Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    If any of you are interested, and I'm sure some of you are, there is going to be a VF4 tournament in Philly on March 9th. This is a chance to show the north east what we're made of.
    Here is the link on it, let me know if it doesn't work and I will fix it.
    <a target="_blank" href=>> > March Madness 2K2 </a>

    I've got prices for plane tickets and you can get them here: Hopefully they will drop.
    <a target="_blank" href=> > Airtran Flight Prices </a>

    Anybody else sides me can go? Please think long and hard.
  2. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    What time would you be leaving Enk? I may go with you, for sort of some closure on my gaming, I'm getting very close to the point where gaming is going to be very hard for me, sort of a big hoorah before I become irregular.
  3. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Hey Enk, thanx for the heads up for March Madness!! I don't think I'll be able to make it though. =(. But if you go, hand some ass!!! Give em hell. =). Maybe someday we could host something like this? Just a thought.
  4. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member


    what happened to you? you were playing enk, and you left right after as did everyone else right after i got there. sorry i didnt jump straight into things, kinda wanted to play a little compu before humans...get warmed up etc. whos gonna be there tomorrow night?
  5. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Gaishou, yeah sorry about that man. I know I said I was going to be up there for a while that evening. Was for a little bit. But I spent to much money last night playing IMF and the Dude. To much Pai, heh, she did okay though, close matches but the win/loss ratio wasn't in my favor really. I gotta watch my dough nowadays too, since I'm doing so much stuff to further my career that's not making me any $$$. Gotta kind of budget the BS spending if yknowwhamean. I may be up tonight though, can't guarantee a whole lot of playing...but most likely I'll be around.

    Btw, where's the new guy? Oh and gg's the other day folx.I like pie, and pais pretty cool too.
  6. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    The Uncauzi bankruptcy is a tragedy for practically everyone involved in VF gaming, but especially for the Florida players who lost their life savings in the arcade due to getting beat too much by crouching punches and kicks.

    Everyone is drawing lessons from the Uncauzi story. For some, it's the importance of diversifying their personal investments. For others, it's the danger of getting defeated by nothing more than simple moves.

    I suspect there will be a trend toward simplicity and what the business schools call "transparency" in arcades worldwide. In fact, as you know, achieving a straightforward win of our skills was one of the reasons we decided to play VF4. I'm Enkindu.
  7. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    From the personality of their characters to the source of their power, Orlando and Mt. Dora are very different sorts of teams. Yet as both titans reported quarterly results yesterday, it became clear that there were important similarities in the challenges they face and even in their responses to the obstacles. Orlando the No. 1 Virtua Fighter players in Florida, and Mt. Dora, each reported losing money in the first quarter of 2002. Orlando's loss was smaller than during the comparable period a year earlier. Mt Dora's was bigger. By Orlando's preferred measure of spending, which excludes many sodas and beers, the team's results matched analysts' expectations. Perhaps the best way to understand each team's numbers is in the context of the way each has tried to reinvent itself to prepare for the perceived next stage in Virtua Fitghter gaming. A big difference, of course, is that Orlando's reinvention experiment is largely over now while Mt Dora's is just starting. And the task that [Video Gaming Chairman for Orlando and CEO Enkindu and Uncauzi took on when they became Orlando's chief players in 2001 was far more difficult than the journey that Iron_Monkey_Fist began when Mt. Dora announced last month that he would become the next chief player. The forces arrayed against Mt. Dora are far weaker than those that confronted Orlando. The collapse of the video game market -- Orlando's core gaming -- was systemic. Mt. Dora's biggest problem -- the flaccid crouching punches and kicks, and Kage Maru-- is almost certain to recover eventually. I'm Enkindu.
  8. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    What are you doing Enk? Trying to start some friendly hype? I thought we were all a team or something...

    I've got some friendly hype for haven't won a match in my last 2(could be 3 I stoped counting) trips to rockys...OH wait! I was wrong! You did beat my Pai last time! I only know about 3 of her moves and never play her but, it was a close fight...nice. There's some fuel for the fire buddy. Go burn it. claim to play for fun...yet the style you play is the most unreal, creativity killing, uninspiring, ugly mess of crap, I've EVER seen-Lei Fei being an exception-...You start and end every thought with a d+p. What gets me is how you can lose an entire(SLOW PAINFUL) fight for being predictable and then turn right around and do the SAME thing again...for instance Vannessa vs Lau...the last time I got to fight her before wed I won using only f+pp after blocking your d+p's the whole fight...because you don't do anything dangerous until you low punch first...I'm completely safe to just stand there and wait for it. Why, for LOVE OF GOD would you not be humiliated by this? The next time I fought your Vannessa you were doing the exact same thing...I tried beating you again by just standing there and elbowing. Just to see if I won that time. What I'm getting at is, UnC I know you can do better...why not play your best characters? How was I supposed to take your Pai seriously? I matched and that was fun I guess.....sigh....:p

    I may come up today...tomorrow for sure...

    later guys
  9. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Well, IMF, as I said before...I'm a scrub, and I don't play seriously. I'm no longer on the level. Also I re-iterate soon there will come a point where you can beat my silly varients easily, and I'll either have to change or I'll play more casually than I already am. A competitive spirit is something that you have to cater to, I don't want to develope one. Thing about me is I pour my heart into everything I take "seriously." As far as gaming goes at one time it was SF2, MK2, then VO, then VF2, and lastly Tekken 3. I've been gaming for 10 long years and I know I'm not a GREAT player. At one time I may have been in some peoples opinions, but that doesn't amount to much. I seek my glory in other ways now, although not much more realistic than gaming, in my filmmaking and comedy.

    I'm never humiliated man, as far as gaming is concerned I just take the good with the bad. Vanessa racked wins on all your characters including Lau (won twice vs Lau) that last Wednesday, sure eventually you won twice. Hat's off to you, but instead of wondering why I keep doing what I do. You should be wondering why you lost to it "again." That's what I did, after losing to your Lau, same basic tactic, less mistakes.

    I low punch to reset whatever your are planning to do next. Worse case scenaria I eat an elbow or throw. Maybe both if I forget to RTE. Sometimes I brainfart and low punch to much. I'm a VF2 player at heart and there, low punches were god. Thanks for the reminder though, next time instead of just low punching I'll throw instead /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    My suggestion to beat me more regularly and maybe force me to play another way is, punish my low punch more consistently. The Dude is really good at this, that's why I have to re-invent my play everytime I go against him. In a way he reminds me of Ghetto Shun in NyC, he would not let me abuse anything, I think it's in the movement. DTE as often as possible, I'll throw after an MC low punch or high punch in a heart beat or after a stumble of sorts. If you have a character with a reversal RTE. I'm sorry if you don't like how I play, but my best characters just offer more of the same with a higher penalty ie: splash mountain. I'm not even sure they're my best anymore, played Shun twice I think since December. Jeff maybe once.

    What's good is that you see the low punch before and after. I just hope you consistently start doing something about it.
  10. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    It's like this. If I destroy you, you'll said it yourself.

    Try to go without the d+p for a while...the game's more fun that me:)
  11. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    What if I said I don't think you can destroy me? And if you can, why don't you? Especially if my gameplay is tedious to you? Why you would continue to humor my unreal blah blah blah way of gameplay is beyond me. Beat me senseless, anything else doesn't make sense. Enkindu uses the d+p and I had some great matches versus him after the lot of you left. Since I'm a Vf2 player, that's like telling a Ryu player not to use crouching forward.
  12. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    I don't abuse the low punch and I still win. Gasp! How could that be possible?!
  13. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    I abuse it, and I do win, gasp, how can that be possible?
  14. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    If you admit to being a Total Scrub why do you take such deep offense to IMF telling you your a scrubby bitch? Oh by the way VF4 isn't VF2, ADAPT!!!
  15. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    I took offense? How do you figure? He's just confusing me by saying, that he finds me boring to play against and yet, he doesn't want me to quit? Personally I don't like playing boring people. Maybe you 3 do? It's just not my cup of tea. So why not destroy me and make me want to quit? I find my gameplay fun, and like IMF said himself, just because you're not having fun don't assume the other isn't having fun. I feel like I'm being called cheap for throwing in street fighter.

    I'll adapt when you all force me too. Right now I'm kicking plenty ass just the way I am. Oh btw, I just love how you all get beaten by a scrubby bitch so much. I just hate when people lose, then complain. Ha, first there's a complaint that people don't play enough, then when I do play more you complain that I play! Same thing with Enkindu. I guess you're pent up frustration at ours styles were going to surface sooner or later. You 3 are quite confusing.

    Maybe you all can wait until I don't play the game anymore and then start talking about how you own me so hard like you did back in the TTT days. You all can keep your drama folx, I've been down that road before annd it's really played out. It was fun before bugs crawled up your asses.
  16. imf

    imf Well-Known Member


    I think it's time this whole thread got deleted...
  17. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hah, just because I don't see eye to eye with you whiners, doesn't mean it should be deleted. Hearing all the bitching about my play style actually makes me laugh. The thread has its uses.
  18. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    This thread is used to spark interest for VF in Fl., not to hear bitching and moaning and shit talking, UNC- Your the most casual yet serious SOB i've ever met. You play for fun, you want people to play for fun so you and whoever you play can sit and laugh at silly things you see on a screen. You laugh and think its all funny when something out of the ordinary happens. "your very loud" in expressing how funny that was. But look, your no fun to play, IMF, DUDE, and myself try soo hard to stomach playing you and keeping the atmosphere free of bad blood. Sure we could sit up late at night stressing over beating you. But you don't even play serious. So why would we care if you win or not. Our biggest problem is with your play style, I guess we are a little bummed out that we see all these people looking at you so highly and your just a Scrub. Your T4 game and VF game is very similar. When I play for fun and it comes down to the last hit I go for something "BIG" like a Roundhouse or a Super Flashy move to finish you off with, just to be able to laugh that the fight ended that way. You'll finish us with things like lk's or lp's? You laugh.......................We say "God what a fucking Moron" Whats so goddam funny!!! I think I'm going to take a break from rockies for a while, Tomorrow night(Sat Night) might be the last time all of us can meet and have some fun. I don't have an ego, I don't mind losing, but I'm not going to laugh and be super elated that I was just finished by the lp or lk. You won't get that reaction. Sorry. peace

    MK5 seems more up your ally UNC-VF may be a little too advanced for yah =).
  19. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Well you might not think the way I play is fun, but I do. You see it's all about me really. I don't do big combos, that takes practice. Tekken 4 sucks btw, and when I played it (Maybe off and on for a month), I don't remember you being that big of a problem. Please don't live through your buddies k? You'd lose and then go cry to them. Then start the magical rotating door of Mt. Dora, never playing each other but playing me, until one of you won. Generally that would be IMF. That game I didn't even play for fun, I played it because I was bored.

    I'll admit I'm loud and your catatonic, so what's your point? A lot of people like playing me, because I make the game fun. I'm sorry if I'm not there to "Play virtua fighter and not socialize" which is The_Dudes famous line. Don't worry though, soon, or if you all are savy enuff now, you can have vf4 to play in your very own holes in the wall. So that you can feel good about sitting around for endless hours a day, just the 3 of you and then get online and say "We wasted away on VF4 so that we can compete on a national level, although we didn't attend many tourneys, we're national level damnit!"

    No, game ego, HA! You all who belittle people who play games that you don't like (MvC2-sluts), insult people who's
    play style doesn't fit your own (although currently I hand you all your asses more often than not). Like to talk about being national level in TTT so much. You sure have a hard time NOT showing your egos.
  20. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Quick note- the only people who have been shit talking are you 3 and Enkindu. I'm just defending myself. Read, it's fundamental to understanding.

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