Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US more

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by TechnicalMonkey, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    If that is true then it's really sad to hear that it may be the last hurrah for VF.
  2. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    So this is the last Virtua Fighter then it is only a matter of time before Tekken ends too.

    Is there any way someone can port this to American?

    Why can't we get Vf5 R and Final Showdown in the same game?

    I wonder who will out buy Sega?
  3. Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    It would have been nice if this was known while censei was contemplating aquiring VF5R.
  4. AndyGeezer

    AndyGeezer Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Update to an old thread, but both VF5R and VF5FS can work outside of Japan (and ALL.NET)
  5. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Resonance of Fate didn't tickle my fancy. I have Yakuza, that game is alright. Not groundbreaking by any means, fairly good representation of certain places. As good as it can get on a console. </div></div> The Yakuza series is highly unappreciated and one of the best and groundbreaking in video games period.
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    I dont remember doom and gloom, but the game looks like every other 2D game pretty much. Theres more games utilizing street fighter engine or ideas than I can count. World is chock full of 2D fighting games. Nothing to be excited about, unless you somehow manage to convince me its not a re-skinned SSF4?

    Fighting game designers seem to be stuck of simply redoing what has worked in the past, rather than try to be innovative.
  7. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    People don't like innovation. They want more of the same with better graphics.
  8. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    People don't need innovation to have a good time with a game. Games in general just need to have an appreciable quality within them. That quality can manifest in many ways. Innovation is one of them, better graphics are another.

    Personally, I see nothing wrong with this. Not everyone has to enjoy games the same way.
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Doesn't that imply a problem if all the games are similar?
  10. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    all games are similar.
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Well, in terms of fighting games it hasn't always worked for SNK (KOF97, 99-2001, 2003, XII, Maximum Impact 1 & 2), Namco (T4, SC3, SC3AE, SCIV), Temco (DOA4), Arcsys (GGXX/, GGI) or even Capcom (SFZ3, EX3, CFJ).

    What kills me is that companies don't necessarily take what works and make it better, its now a dumbing down for the chance of potentially doing better sales-wise (that doesn't always happen though). That doesn't make things better, it in the end makes things worse because it hurts the players and eventually destroys the scene in many areas.
  12. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Simple mode???
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Should it become to pass that next summers version would be the last VF (They would never say it alound anyway), then I hope we get online features good enough that would allow us to enjoy the game far into the future. In contrast to current VF5 features.
  14. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    If they made a VF6, how would you guys feel if they added like 8 new characters out of the blue? Paranoid? Relieved? Excited?

    INCIDENT Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    No need to make a new series. Why? Three words....

    Fighting. Vipers. Three.
  16. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    One word and then, parenthetically, two more words. no. (please no).
  17. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    i agree with this. personally, i'd prefer to see a Bloody Roar 5 before Fighting Vipers 3.

    in any case, the likelihood of either game being made in the future is slim to none.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    I'd prefer to see.....virtua fighter
  19. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    shockingly enough i hear that. if they had to make a new series i would love to see a revamp of fighting vipers or. or. now listen. XD Fighters Megamix 2. the orginal smash brothers. i really want to see sega go. yeah.. we did that first *smack's nintendo's cash cow away* XD LOLOLOLOL yeauh
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Andy Geezer proves that VF5(J) can work in US

    Picky dislikes you.

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