Anger Management thread.

Discussion in 'Console' started by endtransmission, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    Quoted for super truthiness.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    You shouldn't expect you're opponent to conform to your idea of how VF should played, a 'proper' way to play the game doesn't exist.

    Other than that, sounds like you should chill a little. Try and learn what you can from your losses instead of getting angry about them [​IMG]
  3. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    1. Heavy squats, if you don't have weights available then just do 500 squats straight.
    2. Fap. Self-explanatory.
    3. Warm shower.

    Do these 3 steps then when your mind is clear think about what needs to be done, good luck.
  4. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    You forgot one very important step.
  5. gastinell

    gastinell Well-Known Member

    No such thing as cheap win unless someone is hacking/pressing that lag button. They found a hole in your game/did something you did not know how to respond to and kept repeating. Just means you need to hit up the dojo.
  6. Gernburgs - funnily-enough I play Goh and use his knee to combat it all the time, the knee into a throw combo for about 60% damage.

    Genesis - nice one.

    Feck - See Genesis's post.

    Kamais - I do all those things (Rowing, Running and Riding instead of squats) and I eat well and take vitamins/nootropics - I'm fine thanks. I was just venting for fun, I finished the post by saying I was pouring salt into my anus.

    Gastinell - They're not finding a hole in my defence, I said in my post I beat these people - my point was, it's not fun to play them.
  7. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    Genesis Malakh
    All I said was that I agree with that one bit that I quoted. The way you put it made sense, and barring some of the more... we'll call it impatient things you've said, I get where you're coming from.

    At the same time, they're right in saying that you can't get upset or expect too much out of people, especially when it comes to online play. I get that you're only venting; a lot of people take it more seriously than they probably should.
  8. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    I'm not going to say online isn't frustrating. Still, you can't let others dictate your enjoyment of the game for you. If online isn't fun, take a break. So-called "cheese" or shenanigans work slightly better online but it ultimately comes back to how you view what happens in the game.
  9. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    I'm only getting salty at my own wooden fingers resulting in botched combos all the time. My opponent can do whatever the hell he pleases.

    Hey, how about taking up a sport like judo or BJJ? Getting your ass stomped into the mats a few times a week for a few years really puts online conflicts in perspective [​IMG] !
  10. rattlejaw

    rattlejaw Active Member

    That's how I see it. I only get annoyed with myself.

    It's true that some people aren't fun to play against, but many of those players are just new and either they'll step up their game or stop playing. There's a part of me that's actually happy to see PPP2K Pais and whatnot, because that's the sort of thing that means there's fresh blood coming into the game.
  11. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    I played somone online, of higher dan, using the same character. He seemed to be playing more "respectfully" than me, and he tried different things. I beat him by abusing my superior okizeme (wake-up game, right?).

    Anyway, he had a nice costume for the character. I thought, "heyyyy nice customization." I went into Customization and copied his template. I used different colors, though.

    A week later, I matched up against him again. Same character, same costume! Since our chosen main is uncommon, I remembered him. I wonder if he remembers me.

    I beat him again. I'm just wondering if he's RAGING after I read this thread, cuz I stole his look and beat him with it. :p
  12. CANON77

    CANON77 Active Member

    Out of curiosity, do you guys play mostly 3bars and above in ranked match? I made the mistake of doing quick match up at the beginning all the time and I feel like I played too many 1bar or 2bar matches. Offline in DOJO or against a friend I'm able to cancel my combos with Jacky every time into DOWNP+K+G(or up), but online I drop it too much. It makes me feel like I stall out mid combo. I wonder it the connection has anything to do with it? Full bar matches are pretty good for the most part. I have the top tier connection speed, but it seems like I run into a lot of 1bar or NO BARS in Ranked. Evades are a bitch if the input come out late too! It's just frustrating when you want to rank up and all the people your rank have a crappy connection. I feel like I'm gambling on weather I can eek out a win when I play a person with a slower connection. This happened in TEKKEN6 also, but that game is slow enough to react online off block for a good punish. VF the opponent can explode in your face with an extremely fast PPPK, if you don't evade or block in time giving them major advantage quick. One mistake in VF with a dropped input is devastating. I STILL LOVE VF THOUGH! I practice in Dojo a lot and can hit my inputs perfectly, but online it's another story.
  13. basho

    basho Member

    add me on PSN, I'm in NM so should have good conection speeds. Have a small group that plays 4-5 times a week.
  14. CANON77

    CANON77 Active Member

    I'll do it! I need a good group to practice with.
  15. Phoenix117UK

    Phoenix117UK Member

    Just had a ranked match where my controls had mysteriously returned to the default setting causing me to be absolutely annihilated whilst looking like a complete and total noob.

  16. MegaMaN85

    MegaMaN85 Well-Known Member

    Kage...... Kages everywhere! 0_o

    It's not even like I've come across a guy that knows how to use him properly to show there are other ways. Instead I come across guys who just spam the same 3 moves that always come across impossible to block!

    Ugh! I just wished I stuck with my instincts years ago and practiced vanilla back when I had my ps3. would've known how to avoid all this spamming nonsense and punish them if I did. Oh well! Back to the dojo it is...
  17. LP3

    LP3 Member

    Im about to have a heart attack from all this sodium building up inside.

    1. NO ONE is in player matches ever! I understand that ppl want to grind and get their little points and whatnot but come on man wtf.

    2. I don't feel like I'm closing the gap between myself and great players AT ALL. Granted I know it takes time to get good at anything, but I hate being in this middle ground where I can either A. shit on bad players,inexperienced players or mashers, or B. get shat on by awesome players and not know why(besides the fact that I'm also incredibly inexperienced).

    3. Always salty about online. Crush moves rarely work right, meaties don't work right, fuzzying etc. the list goes on.

    A lot of this is because ofc my location though, so it just sucks cus either I continue to bite the bullet and contiuously get pooped on by japanese players (which yes is good but ONLY if you know WHY you are getting beat and can try and switch up the strats) or fight the lag AND the player from the US [​IMG]...

    Welp thats all the salt I got. I'lll just keep grindin and watchin vids and whatnot and hopefully learn this ish.
  18. Dieeeeee

    Dieeeeee New Member

    Way too many Brads. Fought three in a row, which was a little annoying. There was also a minor issue where my disconnect face decided to change to orange even though I haven't disconnected once. I know I'll lose a fair bit learning how to use someone new, so why bother disconnecting? That happened to anyone else on psn?
  19. GoldUnit1001

    GoldUnit1001 New Member

    I hate the thought of even attempting to throw escape online. Seems like every player is starting to abuse that now. Other than that, I have no problems with the game.
  20. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Dear everyone below the rank of 7th Dan:


    That is all...

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