Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Please, I deserve a catagorey of my own.
  2. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    I have not been through the front door of the Rocky's Replay in three days. I am told it is a bright sunny day with the tempture about 75. I am going to get out and chase about the sidewalks and see if it is true. I want to paint my 6 foot tall bong sunshine yellow.
  3. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: There are no Florida VFers here.

    Ok, I will bite. What, pray tell is "giving hell where it's deserved...." You must remember that I am not well informed and go about arcades where I am known as " That stupid jerk" The only thing that saves me from complete humilation at the hands of gamers is that I can play games like" Skyball Paint"
    Oh Skyball Paint was the devil's saint and his eyes were flaming red.
  4. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    O.K. I half way agree with you Unc.

    Player profiles: Unc- Old hand at VF, not that interested anymore, not hardcore. But still fun to play. More of a "Karma Man". Good fact knowledge also.

    Gaishou- The Killer Instinct speech applies to you. Not to sound errogant or anything but when I fight you I'm not feeling that much pressure. Force Critical situations. This is what I mean by the killer instinct.

    Akira2k1- Good player overall we just have to get you used to fighting people. Get mad, angry, want to kick my ass with the biggest move you've got. Try to humiliate me!! =) I like being humiliated. It drives me to get better.

    Enk- Yes your good, but still when I fight you, you don't make me fear you. I'm not intimidated by your kage in the least. "Get Powerful", go for major setups. Christ "^%$# me up!!!

    What drives me is to get the absolute shit beat out of me. Unc when you came into the Fl. mall one day I had been playing TTT for about a week. You came in there and random selected me like 5 times. beat my ass across the board with all the characters. That made me want to get a lot better so I don't get humiliated again. =). And I did. What drives everyone. Or are you guys just playing casual? I'm only trying to inspire. I go to bed at night thinking about whats the nastiest shit I can hit you guys with.
  5. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    grasshoppa must take time to attack take time to get better......really though, i am sorry i don't intimidate. maybe its not in my personality. i'm not trying to reach tourney level really, because its not something i've really thought about even doing. to me there is such a thing as playing for fun and just fun. maybe i'll be excluded out of "our little circle of trust" now that the secret is out that i'm not tournament material. and just because my demeanor doesn't show i get pissed, i do. trust me, i'll try harder next time.
  6. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Yes, FL oranges are nice :

    BO, you need to keep your #$%&ing mouth shut. I own you for FREE!! You know all those times you beat me ^^? I wasn't trying!!! hahaha! I only really try if there's money on it! hahaha!! So suck it fag!

    Damnitt!!! Doesn't anyone have an import PS2 around here'_'?

    Sorry guys, I didn't have anything real to post.^_^

    Where did my #$%damn avatar go?
  7. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Gaishou, you're still cool in my book. I can tell you get pissed to, like I don't think that you took losing to my Sarah to kindly. Hey, despite the lack of tourniness of the both of us, you'll still play me once in a while right? I hope so, I think at one time you just hated playing me...but I don't think I'm that much higher than you in level. What I like about playing you is you have a relatively simple game that reminds me of my own style.
  8. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member


    sure i'll play. shit i'll play anyone here. like i said before i play for fun, not to sit and stress totally about winning everytime. i had fun losing to ur sarah. lp bastard.....j.k./versus/images/icons/laugh.gif. i was actually getting some nice damaging combos with her earlier on other people. heh, i wouldn't say hate playing you, but avoided. lol.....
  9. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Good t'hear man /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  10. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hey next time we all get together we should start doing dollar down matches! That will give people incentive to play harder.
  11. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    50cents is usually enough to get me to try most of the time...

    I guess I'd be down with some dollar down matches...I just don't like the idea when I only get to play twice a week...I'm there to learn and practice...not really to compare and compete...but I'll play a few.

    Me and Enk!! Let's go pal! I'm calling your real game out! Dollar match style! ^^
  12. MiKeY

    MiKeY Active Member

    Oye, all the listing of names and call outs... yet everyone fails to mention me. I suppose ill stay in the shadows for a little while as you guys beat the living hell out of each other. probably for the best. seeing as though when i fight each and every one of you, ill only be waisting my money.

    March.....where are you damnit? You're supposed to be here by now. [frown/]

    well i hope to see you guys play more often when my brother heads out to rockies... dont know if ill be playing as much though. ill probably be in some corner studying moves for Kage, and when at home watch the kyasao vids me and Blonde_one downloaded to study them and try new shit when you guys arent pummeling my ass..

    anyways. im still looking foreward to learning some stuff from you Enk. ill most likely be at Rocky's on tuesday so ill see some of you guys there..

  13. MiKeY

    MiKeY Active Member

    OH! one more thing! could someone PLEASE tell me how to do some TFT combos please? i seriously need to learn some combos for that because every time i get if off i always panic and screw up.
  14. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hey kid, I never got anywhere near your ass. I guess if their into that kind of thing and your cool with getting your ass pummeled....then...yuck.....sick, sick, joke.
  15. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    I'd like to say a little something about playing for fun.

    Actually, I'd like to hear the definition of what playing for fun means to some of you. I play for fun. In fact I was under the most distinct impression that you could not PLAY at all at anything if it were not for fun. Yet I keep hearing that there's a difference between people playing for fun and people playing to win. I have never underdstood this and I don't think I ever will.

    I can't think of any better explanation of what makes a game fun (any game) other than the simple joy of getting better at something you like to do. Winning is relative-along with everything else but I feel like going on:p-. Winning alone does not make a game fun for me. If I could kill all the little girls on my block at basketball does that make it fun? Maybe for awhile:) but, No. Why? Because becoming better is what it's all about as far as I understand it. And you need to be challenged to become better at anything. Competition is the name of the game in all walks of life. Something you especially cannot avoid in FIGHTING GAMES. Improvement through competition is what makes fighting games FUN. How popular do you think VF would be if it was 1 player?

    To me playing the game regularly means that you care. That you want to improve. It's why you play. That's what makes it fun.

    I've gone on too long here it is.

    Playing to win against good comp is what makes the game fun. Just try and deny it. Is anyone here convinced that they don't care if they lose and play with no intentions of improving? If you say that you just play for fun, yet admit that losing isn't fun but, is to be expected because you're only playing for fun and that other guys must be playing to win which also isn't fun.(they must be playing out of some religious guilt or something right?) What is that saying?

    Winning alone isn't fun. Losing alone isn't fun. Competition is fun. Everyone plays for fun.
  16. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Wow a long post from IMF.

    Well, there's degrees of dedication that some people consider "unfun." Personally I don't consider practicing
    combos/juggles fun at all. One of the many reasons why I suck at MvC2 and most 2D games in general. But believe me I love when I play with someone on an equal skill level as myself. That's where the playing just for fun takes place.

    It essentially means, "You are satisfied with playing the game at your current skill level." Or "Don't really feel like playing in ways that are essentially uninteresting to you."

    The term "just for fun" directly relates to the players involved. Most peoples level of "just for fun" start relatively low. Some such as myself start relatively high. Now the question is how does that relate to someone like you who plays "just for fun" yet plays to win.

    The answer is right there, you play "Just for fun and to win." You may say you play to get better, but you don't know if you're getting better unless you come close to or beat your opponent. Many battles are won and lost in a fighting game round, you play to win as many battles as possible, this in essence is fun to you. So thusly you try and increase your gaming level by whatever means is feasible/necessary. This could include watching movies or reading pages of text.

    One fact that a hardcore fighting game player doesn't seem to understand is. As long as you are playing a game at similar level to those around you, the game will continue to be enjoyable for you and your competitors. In an indirect way people that play "just for fun" in the most commonly used sense of the word are being courteous to their fellow gamer by not playing at a level thats "unfun." Aka at a higher level than the other player is willing to play at. In example, I refuse to jump on a machine and beatdown a scrub. That is "unfun" to me and will end up not being fun for them also. Maybe the first beatdown will still be fun...maybe up to the 5th....but rarely will someone a much lower level than you continue to play you unless other "just for fun" players are making the beatdowns enjoyable just by being there.

    People who play for fun and to win will generally jump on a machine and beat down whoever, just to show off their skills or make themselves feel good for putting big numbers on the screen. The warm and fuzzy feeling is for them alone. Unless they can come across a situation where there is a close win/lose ratio with someone that they deem worthy and they'll say "Great/Good Game". Otherwise they will commonly silently refer to the other player as a "scrub/slut/insert offensive terminology here"

    SO in conclusion....

    Just for fun = someone who isn't willing or have any desire to better and increase their chances of winning against the majority of gameplayers out there. Just winning against a few will suffice.

    Just for fun and playing to win aka Hardcore= Someone who wants to win as often as possible thusly seeking to "better" their game. Playing to win doesn't mean you're a good player. It just means that if you lose you are most likely going to take it a lot harder than someone who plays "just for fun" since the "just for funners" expect to lose more than a person that plays to win.

    Some of that doesn't make sense but I was killing time and I've tired as hell....
  17. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    By your definition UnC it would be more clear to say "I suck" than "I play for fun" which is usually meant to be in contrast to your opponent who isn't playing for fun. And like I said, I can't think of any other reason to play...

    here watch:

    player#1: "you beat me cause I just play for fun"
    player#2 "...-_-;;..?..scrub..."

    player#1: "you beat me cause I suck"
    player#2: "..!..that's cool man^^...scrub..."

    The phrase all too often is in place of respect for your comp. I think we all do a good job at rockys of giving credit and having respect for each other...

    Everyone plays for fun. At different levels for sure...but still for fun.
  18. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    I guess, maybe you like the term "casual" better. Then again what do I know I just play for fun...or suck whichever way you want to describe it /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  19. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Semantics, all I know is I'll probably play off and on, until I don't feel I stand a chance anymore. Then I'll just stick to playing people like Dan and for fun /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  20. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    i don't know why i play anymore. the voices inside my jead are saying kill him, but i don't know how.......

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