AMK Funland

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by feii, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Haf u played at Hougang b4?
  2. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Anyway, i'll be there around evening 5 - 6 pm... Catch me...
  3. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Btw, maybe you can write up a petition or something and pass it to the arcade managers if you want them to change the settings so badly.

    <hr></blockquote> Sigh....... @ Bugis their joysticks/buttons are always getting spoilt and when I tell the "technicians" (they have quite a number, altho' only one guy knows his stuff, trust me) they always say there's nothing wrong. With this level of professionalism/service, do you think they'll even want to listen to anything us arcade users say??? Hmph. I'm pretty pissed off with Bugis, actually, esp. after this incident which happened some time ago when this "technician" threw a hissy fit when my bf told him that the button was spoilt. He slammed the machine shut, cursed at him, and said a lot of nonsense. Pretty tired of repeating what exactly happened; I've described the scenario before in a previous post somewhere, I remember.

    Bottomline is: the arcade people don't give a shit about what we say. I considered boycotting them, but couldn't withstand the withdrawal symptoms of not being able to play vf4. lol /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif Nah, kidding lah.

    But I'd definitely think twice about spending as much money as I did last time on vf3 compared to on vf4 now. Not worth me spending so much, with the types of conditions we have to bear with. The arcade owners want to save their $$$ right? So let's save our $$$ too!!!!!!!
  4. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Hougang

    Haf u played at Hougang b4?


    #1: I don't know where the arcade in Hougang is.

    #2: After reading about you complaining about the joysticks there, I don't think I'll bother.
  5. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: Hougang

    less rounds + less time for a match = more money for the arcade......they usually won't change it unless you know the technician personally./versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  6. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    who did you speak to regarding changing the price? I do not know who has the power to do such things. Maybe we can turn out today and approach them together and tell them we have many more friends at bugis who do not live close to AMK but is willing to make the trip if they set it to 3 squares.
  7. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Any of you going down today?
  8. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    kiat just called me so most probably quite a lot of us will be at AMK today (SAT).
  9. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    I wonder what time you guys will be at AMK today. Really want to play with you, kiat, feii and pinkgirl again.
  10. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    ARGH i got something on today~~~ =~~~
  11. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    this is to everyone.ill be down on sunday~~ come come.then we go eat good stuff at amk.haiz.i gpt something on on sat. =~ but confirm sunday ill be down.
  12. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    ahhh heck lah i go down now.hehe cant resist temptation.hehe.but ill stay till 6+.u noe its me when u see a lousy Aoi =P
  13. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    feii, can we haf a head count on the attendance on Sunday? I can only make it after 8pm... If u guys r going down any earlier, haf some nice warm up yeah?

    I'm quite recogniz'able' by juz looking at my Lau... Upknife, Superknife.... and 'stumbling throw'... As for my Akira, like wat feii described for his Aoi... simply simple with intimidating super-dashing elbows.... but dun expect me to DLC....
  14. oldtimer

    oldtimer Well-Known Member

    2 squares 1 credit play is fair imho.

    Arcades in general are having a tough time surviving, with LAN cafes being what most kids frequent now a days.

    Last thing I want to see is all my favourite arcades going bust and closing shop. Think Lido Wywy.
  15. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    SummErs, the cinema is now being torn out from the insides. There are works going on now. I guess Jubilee cineplex is the movie house now. Just been there are saw the men pulling out the seats and false ceiling is ripped off. Even the ceiling just outseide AMK Funland is ripped off. I guess they have better plans. AMK Bus Interchange will move next to this "former" cinema. Imagine the crowds!
  16. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    Lido WyWy? I think of David at Country Funworld. Sad it had to go. VF3 was not very welcomed by the VF2 people. It closed. Always remember him and his generosity. I organized the VF2 competition there and gosh I remember I was dressed as Kage! I still have the photograph that was taken. David, Chris, I think Alan was in it! Maybe I'll scan it and post it up to share. It's a little dark though. It was taken in the arcade. Well, you know the lighting in arcades. Well, AMK Funland is the exception. Comparatively bright by many standards.
  17. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I'd love to see that old photo at country funworld if you have it. That was a looong time ago... =)
  18. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    this is the arcade at uhmm
    beauty to beauty world?
    small..dark...need to climb a flight of stairs first?
    Had a big ass VF2 machine there?
    If so..that's where I 1st played VF1 !

    Lotsa good memories of that place.
    Such a long time ago..I can still remember all those funny events that happened there:)
  19. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    huh?i described yr akira?anyway ill be down tomo afternoon.dunno if they wanna stay for long though.
  20. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    You better be down today. 'Tua' me. Come awhile only.

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