Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you know who I am, but I have no clue who you are ;) But I'll be down for some playing when I get back. After getting my ass handed to me by NyC's Nelson, I'm ready to share the pain huhuhu.
  2. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Hello Unc. Hello guys. I like VF4 alot. Just I dislike the buttons on the machines alot. They are so different than what I am use to. I like Japan's setup. Americans are so self-centered. To the Lau player. I've played you before, but you've not done one thing that I am impressed by. It works for the win, but in casual play you take no risks at all which really makes it no fun to play against you. I play for fun when I play casual. I will play you for money if you want to get serious, but that's entirely up to you. Did you know that Lau has a knife hand chop that lifts the oppnent off the ground if they are crouching? It is charge D, then roll to D/F and press punch, punch, punch, punch, kick. The first punch knocks them into the air, and you can continue the crescent kick combo. I think this might work better against Uncauzi's crouching punches, better than b+p, k that you use as it takes off hella damage and is more fearsome than the latter combo. His rushes are still tight, but it really only works once without chance. F+p, p, then d/f+k,p,p is about the only thing I can find that has the least amount of frames where Lau is left unable to defend. I've been playing Lau for years. I've just been waiting for the big tournament to use him, but I guess I'll let the cat out of the bag. I'm confident enough that we can all learn from each other to get better. However, I cannot teach the Lion player a thing cause I never liked Lion enough to learn him. He seems to be learning fine on his own anyway. Ciao. By the way, how are the controllers in NYC Uncauzi? Hope you're having fun and Happy New Years!!

  3. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Oh another thing with Lau.About d/f,d/f+p,p,p,p,k, the first punch will juggle if it's a MC, and it causes Lau to rush forward about 2 steps. It's a good move to use to rush in os what I mean;) And that's a juggle after a MC, not a mc. Understand? MC = Major Counter, mc = Minor Counter
  4. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    It's too bad you can't play 'cause of the controls. Most places
    don't even have VF4...if you liked it that much I'd think you'd
    play anyway.

    It's really kinda simple like that.
  5. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Well the situation on the controls =
    Right hand side, I couldn't do Chouwan with Shun Di.
    Also sometimes the right kick button would stick.
    Also 2 buttons are straight and the guard was at a diagnol.
    And I had to stand up.....felt....unnatural.

    These are the only issues I had, and any match I had where any of these factors caused me to lose I was losing anyway. In general the sticks were good, I had big problems doing Sp0d and a few other things but nothing was so bad that I'd make a big deal out of it.

    But it was rockin to play against those cats, the guys up here do a LOT more than we do down there and they've only had the game for a month. I may have won most of my matches against everyone but Nelson (ghettoshun?) however in general they have a much more technical base of play than the FL peeps. Also they are all cool with each other and help each other out which really makes a difference in all of their levels.
    I'd say their an example that maybe we should follow.

    Very positive vibe from everyone...well maybe not from Nelson at first but I think he was in "Defend the Turf" mode which is cool. I'd rather get the few wins I did get against him when he was concentrating than just screwing around anyway.
  6. ghetto-SHUN

    ghetto-SHUN Well-Known Member

    It was a pleasure meeting and sparring
    with you this past weekend. When Nelson(baobab)and
    Sal spoke of another player from florida, it peeked
    my curiousity as to how outside VFers are playing
    the game at this early stage.

    Since good players are spread so far and wide it's
    great when meetings like these take place.
    Next time your in town let us know.
    Hopefully you can meet the entire Nycrew and
    let us have a crack at the orange states finest :p

    And show us a little something about that
    FUCKING BASTARD lei fag. What a pain in the ass
    you are with him my god.

    Only people you haven't meet are Hiro-Kun
    and Rodney a.k.a Omaha Jeffry.
  7. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Will do, from what I seen I like NyC much more alive than Orlando blah. So you may see quite a bit more of me in the future. Time will tell, but I know I'll be back up in a month or two, after I make some more profit.

    As far as Lei Fei goes, I have a general understanding of him but I'm still trying to start his vacuum setups and "remember" as in my hands to do his other big juggle setups which don't start from the d+k in crane. W.Nelson (white nelson, okay, okay part latino Nelson;) saw some of my nastier stuff versus that Lion player who didn't seem to appreciate any of it before I left the other day. I remembered how to get into the tiger stance easier which is where i prefer to be in general due to the nice sabaki options that float and do good damage on counter hit. All of which can lead to the d+P+K+G, p,p+k,u/f+k+g, d/f+k. I need to concentrate more with leis non string attacks also which just escaped me that weekend during most of my matches. Your Jeffry comes to mind, by the time I remembered that Lei has decent normals, you had beaten him like 3 solid games. Que that a rant I sense?

    Why yes it is!

    Fuzzy Guard, Fuzzy Guard....DAMN that is frustrating. My freind who couldn't show up do to family affairs didn't understand my pain of not knowing when I could throw you and that your were blocking most of my mids, limiting my mix up game. Which with Shun DI in particular is what I rely on, except it's much more limited one than your Shun. Quite natural since my Shun is from Vf2, yours being from Vf3 ;) Must try this technique in the sunshine state, straight from the Big Apple!

    Will let you know when I'm up and about again. Hopefully I can bring some company. From the sounds of it, with your freind Hiro coming from Japan and his analytical skills, I may want to bring some more money too =)


  8. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Let me set the record straight, I can play VF4 very well. I never said I can't play it because of the controls at Rocky's, I just "dislike" the controls there. I can adjust though.

    I've played vf4 every time I've gone to Rocky's this past week. I haven't seen any of you down there lately. Lack of serious compitition does kind of discourage me, but it's good to at least see you playing it, when you're there at the same time I am that is.
  9. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    By the way, Uncauzi? Why are you banned from #vfhome on IRC sir? Did you try turning it into Gotham again or something? *quark*
  10. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    I should be up there fri and sat night this week. There will be some competition for you then.

  11. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    I'm banned? Wow I could have swore I was an op. In fact I to me. No Gotham hasn't come to any channels in quite some time ;)
  12. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Yep, your name and IP were banned when I went in there last night.
  13. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Banned yesterday, Opped today what a strange tapestry we weave. Que sera.
  14. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    VFers are strange.
  15. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Hey UnC, when are you coming back? It's getting slow down
    here. GhostDog wants to come down on the 12th for a little
    get together. We need to make sure everyone can make it.
    And I need to start playing again. I've just been playing
    CvS2 for the last 2weeks...'_'
  16. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    I'm back as of yesterday. I'm going to be pretty busy though for the next week or so, but I think I can squeeze in some gameage. Tomorrow I'm supposed to meet Dan the Lei Fei guy to play a bit but sides that I may be getting swamped. After a 3 week break I got a lot of catch up work to do.
  17. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Re: Are there any Florida VFers here? *DELETED* *DELETED*

    Post deleted by Enkindu
  18. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

  19. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Who is interested in participating in the first Orlando, FL VF4 championships?
  20. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    Hell, I'm in. I may not be the best or even good, but I'll sign up. How about you UnCauzi and IMF? I am sure you two would be up for it. I am sure EnKindu will.
    BTW, UnCauzi, I will give you a buzz so we can get some games in. I haven't played you in a long time. You'll probably kill me, but I need the practice. Also, how was NY?

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