Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Your not alone on the T4 sucking part. Hey news flash you hand me my ass when I see more than lp and lk in your arsenal. Thats like saying I kicked the shit out of someone by slapping them in the face. Your a weak bitch when it comes to VF4 and your creativity in the game is a direct result in your lack of understanding what playing a game is all about. You seem like the kind of guy who plays half ass all the time. No one cares if you stop playing, so stop coming on here talking about it all the time. Your abilities in the game don't make it worth while to try and understand or pretend to like what your saying, so don't flatter yourself.
  2. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    UnC! I upset you that is plain to see. BO agrees with me TD hasn't said anything's me that started it. Somehow I only wanted to help. There's no need to get so nasty guys.

    Why did you go and post that about handing me my ass more times than not? Have you lost your mind? Can you count? Now I'm being nasty but, it's an honest question.

    You know you only ever beat me once at T4 right? When I was playing Christie...I'm not counting the first few days...if we even played what are you talking about?

    It's not that you abuse the low punch so much as it's that you do it in poor situations. More often than not you'll completey whiff and still go for a throw or follow up move. You don't seem to know if it's blocked or not. You'll do it after just about any move of yours gets blocked and after you block any of my moves...this is what gets old after a while. Well timed and placed low punches have their place in the's when I'm seeing you average 5 per round 1 as soon as anything is blocked or there's a break in the action that I want to say something. I didn't say it the right way tho...and I 'm sorry. I can beat you for playing like that UnC and I have(more times than not)the thing is when I do and you come back playing the same I -and I know you're just playing for fun!- tend to take it easy. Not saying that I let you win. Certainly you are good enough to beat me even when I am trying. But I do go into "fun matches mode" for a while...I don't want to run you off. Probably couldn't if I tried...I haven't tried though and I don't plan on it...low punch insanity and all you're the best around and I do enjoy playing you regardless of what I said.

    If you don't want to change that's cool...I guess you weren't sticking around for long neway.

  3. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    I was referring to VF4, I do beat you 3 more often than you beat me. That doesn't mean they aren't good games, I just win more. No deduction from your ability to play the game. Take it as you like I guess. Now that last paragraph is acceptable, a critique is fine. But that garbage you wrote after enks little poetic whatever the fuck it is, could easily be misconstrued as a flame with the WHY IN GODS NAME and other exaggerated bullshit. You have to see how this comes across as whining to me, considering that I still win a lot. It's just that the only person I don't see complaining about the low punch is The_Dude, since he deals with it accordingly almost every time and like I said I have to re-evaluate my gameplay everytime. Lions set of knockdowns on normal hit help to, but in general he has a good anti-low punch game.

    Now the reason for excessive low punches is to do a relatively safe move that does have rewards if they MC. Also to stimulate a reaction on my opponents part. Whether that is an attack or just blocking. I know just by watching you all play that you like to dance around in a linear motion. By low punching I generally get you to stop. Now by excessive low punching, I know I'm leaving myself open to being reemed. It's also part of a paranoid phase of my gameplay, by the time I become a low punch, low kick fan you've already beaten what I tried to do. So I try and condition you into thinking that I'll do something else so I can go back to the original plan again.
    Now sometimes you don't get conditioned sometimes you do.
    I also know that this is very defeatable and generally I'm counting on you to realize this. It stiffens you up since you're looking to counter the lp, lk. Case in point, I know your Lau has many opportunities to stagger or float my Vanessa. Personally I think Lau versus Vanessa can be a bad matchup for Vanessa. So I try and take away your forward momentum with a low punch. You're answer is an elbow. Great, first you lose two games and then you win two. Yes, it was a slow and painful 2 games to lose but now I know that you won't slaughter me from that strategy. It can at the very least buy me time. In other words I use it to re-establish momentum. Sometimes if you let me I'll do it to much, then thinking that you'll fall for it again, I get reemed. Like I said before, I don't know much about the game; however, like most games conditioning a response is a key to victory.

    One thing about me is I have horrible reaction time. What low punch does for me, is shorten the options my opponent has against me. If he has no low throw or counter it's going to take something with the speed of an elbow or some d/f+p moves to knock me out of it easily. If they back up, I stand up. The last Lau versus Vanessa fight we had I used the low punch to bait the elbow, and kneed you in response to it followed by the choke. Now sometimes I just misjudge distance or do it at inappropriate times, but believe me, I do it for a reason.

    Why don't we look at this way....

    If I use the low punch to much, shame on me.
    If I beat you with the low punch, shame on you.
  4. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Last note: I'll take it under advisement but keep in mind when I play a new character and I start losing you will see lp,lk sometimes during the match. A simple tactic, that gives me time to breathe. My recent experimentation seems to be what started all this bitching, so, just to say it's not going very far anytime soon. I'm going to be actually learning the characters moves via sheet sooner or later. I always like playing pre-faq for a while.

    P.S. IMF you more dissappointed me than upset me, I expected more of this kind of stuff from blondie than you since I know you can deal with it most of the time.
  5. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    What are you doing Enk? Trying to start some friendly hype? I thought we were all a team or something...

    I've got some friendly hype for haven't won a match in my last 2(could be 3 I stoped counting) trips to rockys...OH wait! I was wrong! You did beat my Pai last time! I only know about 3 of her moves and never play her but, it was a close fight...nice. There's some fuel for the fire buddy. Go burn it.

    You must be refering to the day that you didn't beat ME at all, but you did eventually beat a character that I accidentally picked which was Vanessa who I know NO moves for but got 5 wins with her against you, the_dude, and I think Blonde_one was losing to her too with your best characters. Now in all fairness you should have warned me some impolite things were said on the thread today, that's just respect. I just played you tonight at Rockys and in all honesty I whooped your candy ass in Vf but I thought we were cool.

    The first time we played I defeated your Wolf 3 rounds to 0, then I decided to "go easy" on you seeing as you have this ego and all, which I'm more than willing to cater to <eg>give me your money, and you beat me 3 rounds to zero with Wolf. Then I beat you 3 rounds to 2 and then I won another one after that, 3 to 1, and you barely, just barely beat me in the last match with 3 rounds to 2 and only a pixle of health left. Now if we were playing dollar a match I would have came out on top.

    You said good games, but nothing about any money or this made up crap of how on your last two or three trips that I, Enk, didn't win one match against you, but I, Enk, did beat your scrubby Pai. How is that possible anyways? I never see you there unless it's on a weekend and you're only there for a few hours and that's all. Now if that statement were true I would be so scruby that I couldn't look at myself in the mirror. You're just trying to make me look like a scrub. I tell you what. If you want we can do this now or we can do this at OD, but I want a grude match against you to see why I can talk shit and play and you can't. Any of the rest of you want to challange me, I mean Kage? I mean me and Kage. Kage and I?
  6. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    And really, you don't have to hate. Especially towards Uncauzi. Crouching punches are trivial. You wouldn't know that if it weren't for him. Unc has skills. Get over it.
  7. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,

    What's up with all the bickering? Who cares about how anyone wins. Sure, getting beat by a lot of lp's sucks and isn't very flashy, but it is defendable. Using lp's are great for openers and safety hits. Knowing how to followup them is something that is really important. Whether of not Unc does that, I don not know. I haven't palyed Unc in a while.

    Anyway, wanted to say thanks to Enk for the good games on Friday in the pm. Can't hang with your Kage very well with my Akira. Most go to the hyperbolic time chamber and practice.

    Any ideas on when anyone will be going up? Lemme know. And quit arguing.

  8. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Forget it UnC, I should be thanking you for the scrub practice.

    Enk, UnC is much tougher to beat than you are. If I wanted to challenge someone it wouldn't be you. Sorry bud. It was cool of you to help Mikey out. Thanks

    I'm done posting in this thread...
  9. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    You're welcome sir, just don't forget to stop by once in a while to say hello to the little guy on your way to the top.
  10. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    No real problem here akira, just that natural result of what happens when people don't get along really in the first place. It's also common when rivalries occur. There's something deeper here I think, maybe some disgust for me in general from way back in the TTT days where I ate them up at first, but by the time they got good my days were done. A lot of people don't like it when you win a lot and then leave. I think they see it approaching here again and it's not making them happy.

    Well that coupled with the follower syndrome I see here, IMF is obviously the leader while the rest kind of follow suit to whatever his opinion is at the time. Or I could be wrong, they could just be close freinds that well...because their close freinds tend to agree on most things. It just seems IMF normally speaks out about it more, which is good and the others speak up about it after the fact. Lord knows me and Enkindu don't always see eye to eye but both of us will let you know what we think the minute we think it.

    Or maybe it's because we don't aspire to be like the japanese? Who knows whatever it is it's all useless anyway.

    Ahhh well, I'll be up later today maybe. I'll check back here in between my breaks, just let me know if you can make it. Heard anything from the new guy?
  11. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Get help cause you need it you motherfucker. I, for one, can see your flaws, and I'm not in the least bit ashamed of telling you that. If you really think your game is better than mine then why can you not break my throws? I throw you all day with any character and you come on here and think you somehow are better than I at VF. Utter bullshit. Look, pick a life already, the one online or the one in person because they both clash. The only thing they have in common is that neither one know shit. I can have the machine on lockdown, and have many times in the past, against you, the_dude, unc, blonde_one, and anyone else. But you can't break my throws or work around crouching punches. You really think I'm easier than Unc, but you can't admit that it's you that sucks plain and simple. That, in my opinion, is lame of you. Just admit it, you suck. (yawn)

    I just told Mikey some moves and showed him a few combos. he showed me some of his and that was about it. It's called sharing information and stuff. Which is another area that you lack in.
  12. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Unc, you know what's really funny? It's how when the game first came out it was you, I, and akira who were the ones owning everyone who played, and I remember quite clearly since it was only a couple of months ago that The_Dude, and IMF were getting their ass handed to them every single time they played one of us. Now all of the sudden one of them thnks he is a great VF master and completely thinks that I suck. Can you say conspiracy? Same thing happened in TTT to you with them didn't it? I see a trend. This IMF is hardly a competitor. He's more of a chicken. He won't even accept MY challange, and I'm just so easy according to him. He's barely literate. He does no comprende. He smells like funky shit and plays like diarrhea.
  13. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Well Enk, considering the ps2 version is out, I suppose they most likely have started their pilgrimmage of sitting in front of the tube for countless hours in perfect silence seeking their goal of delusionary game prowess. Too bad the peace didn't last, then again it never does. I'm still surprised at all the bitching at me considering I don't take the game as seriously as they do.
  14. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    That's ok Unc, while they are sitting at home I'll be traveling around the world to compete and to look for improvement and tactics. I don't care if I'm # 1but I do care about the spirit of compitition. IMF spirit is tainted. It's jealousy and revenge that strives him, I think. Of course.
  15. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    I said I wasn't going to post. Come on guys. I never attacked you personally. All I ever talked about was the way you play. You two don't know what you're doing or what you're saying. Yeah Enk, you remember when I started playing the game do ya? That's good. I've been playing VF for weeks. You've been playing VF for years. Figure it out. I never said I was anygood at VF. In fact I know I have a long way to go. I can beat you what does that tell you? I may have flamed a bit about your play styles but, I don't attack you as people. WTF are you two thinking? No class. Just because I don't live at rockys UnC or hang out with you that means I don't have a life? You two are so stupid it hurts.

    If I wasn't so new to the game Enk I'd take you up on your challenge. But right now I'm not looking to challenge. I never said I was better. You always try and say you're the best. I pointed out that you don't win very much for being the best.

    I might come up there today.
  16. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    I knew you'd post, huhuhu. btw, I didn't say you didn't have a life. Everyone does, noones hooked up to a machine. I just said that you all will be playing it a LOT at home once you get it. That's a safe assumption considering how much time you 3 have repeatedly said that you played TTT so much. I think that pain your feeling is your brain trying to "read" I know it's difficult for you, but don't blame your pain on others.

    First I'm boring to play against, then I'm a scrub, and now I'm stupid? Yet, you enjoy playing against me despite what you say online? So I suppose you like losing to a stupid, boring, scrub, also. Your idea of fun just boggles my mind.

    Your wounded gaming ego needed bandaging I guess.
  17. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Look everytime you post to me it is a direct insult. Any respect I may have had for you is about dimished. I am only defending myself. You challanged me on page 30 to dollar style matches. You are showing yourself to be quite the liar. I hope for the sake of your poor judgement that I am not what you say. Because I know I do have class and I'm not stupid. You only know me from my posts too might I add. Obviously you can learn from me, as I can from you. However you should open up more. I have no problem with you other than the BS that goes on in your head when it relates to VF and my style. You attack me when I make a joke. Casual matches do not count! I can win when it counts. You will see. These visits to Rocky's are for me to play around and practice. I enjoy playing around and practicing with anyone who plays VF. I just don't enjoy coming here and seeing that I am attempted to be made a fool of, by one of the people that I practice with. You should show respect because in a couple of weeks I'm going to prove to you and anyone who doubts me that I will be # 1. Once I do that I will go to philly and test my skills there. I've played against and have gotten tips from players in Japan. Ask Akira2001 this and he will vouch for me. they tought us to knee w/ akira in right situations, they even taught us how the Japaneese properly hold the controller and place their fingers across the buttons. Now I can say that if Japan came and played on Rocky's machine they would have to comprimise the angles, which can throw off countering and throw escapes. Perhaps that is why I lose to the likes of you. I've been saying that from the start. I can still play on both of the machines though. One better than the other, and on a perfect VF machine, who knows? I'll have to venture out there to find one first.
  18. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Thats really enough. Our ring leader has spoken and I'm undenyingly going to back him up like a little bitch. You guys are working on crossing the line. Don't try too hard, I might just smile and say what a dumbass =).
  19. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    You are an idiot. Beat you to it.
  20. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Freindly wager blondie, you versus Enkindu. Whoever loses has to stand on the DDR machine while it's saying "Boo are you a monkey" with megaphone in hand and say proudly, "Excuse me ladies and gentelman I suck dick and I'm proud of it." I in turn get to video tape it and post it on the net!

    You game?

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