Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    oh yes i am looking forward to out next little 'meet-up' very much......
    ps, i guess i suck......./versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  2. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    It is hard to accept the fact that you are so dense. Your adherent struggle for the understanding of life and it's manifestation of an other's thought, word, or deed, are reprehensible. You Sir are a void. I have come to envision you as an old lemon sucking prude on the order of Creed. I have comic acted my heart out and worked hard to get a smile out of your long dead carcus, but you, you heartless, dead, log, have mocked me and mocked my friends in a show of counterfiet indignation. This is war.
  3. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    As for everyone else, I don't know. When I say "I play for fun", I mean I play VF as a hobby. Whether I win or lose. I enjoy the game for it's rules, defeats, and rewards. It's the same as people who enjoy chess or bingo. Still just a game unless your really trying to use it to prove something or make money winning tournies, then it's an income. And thats cool, too.

    At the end of the day, this is only a game for me. "I" have no illusions of really being a VF champ on any level. Sure it would probably be cool to say I were the best at it, but it is really not that important to me if I am not. I could not care less if I even ever a tournament. Even if I were the best and beat you guys on a regular basis, entering a tournament would mean nothing to me as I enjoy playing you guys because 1) your good at the game and that tests me 2) we are all friends. And win or lose, when the game is over, I hope we are all still friends. There is no point other than ego and a lack of humility that should make it otherwise. I play for fun.

    I do often lose (particularily when I play Akira, as I play better with Lau), but still play with no hard feelings. I also enjoy practicing combos against the CPU. Some of you may think this is silly, but the only way to get good at what we are trying to learn, is by actually doing what it is we are trying to learn. And against you guys, I sometimes cannot get the opportunity to try these combos. But, I still enjoy playing you guys, just right now it's hard to stay on the same level as you when I am trying to master Akira. Maybe I would do better if I stuck with Lau, but I enjoy playing Akira more.

    When I play, if I win, cool. If I lose, cool. To me it is only a game (although a very good one). That is way I may seem to some of you too friendly or whatever. I just don't mind losing. Getting pissed off will not do any good for anybody, and IMO, only makes the person look silly ( like an uncontrolled, no-class-having, barbaric idiot who needs to start a fight because he lost a game.)

    I have always played for fun, and will always only play for fun (or at least my defintion of it). There again, this is just my opinion and maybe that does make me only a VF Fan (Unc).

    No disrespect to anybody.
  4. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member


    Wow another long post! Crazy are we just a troubled lot or is it just coincidence that we have very little strategy talk and have more than 10X the amount of posts as any other thread. That in itself is extremely amusing to me /versus/images/icons/wink.gif How about this, why don't we start suggestions in gameplay? Say observations on what the other should look out for? Or a combo someone should try given a particular float or something of that nature.

    I'll start...

    Enkindu- Gg the last time we played, I don't know if you switched to low punching and such so much to throw me off or what, but I think you know already doing it to much will eventually cause you to eat some well played elbows etc. Aois was not the best and I besides reversing I don't really know what's a good anti-low punch for her. Nice follow through after low punch MC though.

    Blondie: You let me control the match to much, and sometimes you complete combos allowing me to take back whatever lead you did have. When you advance do something! Even if it is just one punch, standing p, MC into throw is almost as good as low punch imo. I think that when pressured you tend to "hard block" to much aka, stand straight/crouching when weaving between the to makes your opponent work harder and not you. throw out a punch once in a while. Just remember committing is not a good thing generally.

    Akira2001: when are you going to Rockys again, nice piece up there btw. Playing you is always kick ass, only thing I don't like is when you start complimenting me on playing you generally stop playing me. I don't think I've ever played more than 2 games against you on any given day /versus/images/icons/frown.gif If your short on blow I can respect that, but at least IMF no matter how much I beat him/he beats me, we generally keep it up for a while. I don't know, maybe it's because it's a same ol type of story from back in the vf2 days. I think Enk kind of gets that feeling; although he does much better against me now than back then. Since in essence that's still the game I play in VF4. You should have seen my VF2 jacky the other day, nothing but elbow kicks and kick flips, with a few low punches. As if he had no other moves huhuhu.
  5. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    Unc, I may be able to make it up to rocky's on thurs between 12pm and 4pm, then I have school. Other than that, I may be able to make it up there friday around 12pm-9pm. Let me know if you can make it any of these days. Same with you Enk.

    As for my money situation. I am not broke, but trying to save for a house, and a car for my fiance. So, I do have to watch how much I spend to some degree. I would like to go today but cannot (had a friend pass away /versus/images/icons/frown.gif and have class tonight).

    I want to remain in the VF loop so keep me informed of when you guys will be up there.
  6. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hmm dunno man, I got a film I'm trying to prepare this week, friday night may be a good bet though, but I probably wouldn't be able to show until at least 7:30. Sorry about your freind though, I've had more than my share of deaths this past year so I sympathize. Keep your chin up doo.

    I should take some advice on the saving thing, I'm trying to become financially independent through real estate and frankly I need to stop spending, save some more to get where I want to be. Maybe I should quit gaming.......naaaaah....cut it down though sure.
  7. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, I wasn't calling anyone names. I don't think any of you mean it like that when you say you just play for fun.

    I simply wanted to point out that in my opinion everyone plays for fun. That's all. Only when someone uses it as an excuse or a crutch does it become really scrubby...which happens a lot in other games and what not.

    I didn't mean to say that any of you suck. In fact only Enk has used the phrase in the context of which I spoke.

    Just be sure when you say you play for fun that you know what you're saying. If it's used as an excuse then what you're really telling people is that you're a scrub. But if you mean I play for fun -love the game just not that serious- Great!

    Everyone plays for fun though...that's my point.

    calm down
  8. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    hey i said i suck too........./versus/images/icons/tongue.gif lol.
  9. MiKeY

    MiKeY Active Member

    I personally have no clue why in gods name you guys are so hung up on this subject of "I play for fun" and "I suck"...Gaishou, you dont suck, if you want to see someone who sucks then id be happy to show you an incredubly large dick shoved in my mouth by your sarah. I think we ALL need to keep our chins up and just get as good as we can. although my thoughts about IMF's subject lean toward the scrub issue.. you shouldnt use "I play for fun" as an excuse for you losing a few matches. it means nothing.

    Sometimes i do get angry when i lose to you guys because i have so many opportunities yet i never take them because im too intimidated. And Furthermore, just because of my competitive edge that i have. I dont like to lose but, losing is a fact of life. Some way or another we all have to lose something. May it be friends..(sorry akira, hes in my prayers) Or just simple faming issues like getting rocked in a match. I seriously hope i can get better to keep you guys on your toes. so i think ill be the little apprentice all of you never had. teach me things and you wont regret it. I promise ill practice harder than i am now, and you will see what i can do in no time.

    Like i said, ive been watching some Kyasao vids and have found many interesting things that i will want to try next time i can make it down there. I also need to practice jumanji combos/ moves and other TFT combos that ive seen used in the vids.

    But in any case. I hope you guys start feeling a bit more competitive when competition like myself arrises to face you. Ill catch all of you later (most probably friday) i dunno about today. probably not. cause my bro is going over to IMF's house after her goes to Rocky's, and hes gonna be late. And of course.. i have school tomorrow. ¬¬ damnit.
  10. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hehe, wow people all over this subject, well, what people say when they lose really doesn't matter does it? and neither does that past 3/4 posts on this thread....then again....most of our posts in general :p Why the blue blazes did I sleep all fuggin day, that's the real problem. Goddamn it, I had work to do.
  11. MiKeY

    MiKeY Active Member

    Lol! =)
    Unc, I wouldnt worry much about the last 3/4 posts that were typed up. I know im not! Anyways. I really wish i could have made it down there tonight (1/29/02) but hey, you can come to em all can ya? ill be there on Fri. for sure. and if any of you find some good Kage/ Kyasao vids PM me and send me the site please and thanks a bunch.
    Later guyz.
  12. THE MYTH

    THE MYTH Member

    Just wanted to say "hi" to everybody out there at Rocky's.
    I am still new to the area and haven't been able to play much around here but I have made it up to Roc's twice. No competition when i went.
    Played last weekend in Miami and learned a couple combos:

    Aoi- b,df+P, d+P, f+K, f+K,K (verynice)
    *Does anyone know if Aoi can Low throw during a crumble?

    Aoi- knee (MC), knee(opponent hits wall), p,p,p,d+K
    Aoi- knee (MC), f+K,K, (opponent hits wall), ground throw
    Lau- mod UpKn-SpUpKn(MC), P,P,G, P,b+P,P, f,d+K
    Lau- f,d+K, df,df+P, P,b+P,P, stomp (looks very cool but is hard as hell)

    In miami I got schooled by an aoi player who claimed to be a 3rd Dan Aoi and 2nd Dan Lau. He was very good.

    Hpe to meat some locals soon. Haven't been around much I have been busy getting used to my new school and making friends and trying to hook up with the varsity cheerleaders. Seeya round dudes!!!
  13. MiKeY

    MiKeY Active Member

    Well Welcome to Florida Myth I hope you like the Competition. I just started playing about 3 weeks ago. my brother introduced me to the game and ive been fascinated ever since. Kyasao is my idol toward the game. My brother (Blonde_one) plays Jacky. Iron Monkey Fist plays Lau and Wolf. Akira2k1 plays Lau and Akira. Gaishou from what ive seen plays Sarah Pai and Aoi. Enk plays Kage like myself but hes much better. Uncauzi, i dont know what he plays. i suppose its Vanessa, Sarah, and a few others. and The Dude plays Lion.=) once again. Welcome.
  14. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Nice, damn sounds like you'll own me for free. So this guy said he plays VF4? Maybe there's competition down there after all.
  15. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hey buddy I effectively play everyone but the bryants....which really doesn't make much sense. How can someone not play Jacky effective? Lol. Actually Sarah has a decent learning curb I'd say...Did some mean Pai stuff today.
  16. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    welcome myth,

    good to see new players in the area.

    i'm finally realizing why i have a hard time with certain characters. i rarely play against them is why. take jacky for example. only person who plays him is blondie. only time i get to fight jerky is when i can fight blondie...get my point? or even sarah for another example. i think the only time i have EVER played her was against unc. i'm not blaming my poor judgements on this alone but i think it may hurt my game. lack of experience seeing the other chars moves etc. i'm going to try and actually play a few different chars just to see throws/timing etc, but not against others, just the comp. i just need to get my ass up to crotchies every night is all......
  17. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    if you want to see someone who sucks then id be happy to show you an incredubly large dick shoved in my mouth by your sarah

    heh, i really didnt think it was that bad.......
  18. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Hey guys Just wanted to post and say sorry about my brother. He gets all excited and decides to post on every thread and let everyone know he's new to the game. I'm going to have a talk with him. He's being an idiot. And his conduct is Borderline. You won't be seeing any more senseless posts from MyKeY for a while. BTW, good fights Enk I thoroughly enjoyed just sitting their and having the three of us throw down for an hour or so. If you have any more questions just ask. =). You need to play another char other than Kage. Your Akira is good but not lethal. Are you working on him? Anyway, Later. See you guys on Saturday this weekend. I'm throwing down for a long time with lots of money using Jacky and Wolf. Should be fun =). Does anyone play Mario Golf? Or how about Perfect Dark or Quake? I'm up for some get together with FPS's. I live for that kind of stuff.=)
  19. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    I am a big city type who goes around in a big black limousine with two thugs and a driver armed with Thompsons.

    To THEMYTH I've been unsuccessful in throwing after a crumble.

    To Blonde_one No, I haven't been playing Akira. Kage will always be my first choice as he is the one I am most confident in using, I also have Lau so I really haven't had the time to play Akira lately other than trying b,f+p+g, p+k, rising palm, double palm against the cpu. Your brother seems pretty cool, go easy on him /versus/images/icons/wink.gif. Is it catch throws that make Wolf a difficult character to use? Jacky is for a beginer, you've been him playing for weeks now, shouldn't you choose someone else instead? Do you ever get bored with doing knee, p,p,knee? :p```````` If you are try this combo;

    knee, p,p, G, b/d+p, G, u/b+k

    To Akira2k1 You rule, nuff said.

    To Uncauzi I always love a good low punch match. I can never resist. It really pushes me to concentrate.

    Sarah has a penis? ::shudders::
  20. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Gaishou I'll be up there tonight after 8 prolly if you're game. Or whoever is up and about. It seems that most people here aren't jiggy on late evening play, I guess it's because of something called "work." Gaishou is the only one I see late night. Oh and Myth whenever you want to play, let me know on here k? I want you to beat me down.

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