Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Haha! My speciality.
  2. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    I'm feeling silly right now. Hey kid I can teach you the ways of the low punch if you want.

    lp, lk, lp, lp, lk, lp,
  3. MiKeY

    MiKeY Active Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Thanks alot Enk. Sorry i couldnt make it to Rocky's Tonight (1/25/02 - Friday) My brother decided to go without me. so ill have to get together with you guys next get together... i wont be able to get there unless its tomorrow, sunday, or next friday. only days ill be able to....this of course relying on my brother to go as well. (blonde_one). Well.. thats about it. sorry again i couldnt make it. hope to see you guys soon.
  4. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Damn missed all of you today, wanted to show you my new sarah /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  5. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    wanted to show you my new sarah

    we see bout dat sheit! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif my pai is picking back up again, along wit sarah, jus gotta make it to the arcade at least saturday and sunday afternoons for practice. i'm finding its actually worth it to play the comp as long as you get to the higher levels. comp starts being a bitch totally, sometimes even more than you guys! /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif lol. i'm actually getting some nice combos with both pai and sarah, finally ! blabber on and on and on and on.......
  6. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    hey what are some good places to play games in miami? i should be going down in march for the winter music conference, and want to check out any local competition. btw, what ever happened to grand prix?
  7. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Well your sarah will probably have more bangs and whistles than mine. I just poke, poke, poke, poke, throw, poke, poke, throw, poke, throw, throw. Oh and flippers is the best place to play in Miami, easy to find to. VF comp is dead though and the screen is a large one but it's washed out. VOOT is there though! OMFG I wish it was at ROckys.

    You into music or somethin? I need someone to help me with some scores for my films.
  8. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    heh, dont forget to throw in an occasional flipkick. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif they have that lame cart game and rush but no voot which i dont understand. pleasing the masses i guess.
  9. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Frankly Unc--I don't want to see your Sarah, or your Vanessa(just kidding). Leave Vanessa at home(not kidding, she's evil).

    If you do this, I will never play Pai again. I promise. haha
  10. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    heh akira2001 don't worry my sarah still sucks. Didn't help that today I couldn't remember any of her moves when I played IMF. Btw IMF and Blonde guy, sorry about the lack of enthusiasm about playing vf4 today, I just had a bad day, and felt like having a bitch session with Dan (short black guy with glasses) an old freind of mine while playing some spazzy MvC2. Kind of overdosed on it during the week too. Maybe next time I won't defect to a game which requires less brain power, but considering all the pondering I was doing today already, I probably would have short circuited playing you two in VF4. Heh.
  11. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Blah blah blah. Learn to fucking play the game instead of having bitch sessions. You sonuva bitch! What happened to Shun Di? Akira? Sarah loses more times than those two combined. Why her? Honestly... Why her? Other people show a lack of interest in her for a reason.
  12. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.


    I must agree with Enk. Not that I Sarah cannot be formidable, but when are you going to bring Shun back?
    I still haven't seen your Akira yet( I think once or twice).
    Or bring in some nasty Jeff, again.

    Pay no mind to my incoherent rambling-
  13. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Sarah loses more times than those two combined.
    Show me the stats.

    Why her? Honestly... Why her?
    Why the hell not? At least she's not Lau....../versus/images/icons/shocked.gif

    Other people show a lack of interest in her for a reason.
    Do tell us why. I am interested in knowing myself.

    giving hell where its deserved......
  14. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Why Sarah, hmm, primarily so I can recognize her moves and see her weak points so that if I go back to NyC again or anywhere with decent competition I won't get beaten due to ignorance. Hell ghettoshun had a mild sarah that kicked my Jeffrys ass in NyC. Sure I ended up beating her eventually and he switched but it's not like she can't be effective. I figured I already play a competent Shun/Lion/Jeffry/Lau/Lei Fei/Aoi/ somewhat Akira. So why not add some more to the list? Of course afterwards I'll double back and concentrate on my favorites. Besides it makes things more interesting.

    Enk so when you playin vf4 again?
  15. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Anyone playing today?
  16. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    'should' be up there 2 day.
  17. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    Looks like VF4 is really popular in Florida.

    We import Florida oranges.
    We like Florida oranges they taste good.

    We juice Florida oranges by the application of pressure.
    We throw the rest away.
  18. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Hey guys haven't posted in a little while so here it is. I'm getting demon at VF, it's official. I've just gotten rid of my biggest hendrance which is My girlfriend. Ouch. Oh well =). Anyway I'm primarily focusing on my Jacky play and will then take up wolf as a secondary character. Gaishou have you heard about wednesday yet. TTT for anyone who wants to see what its all about =). You can implement some of TTT into VF. I've noticed that a lot of you guys have played VF 10 times as much as I have. You've been playing since VF1 some of you. Some of you guys don't have the so called "Killer Instinct". You've got to play people, and not just any scrub but high level people. I've gotten my killer instinct from TTT. You all need to develop this and just get mad and focus on "winning", Tournaments aren't "Casual" and the only way you see just how good you are is in them. So why not play like your in one all the time. Just food for thought. You guys take it easy. Later.
  19. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    I'm getting demon at VF, it's official. I've just gotten rid of my biggest hendrance which is My girlfriend. Ouch. Oh well =).

    that usually is the bigest hindrance. that and $. money is my problemo. 2 $ maybe when i go to play. not having a decent job sux. and i am sorry about the girl blonde_one
  20. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Not to sound pissy blonde_one but nobody that posts here I think, sides gaishou is unfamiliar with what it takes to win. I know you 3 pride yourselves off of your ttt accomplishments and that's fine. Hell I traveled from hell and back for Tekken 3, and sorta to hell for vf2, not to mention back when I was a sf psycho oh so long ago. Enkindu has been actively participating in tournaments for the past year or two I think. So unless your just talking to gaishou and akira2001, I think your speech sounds a bit redundant.

    Out of the 6 of us, IMF, The Dude, Blonde One, Enkindu, Gaishou, Akira2001 and myself......honestly I only feel that the first 4 I just listed have the true desire/capability/ability to reach that upper level and pursue it. When I say reach that upper level I mean practice constantly and then travel a good distance to compete in VF tournaments. (Which happen rarely in the USA, aside from SVGL. ) I mean playing for fun is not a bad thing, there's no need to get mad.

    UnCauzis player profiles:

    Hardcore gamers- IMF, THE DUDE, BLONDE_ONE, Enkindu

    Strong appreciation- Gaishou

    Just for fun- UnCauzi, Dan, Pony Tail guy.

    VF Fan- Akira2001

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