Are there any Florida VFers here?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by ghostdog, Dec 8, 2001.

  1. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Coool! Do I know you?
  2. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    There comes a tale from the writings of the Mayan ruins...

    The legend of Akira2001...

    The man of all men...

    The prince of God...

    I was thinking we could hold it at Rocky's without the managers knowledge since he may not allow a tournament to go on. I doubt many people would show up anyway so I could get away with it, unless someone narcs. Anyway I'll pass it by the manager tonight just to see what he thinks. If he says no, I'll still hold it anyway but the time maybe pushed to later in the evening. If not, would 8 o'clock work for everyone, or is that too late? The date would be for 1/12/02 .This will be for the regulars who frequent Rocky's for VF4. I don't need to take an entry fee, however if you want to play for a prize I can collect a $10 per person, entry fee and put that towards the prize for the top 3 finishers. Let me get more feedback or ideas from whoever is interested and then I'll make the official Orlando, FL VF4 Championships thread with the general rules and all the blah blah. Thanks!!
  3. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    yes, you know me. this is the guy he totally killed your shun with my sarah. then I killed your jeff with pai.

    no, just kidding.

    I will try to get up there tonight, if so I will see you then.
  4. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Oralndo VF4 championships? Guess I better start playing.

    I'll be up there tonight.
  5. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    I don't see any need for a tourney myself. A gathering should
    do just fine. There isn't enough comp+ It's cheaper and
    everyone will get to play more.

    I'm gonna be there tomorrow night. Anybody else?
  6. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I'm all about this so called get together. I guess I'll start playing and scheming on Vf4 rather than CVS2. I remember when there was just Tekken =). All this fighting is getting to me.
  7. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    I'm up for the tourney. Got to come and get my ass kicked....that's the way it's been lately. I'm stuck in a way of playing fighting games I think. It's been a LONG time since I've played VF, so I've become accustomed to tekken and crapcom games. I keep trying shit in VF like I would in tekken, which DOESN'T WORK.....oh well, time to practice.
  8. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    geez way you all sound, it's almost like the game may actually get a small following, imagine that.

    Well couldn't make it tonight obviously, just got back in and it's 4 AM. I will prolly be up tomorrow, depending on a few things but chances are good.
  9. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    I'll be there around 6pm tomorrow.

    Did you play TTT gaishou?
  10. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    I played TTT and T4. Played T4 mostly. Had an ok Jun.
  11. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    What do you guys think about setting up a day or two each
    week for practice so that we can all try and make it? I'm sick
    of driving all that way and having no comp.=<

    Let's get an idea of what the best days and times for
    everyone would be. Sun and tue are hard for me.


    ps: yeah gaishou, I played mostly bob in TTT...
    T4 is crap=(
  12. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    HEY!!!! I should be up there with The Dude on wed afternoon.
    Who wants to play? We should be there around 5pm.

    bring it =)
  13. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    hey iron monkey fist....were you at rockies on friday or saturday?? i should be up for wednesday....
  14. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was playing Wolf. We played for awhile on sat...I thought you knew who I was>_< sorry

    Hope to see you there wed.

    Now what about everyone else?
  15. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    nope, heh...funny how you can play people on the board and not even know its them....
  16. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    "When you seek it, you cannot find it.
    Your hand cannot reach it
    Nor your mind exceed it.
    When you no longer seek it,
    It is always with you."

    And you didn't even need it. ^_^
  17. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    er, wolf...../versus/images/icons/mad.gif....../versus/images/icons/shocked.gifgot my ass kicked a few times there......nice trip up games...
  18. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    IMF, I will try to get up there on Weds. So far I have nothing to do. If something changes I will let you know but I think it's golden. Don't think i've ever played gaishou, so looking forward to doing so.
    I think it's a good idea to try to set up a time for practice. Hopefully enKindu and unCauzi can make it as well.
    I will prolly go up tonigh or tomorrow night as well. If I do I will post in case anybody wants some practice.
    anyway, see you later.
  19. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I'll try to make it on wednesday also, hey I might be in the neighborhood again on wed IMF. I'll give ya a call and let you know if I can make it or not. I'm thinking about playing Shun or Wolf for my next character. Any input?
  20. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    I've finished practicing. I'm ready to compete. I'll show you who the Slut is. ;)

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