Any VF5 Ideas ?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ONISTOMPA, Apr 10, 2003.

  1. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    no hidden agenda. i - among others, if you hadn't noticed already - take potshots (if you can call them that) at you because you open yourself to them. not that others don't open themselves up, but you've replaced a certain poster here as the resident self-righteous dink who can't argue for shit.

    your dissertation gave some info but if anything it put you right back where i started, as far as i care - poorly backed up opinion and the use of vague, peanut gallery comments as evidence of the E button's evil. i don't have the energy or care to deal with the wishy washy and scattered bullshit (opinion of the arcade - jesus wtf). plus, learn the definition of sarcasm, and try some self-introspection - "If you really don't have anything to add man..." - don't think your shit doesn't stink, boyo.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Stop arguing about VF5 features, why don't we start arguing about Virtua Fighter 7: Final Evolution? I personally like to see the following 10 features.

    1) New fighting styles such as Politicians, Forum Troll/Flamer, Jerry Springer guests.
    2) 4D Gfx.
    3) Online play with martians with a maximum of 30 seconds lag.
    4) Ability to interact with not only the environment, but also the players themselves, ie. virtua sex with pai
    5) One button for each movement/move. ie, one button for shinz stepping, one button for akira's yoho, p, knee, dblpm combo, etc.
    6) Nine words. Evade Crouch Dash Romantic Octal Throw Escape Guard Cancel (ECDROTEG)
    7) Additional features like the ability to measure your real life ability like how well can you drive a car, eat a sandwitch, and compare them against a database of standardized scores.
    8) A cardgame mini game within a card game mini game within CG movies of pieced together storyline.
    9) Ability to customize the sexual preference of your character and custom win poses to vocally announce the customized preference.
    10) New Quest mode where you play as a famous japanese player and your goal is to travel to western countries and try not you get your butt kicked by players who can only beat the CPU and brag about their skills on online forums.

    Aren't these GREAT ideas? I'm astounded by the wealth of USEFUL information amidst all the arguing and fighting. This thread is really a good discussion, if it weren't for all the troll cookie baits, none of us would have shared our useful opinions about VF that has nothing to do with the gameplay of existing games!!! Thanks everyone! /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    p.s. Sorry if I offended anyone.
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    Non sequitur point I meant to add earlier/elsewhere: I'd like to see stop animation come back.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Holy crap, we agree on two things? What was in your coke today? /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  4. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I actually had typed up a couple paragraphs in response to you, but I decided to delete it and just make this statement to you.

    Whatever fucking beef you have with me you need to deal with it and squash that shit. I'm not trying to piss anybody off here and I'm not trying to fuck with anyone's buzz. My opinions may be different than yours and that is fine, but don't expect me to attach a fucking bibliography page to each and every one. You act as if I fucked your mom while your dog watched. Get off this shit and move on. You accuse me of trolling and self-righteousness when you're the one trying to get this shit started. Not everyone is going to reach the same decisions over stuff. Deal with it and move on.
  5. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Aren't these GREAT ideas? I'm astounded by the wealth of USEFUL information amidst all the arguing and fighting. This thread is really a good discussion, if it weren't for all the troll cookie baits, none of us would have shared our useful opinions about VF that has nothing to do with the gameplay of existing games!!! Thanks everyone!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes. exactly right. never discuss anything that doesn't meet another persons criteria.

    you can always create a thread discussing existing gameplay features if you're so sweaty for it. the person who started the thread wanted to know what people would like to see in VF5. they easily could have just written VF SEQUEL to head off the theory police.

    <font color="green"> thought crime didn't entail death, thought crime was death </font>
  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    What was the main benefit or problem of stop animation to warrant it being taken out?
  7. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    You act as if I fucked your mom while your dog watched.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Get the story straight replicant. That was me in the dogsuit fucking you and your mom. Maybe Mr. Bungle was videotaping, I don't know. Ferdamnsure nobody managed to press my goddamned E button & I'm still miffed. Fucking dogsuit.

    Is someone gonna kill this one?
  8. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Yay! Someone else jumping in to start shit up.
  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    sorry. judging by your freakish paranoid defensiveness, i'm not the one who needs to deal with anything. and there's no beef - your posts are so often retarded that I feel obligated to respond. if you really feel this strong about how i respond to you, be glad i don't care enough, and simply roll my eyes and actually ignore your bullshit 98% of the time.

    not all opinions are equal. deal with it and move on, asshole.
  10. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    ...Oh, wait.

    BTW: Akira turning into a werewolf and shooting green unblockable eyebeams as the final boss would be the BEST THING EVER.
  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    this was around during vf3, waiting for vf4, but it's still funny...

    <font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
    A new article in the latest Gamest issue has been translated, with plenty of
    VF5 info.

    New characters outfits and personalities. There's White Trash Jacky, Pedophile
    Wolf, Gansta Jeffry and Bondage Lion (in full black leather outfit including
    mask), among others.

    Akira can now pull out a gun and shoot his opponent, saving the opponent
    having to put up with his bullshit. Jacky can do the same, except
    instead of a gun Jacky kills them with death rays from his eyes.

    Similar to the bird in VF2, you can activate rabid squirrels in Aoi's
    stage which will bite the losing players feet and fingers while the
    character screams hysterically.

    Lau can now bite off his opponents ears.

    More info on the way!

    White Trash Jacky:
    PPK: - "Instant Violent Death Visitation" -Jacky treats his opponent to dinner
    at Red Lobster, killing them immediately.
    K+G: "Blazing Tartan Kick" - opponent is struck by the sheer
    hideousness of the pants Jacky wears when mini-golfing.
    f,f+K: "Sickening Reamer" - Jacky lures opponent within 200
    yards of the edge of the skyscraper ring, briefly dashes offscreen,
    then charges back on screen hauling a silver mobile home behind a red
    dodge ram pickup with a "Fear This" logo on the front windshield and a
    "Calvin pissing on Chevy" logo on the back. Because Jacky's pickup is
    flared at the sides and has six wheels, it is completely unblockable.
    The trailer part is undodgeable. Jacky can use this for an easy ring out
    anywhere onscreen.
    P+K: "Kiss of Death" - Jacky blares KISS from hidden speakers,
    subtly inciting the opponent to kill himself.
    P+K, P: - "Beergut Exploder" Jacky performs finishing move on opponent's
    corpse, accompanied by random Elvis Presley song.
    P+K, P, K: "Questionable Practice" - Jacky eats leftover gibbets of
    opponent, while jamming to Lynyrd Skynyrd.
    P+K, P, d+K: "Lovable Recreation" - Alternate combo ender has Jacky burn
    collected remnants of opponent's body while dancing
    to Slayer.
    b+K: "Trick Mountain Feather Fist" - Jacky talks the opponent into
    drinking Fortified Night Train wine and then taking the F-150 for a
    spin. Opponent drives off skyscraper for easy RO.
    PPPPPPPPPPK: "Barroom Brawl" - Jacky's normal PPP combo, except it's now
    got NEGATIVE recovery and hits mid, allowing
    you to cancel into it over and over. Delayable. Can be finished with K
    at any point, causing Jacky to produce a stool and smash the opponent's
    K,K,K: - "Scattershot Gut Buster" - Jacky dons a white hood, pulls out
    the shotgun, and demands the opponent leave the ring or die. Best
    defense is to backdash until RO. Move has distinctive Jacky yell, which
    phonetically sounds like "Wee don't preciate yer kind heeyar".

    Pedophile Wolf:
    b+P: "Disturbing Transformation" - Wolf gains massive initiative on
    opponent by turning them into VF-Kids version of themselves.
    HCF+P+G: "Sweet Temptation" - Wolf offers opponent candy, and when
    opponent reaches for it, Wolf snatches their arm, spins them around into
    the back seat of a running vehicle, and neither player is ever seen
    HCB+P+G: "Santa's Favorite Therapy" - Wolf gets a job with
    Salvation Army and works at the mall dressed in distinctive red and
    white garb, inviting opponent to sit on his lap and tell him what he
    "really" wants. Once in throw range, opponent is instantly coerced into
    meeting Wolf in the parking lot after the mall closes.
    u/f+P+G: "Spurious Implication" - opponent is forced to let wolf
    wrap his legs around his face, or else wolf will distribute falsified
    pornographic photos of him/her on the internet.
    f+P+G: "Crotch Grab" - Wolf, succumbing to his sick tendencies,
    makes a snatching lunge towards opponent's crotch. Has canned f+P+G
    followup whereupon wolf grabs his OWN crotch.
    After this wolf can choose to... nevermind.
    d/f, d/f+P+G: "Killing Confide" - Wolf, moonlighting as a priest, invites
    VF-Kid opponents into basement confessional involving ice cream, a
    banana, and disrobing.

    Gangsta Jeffry:
    f+P+K: "Hell Gat" - Jeff pulls out a nine millimeter pistol, holds it
    sideways, and executes opponent while muttering "I am not my brother's
    b,d/f+P: "Secret Violent Vibrating Tackle" - Jeffry pages the opponent,
    hides out near the local pay phone, then assaults them
    from behind when they attempt to make a return call.
    b,d/f+P,P: "Death Sentence": If the first part misses and fails to surprise
    opponent, Jeffry can page homies to perform a driveby shooting on the
    opponent within the next 20 seconds.
    b,f,f+P+K: "Listen, bitch" - Jeffry intimidates the opponent by
    pimpslapping them across the jaw.
    d+P+K: "Violent Beats" - Jeff crushes opponent with heart pounding, chest
    constricting bass emanating from his nearby customized Nissan Maxima.
    b,f+K: "Hoodwink" - Jeff abruptly leaps out of his baggy jean shorts and
    throws them like a net to trap and confuse the opponent.
    f,b+P: "Ganja Punch" - Jeff rolls a fattie spleef and offers it to the
    opponent, causing them to get phenomenally high and turn their back on
    KKP: "Envious De-spleening" - Jeffry displays his gold jewelry, then the
    purple neon tubing around his Maxima's license plate and under the
    chassis, and finally his huge collection of blunts and moneyclips. The
    opponent becomes a wannabe gangsta and dies to gang violence trying to
    cut his first rap album.

    More translations to come!
    </pre><hr />

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    All this over an E button ! Some of you need to relax, what started as a nice litlle conversation became a flamefest over nothing. Let me remind some of you, that we're talking about a GAME, not politics. Why can't some of you disagree without putting that little sarcastic line, that you KNOW is gonna get the other person pissed off ?!!
  13. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    All this over an E button ! Some of you need to relax, what started as a nice litlle conversation became a flamefest over nothing. Let me remind some of you, that we're talking about a GAME, not politics. Why can't some of you disagree without putting that little sarcastic line, that you KNOW is gonna get the other person pissed off ?!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey I rather be bitching about a silly E button on VF than politicians debating about budgets and laws that can seriously affect people's lifes in Amerca which in turns the world as well. I personally still play Street Fighter but that freaking E buttons is just damn confussing /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif and I love the idea of making it a option for the E button on VF5.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    I hope they give us better winning phrases. No more ''It seems to be...I'm the winner" and ''Feel the power''. Can anyone tell me what Akira says ? I'm just dying to know ! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif And they should let Lion speak french for a change !
  15. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    We were talking about that yesterday or the day before on IRC. That some characters needed new voice actors, some needed new taglines, and some should have their languages changed. Sounds like a nice touch to me.
  16. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    In the opening akira says shall we begin or let's begin! and in the end he says you're ten years too early or I did it. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    kungfusmurf said:

    In the opening akira says shall we begin or let's begin! and in the end he says you're ten years too early or I did it. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks ! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif Not bad compared to what all the english speaking characters got.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    Can anyone tell me what Akira says ? I'm just dying to know ! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The VF4 General Guide has translations for practically all character pre and post match taunts.
  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    *sigh* three pages have been added since my reply, where apparently what I thought was more a more intuitive interface (joystick controls player movement) rubbed a couple of people the wrong way. I have very little motivation to reply now, but what the heck.

    Comparing what [2] or [2_] can do in VF3 and 4 proved that this command produces the exact same thing in VF3, but two different things in VF4. Is crouching harder now in VF4? No. Is dodging harder now? No harder, IMO, than it was in VF3. Note, you can't ARM with a single [2] or [2_] input.

    The difficulties one experiences with the dodge system when playing VF4 for the first time, especially when one comes from a VF3 background, doesn't necessarily tell me the system is too complicated or non-intuitive. It simply tells me that one has to go through a transition period, over a learning curve, in unlearning the old and getting used to the new. Most Tekken players I know had zero problems with VF4's dodge system. Everyone I personally know and play with have zero issues with the dodge system. I think it's a system that works well, and I don't feel it necessary to introduce the dodge button again.

    If people are still having issues with dodging, then I don't mean to sound harsh, but you just need to work on your input. I don't think bringing it back so that things like k-stepping is easier is a valid reason. Shit, watch Minami Akira's movement in kakutou2. Movement that good should take some skill. And I'm glad I'm not longer seeing monkeys stutter out retarded one-pattern E-CD steps. Well, I'm getting off track since this is more to do with dodge properties rather than dodge input.

    Anyway, I wasn't complaining about the dodge button in VF3, and if AM2 did decide to bring it back in a future version, I'll accept it gladly. It's not that I think there's something wrong or bad about a dodge button, but I just feel that VF4's implementation of the dodge is a more elegant solution. If anyone is offended by my preferences and opinions, then tough fucking shit!

    3 buttons good. 4 buttons baaaad! /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  20. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    heh. when I saw your reply I thought you were locking the thread. phew, that was a close one!

    Minami's stepping is unbelievable, so controlled. I rarely, if ever, have problems with dodging in VF4 unless I am unsure of the sticks (so [3] becomes [2]).

    As for the E button. I don't see that re-introducing it would bring back the "dodge without consequence". were sega to bring it back they would likely implement the button only, not the VF3 specific properties.

    someone correct me if I'm wrong but there are no High attack moves in VF4/EVO that hit mid in an opponent ducks and guards are there? I would still like to see the removal of crouching without striking guard.


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