An assasin trained in ... Judo!!??

Discussion in 'General' started by wombatvvv, Sep 22, 2002.

  1. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Too bad Ryo is queer in a non gay way.
    For the next instalment of Shen Mue the soundtrack should feature the village people and Village people music should play everytime he asks for sailors.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I think I speak for most of us here wombat when I say that you have an uncanny ability to speak from youre ass.
    Did it take a lot of practice or does it come natural?

    I think I speak for most of us here Almaci when I say that you have an uncanny ability to spam a thread and insult others without any reason.
    Did it take a lot of practice or does it come natural?

    Seriously, what is your problem here? Have you taken personal offence to wombat's comments? I don't see anything wrong with what he's saying, especially after his latest post. Sure, I may not care enough as he does to spend time thinking/posting about the subject matter, but at the same time I don't feel offended by it or a strong desire to insult him just because he does.

    My 2c on the original subject: I don't know enough about Judo but I don't doubt that it can be used in a lethal way. However, I had a hard time associating the ideas of Judo and an Assassin in my head. It's the same if you try to think of an Assassin trained in Karate, or Tae Kwon Do, or... <insert martial art here>.

    Assassins are typically known for doing 'their job' by being stealthy (ninja's are the prime example here). Had Goh been a thug or hitman, then it would have been a little more easier to swallow for me, but really I couldn't care any less. If he were a high school janitor, it wouldn't detract from the game for me at all, and I think that's what wombat is saying too.
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Myke il quote CreeD on this one:Or, maybe you are sort of pointlessly bitching about things that have no impact on the gameplay and aren't going to be changed

    Thats my beef, bitch bitch bitch thats all he seems to do.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Almaci, I don't see you posting anything about gameplay either...but I do see you bitching. No offense, just kinda want to point that out.
  5. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Hey Alcami, Do you play VF??
  6. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    I've trained a bit in aiki-j.... that's why Aoi is my primary character.

    Some of the throws and reversals that Aoi are very authentic... I've broken someone's wrist once with that high punch reversal.

    But the strikes... uhm, I've never seen any of those strikes before outside VF. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  7. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Yeah I play, I used to talk about it a lil in the past both here and on irc, generally im regarded as the best in the Benelux ( Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg ) so much so that I was barred from the Sony tournament for a VF4 arcade game .
    Im some sort of a mini legend over here, altough that doesnt mean uch when you see the competition over here, im comparable I think to the better US players and a notch below the best US players ( as was evident from my matches against some of them ).
    I love the game with a passion and you will see that most of my bitchings are directed at people instead of at the game.
  8. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Awesome. As long as you play the game, I say continue bitching!!!
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for youre permission
  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Just my two cents from the vids I have seen. Judo has two main variations - olympic style and traditional, with Olympic being the much more popular style due to McDojo's making everybody believe they can become an olympic competitor. Goh initial grapple technique, hip throw, and pull-Push are all really authentic. Judo works a lot by changing the other guys center of gravity, displacing them, then dropping them in some shape, form, or fashion. About 1/3 of all judo's throws leave both parties on the ground (suicide throws), the rest leave the attacker on the ground, with the judo guy either standing or kneeling. ...this being said, I think Goh is a fairly decent representation of the style...
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    We were both at E3, so I did see you play a little at the tournament.
  12. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    dude that was e3 2k1, that was a personal disaster
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I think he was talking about the E3 tournament in May of this year.
  14. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    He was?
    Oh ok, my bad.
  15. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    140 pound Judoka ? Not impressed. He fights in the prelim. divisions which precede the main events in tournaments.

    The weight/height in VF are tilted towards the weak/small side. No one is above 6 foot ?!?! Where are the decently sized heavyweights ? I would of thought with the popularity of tournaments such as K1 in Japan would open eyes towards the idea of a speedy, strong, tall heavyweight. The only 2 characters with good proportions & weight for their power is Akira and Lau. Jacky is a joke at 6 foot, 165 pounds ! Im 6 foot, 170 pounds, 32 inch waist and Im half Jacky's size. Neither is super middleweight boxing champ Eric Lucas ( 6 foot, 168 ). The weights and heights given for the power output are overall unreasonable ( I know its a video game and in no way realistic but give us something thats fathomable ).

    There seems to be a retisence towards including above average or even tall heavyweights ( which mostly hail from caucasian or black backgrounds ). The size of the fighters IMO are modeled on the asian idea of culturally common. And Japan isnt the model of "correctness" concerning their view of foreign cultures. We're always so concerned on this board of being respectful of Japanese culture, how about them respecting ours by implementing characters that represent the reality of western physiology and not a reflection of theirs ?
    I truly believe the culturally indoctrinated idea of Japanese superiority that a good part of their population carries in their head ( not everyone, especially the younger generation ) has played a major role in selectively ignoring the portion of fighters who frequently dominate their fields ( of which few asians are represented ).

    Prince Nasseem isnt going to win against Lennox Lewis EVER. It just wont happen. All Im saying is if you prevent Lewis from entering the arena entirely in the first place, Nasseem will always be a champ...

    This is not a huge issue and should be taken lightly as it concerns a video game. But I do consider it a "taboo" subject that does bring to light the very un-secret idea of socially acceptable xenophobia and inferiority-complexes plaguing the land of the rising sun.
  16. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Very true about the fighter size to power proportions...Aoi and
    Pai as snips of girls would have no chance of decking mid-heavy
    and heavyweight opp. at the top of their games, obviously, and Jacky's
    power is unrealistic for his weight (a mid-heavy opp. like Lau would
    kill him in a real fight, even with age and stamina being a factor...Jacky
    would have to run all over the ring and hope to wear Lau down, but
    that didn't exactly work for Ali against Frazier first fight, since that's
    about the equivalent of their respective styles) while Kage I think is
    realistic in punching and kicking power for his size, not anywhere near overwhelming, just fast.
    The only argument that can be made for the Japanese view of
    Eastern body-type bias is that I'm 5-11 189 and have practiced boxing
    for ten years or so, but I'm not in fighting shape; a trained 180 pound middleweight
    or light heavyweight can hit harder, move faster, and take more punishment
    than I can, even though proportionately we're the same. Sarah, Lion and Shun
    are just fiction when you talk realism. Vanessa's about as realistic a female
    fighter as I could imagine, and her strength to size level is
    about right. Lei Fei too is a well-done fighter, but again too light to
    compete realistically against heavier fighters. In boxing it's always
    pointed out that a good big fighter will almost ALWAYS beat a good smaller fighter, that is
    if the skill levels are about the same. Size and weight is power, regardless, and is a
    natural advantage. That's why Roy Jones Jr will never be
    heavyweight champion of the world...he'd have a hard time
    with any heavyweight at that level, and would probably get
    knocked out against even low-level contenders.
  17. Bl3h

    Bl3h Active Member

    f=ma /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Bruce Lee had no problems with Chuck Norris.
  19. lau_fists

    lau_fists Well-Known Member

    Whether it was movie Bruce Lee or real-life Bruce Lee, the man was
    an obsessed maniac about fighting, and that obsession overcame
    whatever weaknesses Lee had, up to a point. Weaknesses including
    of course diminutive size and lightweight stature, but who knows
    whether Norris at his prime and unencumbered with friendship with Lee,
    perhaps even motivated by hate, could have beaten Lee in a real
    straight-up match. Anyway, fighting is so arbitrary that a Lee/Norris
    1970s match wouldn't garner odds in Vegas. Really, both men were
    good enough that a true match could go either way, I mean a match in
    which both fighters were motivated to the height of their abilities: Norris
    was bigger and stronger, could probably hit like nobody's business...Lee
    was faster, probably could generate more overall force because of his
    high conditioning, and was probably technically superior to Norris. That's just
    basic stuff though...either man lands a devastating blow, the fight would have
    been over in seconds, as it always is when highly skilled fighters are involved.
    The only time you see a ROCKY situation where a guy gets pounded for
    11 rounds and still fights on valiantly, is when the fighter doesn't have the skill or
    instinct to finish the opp. off. Maybe Lee cleaned Norris' clock every day in
    training, but I don't know enough about their relationship to say. There aren't many
    fighters AT THAT TIME who could have beaten Lee, simply because Lee
    had established a new technique that no one had seen before. But that's the way
    it is with any superior fighter, in his TIME, like Frazier or Ali, or Foreman in the
    '70s, or Hagler and Leonard in the ' one can touch them until someone
    develops a technique and the power to stop them. Mostly, it is simply age which
    does the great fighters in.
  20. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Heh, the rumble in the jungle.
    Skinny Ali against the big brute powerhouse that was George Forman.
    A psychological battle as much as it was a physical one.

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