Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Enk? would you really like a grudge match with me? =) I might hand you your ass. I'd be careful. =) LOL
  2. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    You do know that you must put up $100.00 for it to be a true grudge match, correct? I don't want you jumping into something you don't fully understand. That would make me a cheater.
  3. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    i don't want to humiliate anyone, I just want the money.
  4. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Enk, your kind of funny, I don't have a problem with you in the least, I've actually worked on being nice to you. Little posts here and there. Come on man your pushing away your only comp. Stop this!!!! Do you really want to be limited to Unc? Sure he's real fun but do you think he'll make you that much better. Chances are your going to be real good at stopping lp but what after that. STOP!!!!!
  5. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Thanks. You make sence. I do not want to push away comp, but I do want to earn some of your respect. How can I do that other than by showing up and playing? By winning a tournament with you all in the lineup doesn't seem like it will get me your respect either. I really am at a loss either way so what does it matter. I play I get made a fool of on the net, if I don't play I could only imagine what would happen. I'm not even considering the latter.
  6. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Look what Blondie sent me:

    Blondie wrote:

    I'd be up for it but no gaurantees that Enk would do such a thing. I think my record with Enk is very one sided he hasn't beaten me at all for the last two weeks. Wait he beat me a couple of times when I first started playing wolf. Then I owned him after a while. Had to learn 2 or 3 moves =). Thats about all it takes. But sure my jacky against his Kage. You can always tell when Enk is trying................He sweats like a pig! Very wierd.
  7. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

  8. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    -Enk is a powerful person and would never harm Blonde_One. Blonde_one is -Enk's stable boy. Blonde_one shovels out the horse shit that Iron_monkey_fist left
  9. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    I am as the ghost in the darkness. Nothing is as it seems to be. The hills are a phantom on which I place my soul. The stone covers the heart. The mind goes on keeper of the flame. All others before me are my memories. I live as the animal of the deep northern ice. Ursa Horribilis, bear. bear,
    bear, The hunter fears me, for my claw is strong and his lance finds no heart in which to bring me down.
  10. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    To feel this emotion of stress is a thing that makes one more human. I find my self so cold in my soul when confronted with things of war. So long under the stars with the moon as my only light, it was in twilight that I learned my way. In yon arbor mad neith it's trees I, like the werewolf, howled at an unforgiving moon.
    I bayed not in fear, or pain, but viewed the monkey_fist as an intruder into my world.
  11. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    you guys are too much. saying "you use lp and lk too much" is like saying "stop it i don't know how to defend". this shit is too funny.
  12. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Let me speak here, if I may. Understand me well, oh my people, It is not for child bearing that I crave a fine ass. That sucks to the max! What on earth would a rambunctious gigolo like me want with a runny nosed brat? No Sir, makes no sense. Well it is insanity to want to bear a child just because I desire and lust for a fine ass. Can't we remain " just friends" and do a little ass playing without the thought of hips made for child bearing? SHUDDER!!
  13. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    I will be up at Rocky's on Thursday prolly around noon and also at night. If anyone can make it please do so. If you think you can make it lemme know a time Any takers, just PM me.


  14. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    I'll be there in late afternoon/early evening. See you there!
  15. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Noon works for me dood. Make it so!
  16. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    When I play for fun and it comes down to the last hit I go for something "BIG" like a Roundhouse or a Super Flashy move to finish you off with, just to be able to laugh that the fight ended that way. You'll finish us with things like lk's or lp's? You laugh.......................We say "God what a fucking Moron" Whats so goddam funny!!!


    posted by blondie earlier

    i think whats so funny is that while you were trying your stupid flashy move, you got countered by a lp or lk and lost. so we're supposed to sit around and try to do flashy moves to finish each other?? new rules i guess. but i thought the purpose was to win???
  17. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to give you guys props for this insane thread! I like it when people stick to one thread instead of starting new ones all the time. Sounds like you guys have a tight group.

    Keep it up.

  18. Highspeed

    Highspeed Member

    Ok........let's think about what Dennis is sick of........ah yes, how the Mt. Dora kids take a game too seriously, complain of my fellow Orlando players' style because they cant or dont know how to counter it. Sure, I don't play VF at all, but I watch quite a bit, and it always seems the Mt. Dora kids are so fact I don't think ive ever heard any of you utter a word...but why come home get on here and whine and complain on here about how someone else plays? Did you put the tokens in the machine? Nobody is holding a gun to your head. People who know me on here, will know me by my firstname which I said in my first sentence. Those of you that don't, WILL know it, IN PERSON, if i keep hearing the garbage senseless trash talk on here about how Orlando players choose to play. I most times communicate quite directly with people, and I could have Monday night, I was makin my smart little comments near the VF4 machines while you Mt Dora guys were playin on the machine to the right. I know ya heard me. If you gotta problem, tell me in person or tell Enk or Unc and they will more than likely let me know. This isn't a threat or anything like that either, I'm just tired of hearing about this nonsense and I'm pretty sure I can do quite a bit to curb it ok? Now nice.
  19. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    I don't have a clue who you are. Nor did I hear any "smart comments". If you don't play VF than why do you care?

    p.s. I'm not much of a shit talker (just ask Enk or Unc), so don't take my question the wrong way. I'm just curious.
  20. Highspeed

    Highspeed Member

    If you ain't a "shit talker" then that post ain't for you is it? But in respect to your question, I care because these are two of my friends taking flak for how someone plays VF4. I heard about it by ear from Enk, then I saw Unc and Enk both tonight at Rocky's and heard about it again. This is the way I look at it, nobody ever says anything in person at Rocky's, but then the Mt Dora guys......wait lemme clarify, the Mt Dora "shit talker guys" come home and post on here complaining about how Enk and Uncauzi play VF4. Boo hoo hoo, then after its addressed on here, they play at Rocky's, act normal and nice there, then come back home and talk more. Since I'm friends of theirs, I choose to post on here to sorta curb this BS two face attitude certain people seem to give off. But "The Dude" if you aren't a trash talker man, I ain't got the slightest problem with ya. If you wanna know who I am, I'm the tall half asian half white guy youll see around Enk if he's playin VF4 on occasion, its kinda tough to miss me.

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