Aoi questions, anyone?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Darkmarius, Dec 30, 2001.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    nonono. I'm not saying you can't get the full 100point on the bodycheck. I'm saying you can QR after qcb+p, this means Akira won't even get a chance to do the Bodycheck! The CPU Lei in goodtime does this all the time, try it yourself. and you can thank me for setting the difficulty on very hard. =)
    what's the counterbility of qcb+p? throwable?
  2. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Aint it KD after StDbPm? Havent seen anyone QR on KD quick enough not to get hit...
  3. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Aoi's FC,f+P+G is TR/QR'able.

    Akira's QCB+P is totally uncounterable. The QCB+P causes a head crumble (KD), and so you can't TR/QR to avoid the bodycheck. Maybe you hit the CPU out of a hop/hop attack? (although I'd think that move would slam the opponent down...)

    Go to Go to the RECENT VF MOVIES dir. DL "daioh_syouha8.wmv". You can see the Akira doing QCB+P -> dodge -> bodycheck. If he lands the QCB+P and dodges, he can still do the bodycheck; you see this in the movie. If the QCB+P is blocked and he dodges, he'll avoid almost all attacks with a MC dodge, and the bodycheck will smear the dodged move. You can see this in the movie, too. It's there in a bunch of other movies with that 90% Akira. Sometimes he gets thrown out of the dodge if the QCB+P is blocked, but most of the time people just stand there and don't do anything, out of uncertainity. It's total fucking bullshit, it's a win-win-win situation for Akira.
  4. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    hahaha, you kill me. I'd have to show you what I'm talking about with Lei. He just gets right up after the KD. This has only start to happen when the machine is on the highest difficulty. it could be a bug. the cpu seems to throw me pretty well after blocking my qcb+p though
  5. Darkmarius

    Darkmarius New Member

    To Shang: Are you saying after b,f+P, you input P+G simultaneously with the hit of second punch? Does this work for you 100% of the time? I tried it and I pull it maybe 1 out of 5. One of you guys said input P+G after the first punch hits. Does this work better?some othe question:In the machine here (and in the movies Ive seen), I really don't see any yellow or blue sparks. no sparks at all(like in VF3) maybe this is the older version here?Anyway, thanks to everyone for helping me out.
  6. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    hmmm i guess u are supposed to input P+G just b4 the second punch hits.ive hit it quite consistently this way. =)
  7. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    "If he lands the QCB+P and dodges, he can still do the bodycheck; you see this in the movie. If the QCB+P is blocked and he dodges, he'll avoid almost all attacks with a MC dodge, and the bodycheck will smear the dodged move. You can see this in the movie, too. It's there in a bunch of other movies with that 90% Akira. Sometimes he gets thrown out of the dodge if the QCB+P is blocked, but most of the time people just stand there and don't do anything, out of uncertainity."

    Akira won't be able to MC dodge bodycheck if his opponent low punched/p,g. I experimented quite a bit with it, doesn't work. The canned dodge p+k+g attack will hit though.

    Also, I don't think the QCB+P leaves Akira with any initiative(if blocked), so Akira will have to block the poke or do a reversal.
  8. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Don't think its possible to TR/QR after the QCB+P, it causes a KD.
  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    ...I know. I said it'll dodge "almost all moves". 90% Akira also mixes in low punches after a blocked QCB+P. Won't avoid a low punch from opponent, but still...blocked pokes generally don't get you far, and if that's almost (you can still be reversed) all you can do after such a move..nuts to that.
  10. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    Aoi pronounciation of name

    It is pronounced H-oy by my grandparents who live in the heart of tokyo so I think it is said H-oy. But hey they're are both old farts, what do they know, I still love them ( they have a VF2 machine:)
  11. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    hair of Aoi

    Okay, in version B or A can you edit aoi's hair to blonde? By the way, How the heck does she make her hair look like that, did u see it in VF3 and VF3tb! God it is weird, the only place u c hair like that is in the mall!
  12. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: hair of Aoi

    Aoi's blond hair is a VFnet option. It'll most likely be available on the home version for us not in Japan.
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    OK, this one's been obsesssing there some special way of QR/TRing Aoi's D,f+P+G throw?! I haven't been able to do it at all, and I haven't seen it either.
  14. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Can't seem to do it personally, nor have I seen her FC throw been TR'ed in any of the movies... but I have seen people struggle out of the ground throw followup, but it only seems to work once in awhile...?
  15. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    I'm almost sure that I remember the CPU TR'd out of her FC throw...I haven't tried it myself though since I don't get to play many Aois...maybe one could try mashing it?
  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I have never been able to escape the ground throw after Aiki (I struggle just in case however), and I've never seen anyone escape mine either, except for this one time when I was late in inputting the ground throw.
  17. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    I have struggled out of the ground throw once. Don't ask me how I did it. Aoi performed the ground throw but missed.

    Fei (Wei hao) swears he saw some one TR before.
  18. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    yea man i saw the computer did it.but it still took damage though.and i miss the ground throw.and one thing even if no TR i think u can struggle out of the ground throw.although i think u must struggle like crazy.ive seen ppl at bugis did it b4.not alot of times i guess its not always tat u can get out of her FC,f+P+G ground throw followup.just my two cents from my playing experience. =)
  19. Morpheus

    Morpheus Well-Known Member

    Yes, I can confirm what u have said Jeff. Because I've been using it very often, I have yet 2 see some1 escape the ground throw, except if the input of the ground throw timing is off. I've done it on the CPU countless times. If it can be escape the CPU would have done it. I still remember u were struggling very hard 2 avoide that ground throw @ bugis /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

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