Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I read on the web the ps2 version of T4 is gonna be arcade intact!

    Damn! I was hoping they would make it better!
  2. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    yo, when you gonna be at CTF? i might be there.
  3. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    You don't punish me enough after you block my launchers...
    that's why it seems like a high reward low risk move...with
    jeffry you could simply make me OS the splash mountain
    to start with...most of the time though I do get away without
    much damage when it's blocked. When you start to capitalize
    on my risk more often I'm sure it wont seem so bad.

    Lau's moves are very straight forward and not hard to block/see coming. His punch techniques are fast...but they
    all yield a frame disadvantage...if I stop at the 2nd or 3rd punch you have the advantage and of course if I finish the
    string and you block it I'm quite fucked.

    Just retaliate with big damage when a mistake is made and
    Lau has to become a much more cautious character.

    I don't yet have to OS low throws after blocked sweeps either;)

    I would have to disagree somewhat about Lau being THE easiest character to start with, because for someone new
    to the game like myself, I find it is much harder to discern when you can punish Lei, Jacky, or even Pai than it is with

    "braindead floats" don't exist in VF^_^

    I usually wait for you(or Dwayne) to start doing multiple d+p's.
    -which doesn't take long- Then I can just backdash and launch
    you out of that scrubby nonsense. Which I must say I rather

    gotta go


    (damn!? how do my lines get so phuked up in the final??)
    oh well.....
  4. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Hey UnCauzi, just thought I'd say a couple of things...

    The Dude posted:

    He was the only one who knew what he was doing that played the last time I was there. He lost a couple of times then went and played Marvel the rest of the night. Now there's not anything wrong with that, it's just that if you want to get good at a game you have to be willing to lose

    I agree with this 100%. And I don't really think he's being "cold". It seems that there are a lot of casual gamers in Rocky's (I'm basing that on this post. I've only been there once). There's nothing you can do to convince the casual gamer to stick around and become better at VF, because he's approaching it thinking "ahh, a new game, I'll try it out", and probably expects to get multi-hit combos and pretty flashing lights on his first few tries. They look at the "coolest" looking characters first, which is why you see Shun, Lei Fei, Jacky, and maybe Kage (KAH-geh) or Lion on a regular basis. After they get beat a couple of times, then it's off to another game. I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'm posting about, because that's what happened here in Jacksonville. I've tried giving advice and I've tried giving "mercy rounds". I usually congratulate people if they pull off a nice move or defend well (you can ask Karl and IMF, I've played with them a coupla times). But in the end, none of that helps. The player has to be committed to getting better first. Being cordial doesn't help. If I want to get better, I realize that I'll have to play really good competition. I know I'll probably get beat, but there's a good chance that I'll get better.

    And don't get me wrong. I didn't reply to this part of the thread to get the flaming started. I would love to go to Orlando (or anywhere else) to get some good competition on a regular basis. If I can't get it around here, then I travel when I can. I'm pretty sure you'd do the same, as would Karl and IMF. But the casual gamer wouldn't, because he's just not interested enough. Y'know, there's a thread in the <font color=orange>General Forum</font color=orange> that's more appropriate for this part of the thread.

    Hope things go well in New York. You'll learn something if you play against Adam, Hiro, and Andy, not to mention Nelson and Piccolo.
  5. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hehe, no flaming here, I try and stay away from that type of thing. I prefer to respectfully disagree.

    As far as the casual gamer thing goes, I've had success in the past with them BUT, in the past games were knew. People didn't realize the time and effort it took to become good at a game and now well...they do lol. So yeah, it's a hard fight to fight but to be honest, I don't mind fighting a scrub now and then. They help me practice combos. I'm a pro scrub player sue me. I'm not much of a tournament player anymore. So I have sympathy for yon scrubs.

    After all I'm admittedly a scrub myself, I know NOTHING in general about frame disadvantages, and just found out about R-DTE, and the other DTE thing. I kind of knew about option select and used it "Vf2 version of it" anyway back in the day.
    I've always been one of those, feel players, like my d+p madness if you don't stop it, I won't change it ROFLOL. You have to remember my stupid Lei Fei low kick, d/f+k, P, repeat moronic strategy, but it won me a game or two ;) But eventually the guys at Rockys did so I had to evolve my game. As they say you have to evolve with the competition. But at heart I'm a very basic player, get past my basic shit and I'm owned dot com.

    Piccolo, well I was planning on going up to CTF wednesday or some time on the weekend but I may have a show to do. Maybe you all can beat me senseless enuff for me to pay more attention to advanced strats. Normally I learn about advanced stuff simply because I catch some of it being spoutted by Creed and company on Irc in between UT sessions. I'll admittedly say only reason I got major into vf2 is because of people telling me about this in the arcades (like in NY, Philly and DE where I'd play), I am way to lazy to actually read about it myself which is where the "Admitted scrub" thing comes from.

    Well gotz to go, time to own the people at UP. *Sigh* is NY the only place with dedicated VF comp up here? UP peeps were say okay, but they play Lau...and all are relatively new and lord knows I've played against enuff new Laus as of late ;)
  6. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    For some reason I actually thought Namco would change some things in the Tekken 4 engine before they released for the PS2. I mean come on there are so many things that are just blatantly screwed up. But, I digress. It doesn't matter anymore because I'm a VF player now.
  7. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Hey Sean, do you know if Tampa Lanes has a VF4 machine? If so does anybody play there? I might go and check it out this saturday.
  8. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Yeah they do, from what I hear noone in Tampa plays but I hear Miami has a few players that really want to get good at the game. That's a bit farther than Tampa though : / Hey if they get to that point would you all be interested in doing a VF tourney/get together in Orlando? I might not be able to do anymore tournies at rockys but calling a get together is all good. Generally when I do get togethers we eventually call dollar up matches, each time you play you bet a dollar on your match. Can be pretty fun and you can stop playing anytime you like unlike a 10 dollar tourney which no matter what will cost you 10 bucks 0_o

    Let me know if you two are game. What ever happened to the blonde guy is he getting into the game or no? I saw him playing the last time I was there.
  9. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Sounds OK with me.

    The blonde guy is coming around to VF. He's been playing
    Jacky and getting better every week. That'll make 3 from Mt. Dora then.

    The more comp the better.....obviously ^_^
  10. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Jacky? Good, though I hate that high priority quick son of a bitch only way I'm going to get good at playing against is if someone picks him up huhuhuhu. Correction someone who actaully knows what his moves are and doesn't think they do. Still can't wait to play against some seasoned akiras in Nyc. Tomorrow oh yes, if everything goes well I will see how far my generic tactics take me wh00t.
  11. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Represent some whore splash mountains for the FL players!

    I was playing some Jeffry today. MC hell stab then qcf+p+k+g
    is lots'O fun on scrubs:)
  12. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hehe does a 29 win streak work? Jeffery splash mountain whoring was in full effect. Quite nice, CTF owns, to bad most of the better players weren't around. If you read this piccolo next week I may be up again!
  13. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    o_0 29? nice!

    Where are the good players? ^_-
  14. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, dunno, got to play CrewNyC (Adam Yuki) I guess, an akira guy named sou, and piccolo. Sides that there were mostly scrubs, difference is the scrubs here actually know how to do some moves and have a concept of strategy. Oh and whenever I went up there people were playing wh00t.

    Had pretty good games against Piccolo and the Sou guy, much respect to Piccolos Jeffry, though I beat his Jeffry 2-1 his obviously had a better gameplan. Hope more of the guys show up this following weekend if I can find time to stop by there. Especially this Nelson, Shun fellow.

    I can't SPoD up here for some reason so that sux. Only won like 4 games total with my Akira. Lei got a nice little 15 win streak, Jeffery the 29 and Shun like 23 (everyone left). So I'm not doing to bad. It was nice to have some competent competition, (not that you all aren't) for only having the machine for a little less than a month their not bad at all.

    Didn't play any Lions or Laus really though, go fig. Not that I won't have any when i get back to FL ;)
  15. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Heh...CrewNYC is Andy. I unfortunately couldn't be there. I'll try to come down next week - hopefully you can be there.
  16. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Oh thx for the correction, I'll prolly be up will know tomorrow, things still looking good for you? Kick my ass please, so I can learn something. My game = hella incomplete and I need to see my holes in order to correct them.
  17. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    i'm new to the board. not new to rockies. been playing vf4 for about the past month. not too many matches against people unfortunately. i go mainly around 9pm. funny about the mvc2 whores. although i do like snk vs cap MUCH better than mvc2. chances are if you go to rockies, play tekken 4, mvc2, cvs1/2, i've played you...gotta meet up with some of you sometime. i'll be up there tomorrow (12/30) at around 5 pm. hit me up with an email if you're going.
  18. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Nice, well, if you've played me, I'm the big black guy with braids. Everyone there just about knows me, played Christy and Marduk in Tekken 4 for a very short time. Guess if you just started playing vf4 in the past month you probably never played me, I know that before I left there were say 6-7 people or so that played it regularly. Only 4 people that played pretty good regularly. I dunno about now though. When I get back in town I'll give you a run for your money ;)
  19. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Hey gaishou, who do you play and what do you look like?

    Sorry I couldn't make it today. I should be up there tue tho:)
  20. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    unfortunately couldn't make it today. hey uncauzi, do you play a level 4 haomaru in cvs2?? i think i've played you quite a few times, not only at cvs, but other games. i also think i played you in vf4, you were using shun a quite a bit....think it was the first time i played it. i may be wrong. i'm a big, dark haired guy with a shaved head...been playing lau, wolf, and jeffrey. soon to check out sara i think.

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