was it worth it, for all of this?

    PS: If you keep hovering there waiting to jump on my replies... you're going to have 1000 posts in no time too /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif. If the forum is meaningless fluff, what're you wasting your time for?
  3. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member


    If someone kept it all VF all the time I'd be fine with it.

    IRC has what 40 people at most at any given time? And maybe 10 people I care to targer a mass message too, which makes it about %25 of the whole. Wheras I wonder what % it would be on VFDC...Sorry thats fucked up.

    I made the comment that I was sure an NYC team would win cause of having and training with Kazu. Isn't that clear? I thought I won that point...oh wait I did.

    How is that insulting? Insulting to you since your favortie team didn't win? Its no more insulting than "RYAN" would definately have won if he was paired with a stronger player. Its just not an insulting comment. Its something you consider insulting. By your logic a Ryan comment such as the above one should be insulting. Sure i'll take responsibility for my comments, which one is that? The one that came true? If I wanted to brag about it, then I did it on IRC to probably the same group that I wrote the comments that came before your quote and the event. Are you just sore what I said happened?

    Online fluff is fun dont you think?

    It aint gonna stop me from not allowing players to come who show blatant disrespect. VF related is one thing but you DON'T DISS a person outside VF unless you are looking for a conflict.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    lol andy, sure... if you hadn't made the comments, the thread would have been ruined by my famous trolling. I would have made something up if you hadn't provided it. That's how I operate....myke likes trolls for mods.
    Dude, you ADMIT that you're a troll - then act like "I only troll about VF, so that makes it ok." It's like a guy in the KKK saying "ok, I troll, but it's ONLY about how much I hate black people."

    (I didnt take credit for Top GUN other than pointing out that I have as much a right as jedi or any member of any team to post about the gathering)

    Bullshit. This is a blatant lie. Don't try to weasel out of it. You keep talking about how people have stayed at YOUR place and used YOUR equipment:

    Sure I wasnt there, but whose equipment were people using? Whose projector A/V stuff helped power the event?

    You DO try to take credit, just like you tried to take credit for a new york win that you had NOTHING TO DO WITH. You act like kazu wouldn't have won if he didn't get in 3 months of casual play against ny thanks to the versus city cabs you "provided" him at CTF.

    The fact is, kazu won with over a dozen months of serious play against JAPANESE players, thanks to versus city cabs in OSAKA.

    You wanna take credit for promoting the scene, but you just hurt it by making up stuff and trolling for a reaction.
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    How is that insulting?

    It implies that the worst new york players are better than anyone else in north america. And by the way, if it WASN'T insulting, then why did others take it the same way I did? If nobody felt this way except me... you wouldn't be banned on vfhome, you wouldn't get cornholed every time you post on the board, you wouldn't see any sort of reaction when I "troll" by making your "targeted audience" comments public. In short, someone outside of ny would back you. But you barely get backing from 2 guys out of the 'double digit VF community' that you helped 'create'.

    It aint gonna stop me from not allowing players to come who show blatant disrespect. VF related is one thing but you DON'T DISS a person outside VF unless you are looking for a conflict.

    Bottom line is it's allll VF related to you. You define your friends by their ability to play VF and how they react to talking VF shit. Someone doesn't like VF shit-talking? They're not your friend. I'm the case in point. You said "who's taking things personally? certainly not me." ... yet you ban imf after he makes a COMPLETELY innocuous post about the gathering, based on something >I< said... something you took personally.

    Hey, if I say "all this shit is just VF-related message board fluff" and showed up at the next nyg, would you let me play or would you try to bounce me? That'll be the true test of your bullshit claim that "I'm cool with it as long as we keep it VF."
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    On crack or not, I wanted to defend IMF. He's the one of the most unassuming VF players I've met. It sounded to me that he was telling it like it is. NYC won fair and square. NYC won because they had Kazu on their team. I don't see anything wrong with that.

    I don't think he deserved your reply.

    I think the last part of his post was good instructions on how to save face for NYC and improve their standing in the VF community. I don't think he was dissing you in any way.

    Nobody knows if NYC would've won without Kazu. I don't think it's worth talking about beyond that. The next tournament may show the world that NYC CAN win without Kazu. If you ban everyone from attending, who's going to know?
  7. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member


    I responded to a comment I made on IRC BEFORE THE EVENT HAPPENED.


    AFTER, LEMME REPEAT, AFTER the event I sent a message on IRC. Now again....targeted audience, less than .0xxxx something % of all of VFDC....

    YOu brought it up on VFDC dont deny it. And had you NEVER brought it up, would have heard so much as a peep out of me? No....obviously since I didnt write anything TILL YOU GOT INVOLVED..... can it get any clearer to you, that YOU MADE THE CHOICE TO BRING IT TO VFDC?

    .0xxxxx% Creed...

    Also ITS ABSOLUTELY TRUE people have crashed at my apt in previous gatherings, THIS includes FL.

    At TOP GUN people used my equipment. This is TRUE. People didn't stay at my apt for TOP GUN. I already said MULTIPLE EVENTS.

    YOU'RE the IDIOT for saying it was a lie. WAKE UP

    YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON for posting shit about a gathering you didn't goto and the fact is you;re not even a part of a TEAM. LEMME EMPHASIZE, YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THE TEAM, LEMME RE-EMPHASIZE that had it not been for you bringing it here I never would have made a post....I NEVER WOULD HAVE POSTED


    Its you HATERS that try and take the credit away.

    I answer point BY POINT your posts, WHY DONT YOU GO 3 POSTS BACK and answer my points...


    Accordinfg to my TIMELINE was it your choice or MINE to take it to VFDC? IS MY EXPLANATION CLEAR as why I kept it all to IRC?


    0.xxxx% creed....0.xxxx%
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hey, I heard they are lifting your IRC ban...so come on in and lets get it on!!! BLOOD, death destruction!
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Sorry andy, trolling is trolling. It means shit to me if you write in on a slip of paper and roll it into a bottle and drop it off the coast of west palm beach. It's trolling whether it's vfhome or VFDC. So why did I choose to bring it to VFDC? Because trolls deserve to get smacked down and this is the fastest way to ensure you get what you deserve.

    What you can't believe or understand is that I AGREE with your summary of what you said - and I STILL consider it TROLLING. You bragged on kazu before the event, and you bragged on him after the event, and the only thing worse than a sore loser is a poor winner. Did it ever occur to you that not a single person on vfhome would appreciate some jackass coming on saying "TOLD YOU SO TOLD YOU SO WE GOT KAZU POWER WE WIN FOR FREE"?

    YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON for posting shit about a gathering you didn't goto

    Lol, looks like I joined the club then. You're the founder.
    Your "point" about a small audience isn't worth a damn. Even if 40 users on irc is only a fraction of the number of people on VFDC, the fact is ALL FORTY ARE REGISTERED VFDC USERS. So what are the odds that your comments wouldn't reach VFDC?

    The point I keep trying to make... whether you address 10 VF players or 100... either way, what you say is engraved in stone. Your comments can't be taken back once made, and they are PUBLICLY KNOWN among the VF community at large within five minutes. Honestly, isn't that what you're shooting for? You love an audience as long as they sit still for your trash talk and don't fight back.
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

  11. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Well none of your post takes away from the fact that it was your choice and not any of the other 40 to bring it to VFDC. In the last big thread we had it was the same issue. You had brought something from IRC into VFDC. I didn't notice anyone else doing it. Yeah I was targetting you and I was targeting a few select people on IRC. I just didn't like having it on this board. You can try and smack me down as much a you want with people who went to the events and people who care. It seems like IRC/ICQ/AOL is much more appropriate.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    MadNYC said:

    Well none of your post takes away from the fact that it was your choice and not any of the other 40 to bring it to VFDC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Make that 39 people.

    I was going to post the IRC quote originally, but CreeD had just beat me to it. It's just a real damn shame that you had to ask dodee to paste that message of yours, you just couldn't resist could you? And all this In a channel where nobody wanted to hear what you had to say (about anything), a channel where you were currently banned from. Dodee even asked us, at the time, if anyone was interested in hearing what you had to say about NYG. After the 5 or so minutes of absolute of dead silence (or total uninterest?), a few replies came back to the tune of "nobody cares, go away". Unfortunately, dodee pasted anyway.

    Honestly, what were you expecting by getting dodee to pass on your message? A reaction? A response? A pat on the back? Well, how's 2 out of 3 sound? And I'm sorry nobody here is sensitive to your forum-phobia issues, but if you're gonna show a lack of respect to others then how can you expect any to come your way?

    Regardless of who your audience was, I couldn't help but feel offended by your attitude, and I was going to see that your ego didn't go unchecked. Facing the consequences for your actions doesn't always have to suck you know?
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    we were thinking in irc that this thread would involve u as well ^0^
  14. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    btw wtf is this thread doing in the jamboree section, plz move!!! Dont spam your rants here and waste peoples time !! /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  15. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    I thought fighting games were a one-on-one test of individual skill. Where does all this 'team' bollocks come from?

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