Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Yeah I've seen you before. Don't think I've ever talked to you though. I'm not the type of person who starts conversations. Next time I'm there, probably sat., I'll say what's up. I'm the one with short black hair and smokes. You should play VF4. It's a badass game.
  2. Highspeed

    Highspeed Member

    Ya know hehe, I've tried, and found myself gettin my ass handed to me cuz I've never EVER played any VF period. I tried one day when nobody was watching and played as Lei Fei a bit and found I liked him cuz hes seems user friendly. MvC2 is more my cup of tea though, I'm fairly decent at that but who knows, maybe I'll give VF4 a little more of my time to get better at it cuz the game certainly looks fun.
  3. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Alright man, who put you up to this? Why have you put your ass on the line. "YOU DON"T EVEN PLAY VF"!!! Go home and practice Marvel supermoves or something. Your cluttering our thread!
  4. Highspeed

    Highspeed Member

    Is that sassyness i hear in your voice? Nobody put me up to this toughguy, but I'd also like to see you stop me from what you call "cluttering your thread". Maybe youll like to meet me at Rocky's too? Perhaps if you're as sassy in person we'll see if you can also stop me from uhm..."cluttering your face with the back of my hand?"......

    By the way, if theres any more of you people that wanna be sassy with me for no reason, that goes for you too. Why can't you guys be a little more civil like The Dude. Respect is a two-way street, when you give you shall receive. When I see a post directed at me sayin "Why have you put your ass one the line" I tend to respond with the same attitude. So don't bother callin me immature cuz I threatened someone on here, I'm not gonna care.
  5. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Lei Fei is a good character to start out with. Just ask Dan or Sean for some tips. They should be more than happy to help out. I don't know shit about Lei Fei. I mostly play Lion. You can ask me most anything about the game engine though.
  6. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Hey dipshit lets get something straight, you've stuck your unskilled nose in this thread and called three of the best guys here "Shit-talkers". You wanna threaten me? thats cool, but be careful I'm a shit talker and who knows what I might do in person. LOL. Go eat out your mom or something. Hey if were going to be immature might as well say something horrible. =) peace
  7. Highspeed

    Highspeed Member

    Yeah, I figured Lei Fei was a good starting char just by how he plays. Dan isn't there very much anymore unfortunately and Sean is usually writing while hes there if I see him there hehe. I just wish the game was out on PS2 already, cuz it'd be a lot easier for me to learn. Oh well I gotta start somewhere, time to ask my good buddy Dwayne for some assistance in this game hehe. One thing I noticed though, one combo in this game can almost decimate a char, and throws are particularly strong when compared to other games. I'm a MvC2 or VS series to heart period, so its gonna take a little gettin used to before I stop gettin my ass handed to me hehe. One question though, I know theres a punch/kick/defend button, but can you press say punch + kick to do a separate attack, I guess my question is other than throwing do diff combos of buttons or maybe all 3 make a difference in certain types of moves?
  8. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Dennis, whatup meing. Found your way to this wonderful thread eh? By the way Blondie, Dennis is speaking from his own mind, he's one of the marvel "sluts" you all cleverly describe. He has mad respect for VF players, he's just not good at it, who knows he might pick it up since it's coming to PS2 and his freinds love the game. He's welcomed to say whatever he likes, if you don't like it, I suggest you take it up with him in person. Some times people don't like it when people talk shit about their freinds, it's one of those "freind" things. No reason to bring a shotgun to Rockys and blow anyone to pieces though. We know how you quiet types can be dangerous /versus/images/icons/wink.gif But yeah in The_Dudes defense he's just a good player that likes to play VF4. Only gripe I ever had with him was that he just kept playing Lion over and over, but that was more because his lion circumvents my more basic tactics that the others complain about so much.

    On a side note:

    Akira2001, you dah man. Great games today, you really gave my Aoi a workout. To bad I didn't show up earlier. You like my countering =) I just wish I could get you, Enk, and Dan up to play VF4 at once. You peeps I have the most fun playing.

    Enkindu: Good to see your keeping in VF shape mi hermano, I started playing with Kage. I didn't do to bad, just played pony tail and the computer, got up to Aoi then got beat down. I like the Jumanji switches. Oh and that thing i was talking about that I didn't know how to describe is back turned p+g cancel with P which turns it into a guard breaking chop thingie.

    To myself: Damn you're one sexy devil, how do you manage to juggle a career, insatiable females, and VF4 at the same time? I mean, why am I so great?!?!
  9. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Yeah, different combinations of buttons and joystick movements render different moves. You should go to and print out a Lei Fei moves list. It should also have damages and properties listed for the moves too. It took me awhile to get you used to the VF engine from TTT. But once you get the hang of it you won't want to play anything else.
  10. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Sean's last sentance: "Why am I so great?"

    You stole that from Lion's win taunt! Admit it, you love my Lion! ; ) HAHA
  11. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any Florida VFers here? *DELETED*

    Post deleted by Blonde_one
  12. imf

    imf Well-Known Member


    The Dude is my hero!!

    One day we're all gonna wake up and this thread wont be here.

    It'll be a mercy kill.
  13. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, just because you're not having fun doesn't mean I'm not. You see it's all about me really, and you know what? If you beat me, I'll still be having fun. If you were winning you wouldn't be complaining have as much. You're just a sore loser, admit it. You're like the people in Street fighter who complain about being thrown, or people in mvc2 that complain about people using helpers, better yet like the people in mash complaining about people who play to much. Don't worry, with practice you'll be able to beat me, then all your tension will go away....until the next thing you can't beat comes along.
  14. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Leave the dood alone, despite what he might say behind my back to you all the face he's shown me I have nothing but respect for. Which is basically a blank face, and an occasional grin that appears to be cracking his face. You can't help but respect good gameplay.

    Lion does all the talking.
  15. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    So sean are you staying in Cali for awhile? Like Forever? Maybe the guys there will appreciate you. I have no doubts that they will. Good luck to you.
  16. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Thanks sir. It's not easy.
  17. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Hi Dennis! If they had learned Shoalin Kung Fu, problems with crouching low punches would have never occured. OOOOOOOOSAAAAAAAAAAAAA! So you see kung fu is great, wonderful!
  18. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    No, you're not much of a shit talker. I guess I can vouch for that. I don't know you all too well though.
  19. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    I never could understand that. I think they are trying to eat your brain.
  20. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    There is no cheese in the game, are you sure you can handle that? Well, if you're good you can ring them out. I've got a new Kage TFT combo that pretty much gaurentees a ring out, or at least puts them close to the edge.

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