Aggressive or Defensive for VF5?

Discussion in 'General' started by VFJackyFan, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Wait, what? [​IMG]

    That's... about same as what I wrote [​IMG]
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    @TheWorstPlayer: LOL my air is way to cool 4 dat.


    UR missing the point my friend. I allow my opponent to press the attack and dictate the pace, because I wish to learn what attack he has and what pace he thinks he would like to dictate.
    Once he has won between 20 and 40 matches, he will never win again, unless he dramatically ups his entire skill set.

    @Jigohro I have achieved complete victory at loss. That's my entire style I will let the agressor beat me every way he can (never the same way twice) and once he runs out of end-games, then its my turn [​IMG] At that point I understand his/her soul,
    and I have looked into their hearts and have found their fear. It takes a great deal of patience to endure loss after loss waiting for your opponent to speak his mind and reveal his inner fear. Sacrifice my friend is a lost art I sacrifice between 20 and 40 matches per player to fully understand their combat style, and to totally exhaust their technique vocabulary, then I cease
    to be the student, and begin to teach the ways of Shaolin.

    In the Shaolin temple, there are three kinds of men. Students, disciples, and masters. Development of the mind can be achieved only when the body has been disciplined. To accomplish this the ancients have taught us to imitate God’s creatures. I have learned Crane,Snake,Mantis,Tiger, and my primary is Dragon. From the crane we learn grace and self control. The snake teaches us suppleness and rhythmic endurance. The praying mantis teaches us speed and patience. And from the tiger we learn tenacity and power. And from the dragon, we learn to ride the wind. With the fire and passion of the winged dragon, there is no discord. Between the supple silence of the snake, and the eagle’s claws, there is only harmony. As no two elements of nature are in conflict, so when we perceive the ways of nature we remove conflict within ourselves. And discover a harmony of body and mind, in accord with the flow of the universe. It may take half a lifetime to master one system, and I my young students have lived many lifetimes [​IMG]
  3. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    With all due respect masterpo.
    I always thought it to be really neat that you are so into martial arts and Shaolin arts in particular.
    I don't see how the logic of losing many battles in real life, to learn how to deal with certain things (which is correct, I agree) transfers to VF.

    I mean, I don't see why you can't analyze your opponent AND win at the same time. Many players have been doing that for years with success, why does is seem so hard from your point of view?

    Anyway, bottom line. Why lose 20-30 matches? It's like making a country shoot all the nukes at you, so they are left with none... well, you're left with no country by that time.
    Learn through winning as well... Only losing isn't a victory... it means one sucks.
  4. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Dear masterpo, I'm afraid I cannot agree with that philosophy. What you describe is not learning how to fight - it's learning a particular opponent. Like I wrote above, in the case of overly defensive posture, before you get a chance to retaliate, the match may be long finished with you as the loser. Depending what are fighting for, readiness to lose for the sake of learning may cost you a medal, your pride, nothing, or your life.

    You say it may take a few dozens of losses before you figure out your opponent and are able to handle him easily from that point onward - but it's mastering a person, not the art. Another opponent will throw your timing off, and another, and another after him. To learn the style, you need to stay relaxed and react to the opponent's moves during the fight, not only after the fight is done.

    Stay relaxed, attack and react to the opponent's reactions, and the most skilled/focused one will prevail.

  5. Hazzerone

    Hazzerone Well-Known Member

    What a stupid question this is.

    You win each round in VF by having more health than the other person. Whether it means time out or K.O by the end of the round you must have more health than your opponent.

    VF is all about defence. Without defence you CAN NOT beat good players regardless of how good your offence is, I cannot imagine an expert of yomi and attacking with poor defence beating top players consistently.

    Although dealing damage is important it's nothing like comparable to having more health than your opponent, that's the only way to win in this game.

    If you think playing by the rulebooks is good defence though then you are mistaken. I am/was a very moral player always going for FG/ETEG but just because they are the "best" options it does not mean they are the only options and the defencive techniques certainly do have weaknesses. I now see I must be unpredictable and mix up FG/2P/random evade.

    EDIT: Seems to me like OP realises that his defence is shit and that he will abare like a madman, but is looking for reassurance that that is perfectly acceptable.

  6. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member


    /thread? [​IMG]
  7. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Laughed so hard
  8. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    It doesn't matter what you eat, it all comes out in the end.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Aggressive play for me. A little less so with Vanessa than Eileen, cos i don't feel i have to be as close. As my defence has improved, i've been able to spend more time applying my offence.

    I don't really mix up my play style at all, i just try and make educated guesses on defence to give me the initiative so i can attack.Offence is easy. It's when you have to work your way around an opponents defence that things get complicated.

    I don't think being moral or abare has anything to do with being aggressive or defensive, but rather is all a part of defence. I could attack constantly but in a moral way. Moral play wouldn't defensive. I could also backwalk all day with Eileen whilst abare'ing like a nutter. The Abare wouldn't make you call me aggressive.
  10. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Mostly aggressive, even my defence just seemed to be counter agression lol. But I'm having a go at playing Akira and taking my time working on defence atm.
  11. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    everyone seems aggressive no wonder i over think the situation expecting too much lol
  12. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    All 3 of those choices can actually either get beat or neutralized with a single check and option.

    If someone waits:

    They see the fuzzy guard and 0f.
    They guard the 2P and attempt to use the adv.
    They see the failed evade and strike/throw.

    So add some other options in there too man, like just crouching for a period of time, or backdashing, or crouch dashing and staying down, box stepping, or stair stepping.

    It's alot more than just those 3 choices you mentioned.
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You know this man! Like the other day you talked about the difference between you and socials Lei Feis. I'm used to playing you and your defensive while Social just blitzes like he don't give a fuck. Makes sense since Lei Fei beats out a lot of shit.
  14. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    ya ive noticed numbers lei fei revolves more around being out of range against opponents by taking advantage of leis stance while being just in range to attack. very good zoning with his lei
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Aggressive != abare imo.

    When I say I play aggressive, doesnt mean I dont defend. It means that I attack immediately when I have the chance without hanging back laying eggs. Sure I abare like half the time but those are with perfect knowledge what Im doing.
  16. EfreeteG

    EfreeteG Well-Known Member

    I think that its quite wrong to say that either agressive or defensive style is best. Mixing up this 2 main strategies is the way to win also i think that Ro is better and faster method to win sometimes and could be done at disadvantage also.
    p.s i try to play diffrent styles but mainly i rely on counter hits...

    Kage:Waga michi ni makenadonai
  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    You must be a kage player.
  18. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    There is no "best" style. A style of play is exactly that. When you become really good you will have your own style of play that you can force on your opponent.
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Griever, is winning so important? I am dead serious when I tell you guys I spent the last five or six years in VF learning how to loose. [​IMG] really I have absolutely mastered loss. In the process I have learned how to control every aspect of a match. I control the pace, I control spacing and distance. I control ringouts and the wall game.
    I've learned to absolutely master(I mean master) the clock. My last 77 losses have been time up [​IMG] because I wished it so.

    @jig @Griev, I can decide exactly how much energy I have left when I loose. If I want it to be 2% and time up or 90% and time up. If I want to loose in the first 15 seconds I can. If I want to loose within the last 3-5 seconds, I can.

    This ability is far better than winning. [​IMG]

    It will eventually make sense. Defense is superior.
  20. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Y'know Po, if I were on my ps3 and all I could do with my VF is play against A.I. I could lose anyway I want as well; try losing anyway you want against real people. You spent the last six years on how to lose in VF? I feel sorry for you man.

    Is winning important? Of course. Is losing important? Of course.

    Losing is important, it's how you learn from your mistakes and when losing you don't turn to someone like Shin. You don't lose so you can get better at losing though, you lose so you can get better at winning.

    The point in a game or real-life competition of some sort is winning, you will lose some in the process but the ultimate goal is winning. If everyone had your mentality to just keep losing and keep losing then there would be no such thing as sports or competition.

    Just my opinion on the matter. [​IMG]

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