Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Really Lei's the one people bitch about now? Really?
  2. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i lose 2000 sumthing times in rank with lei yeahhhhhhhh
  3. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    I think that's been going on for a while. Gern's nemesis, however; will always be Kage.

    Ironically enough, Gernburgs main squeeze - Lion, seems to give me more than my share of headaches.
  4. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    -Lei Fei is so O.P. its absurd. Wtf is with those sabakis from koko?! And the head crumple-> techroll-> backstagger combos just blow my mind. How can that possibly be balanced?

    -But something important to remember is, no matter how crazy Lei Fei must seem, he doesn't come anywhere close to the nerfability that is Kage Maru. Kage Maru is basically God Mode. Ten foot toss to ringout from like the middle of the stage? Thats like auto-win on 60% of the stages! And what about that range game? Flying across the screen, and so fast too, theres absolutely no way to counter it.

    -Speaking of impossible to counter, has anyone EVER seen wolf? That dude's throws are like 60% of your health right there, add in a couple dmpks that counter just about everything on this planet, and holy crap, its a wonder anyone plays any of the other characters. Its just stupid.

    -Do you know what else is stupid? Vanessa. Vanessa is stupid. Vanessa is so stupid that they gave her a kick thats long range, fast, high, and if you block it, you get staggered. If that weren't enough, in defensive stance, she grabs all your punches. The other player doesn't even have to press anything. Talk about not having to work *at all*!

    -While I'm talking about players that don't have to work, what about Lau? Is it just me or are those punch strings just insanely unballanced? Starts with a fast low punch, then gets 3 more punches, then gets to CHOOSE whether he does a mid or a low at the end. No character should have that kind of power! And what about those kicks? Is everything a fast circular or a double kick with that guy?

    -And how about the exact same problem but only in a female player? Thats right, I'm talkin' bout Pai. Apparently AM2 felt that there wasn't enough spam in virtua fighter, so they had to basically clone lau, to make sure there were twice as many UBER players out there. And talk about easy to play! I can hold my own with pai even though I've only ever played as her like 3 times.

    -Speaking of easy, what about Jacky? I'm pretty sure he's like the easiest character to be good with. The punch catching abilities and kicking power of vanessa, the stupifyingly fast full circular kicks of lau, and a distracting homo-erotic voice to boot, just to ensure that you can't concentrate.

    -You know who else has a distracting homo-erotic persona? El Blaze. So lets get this straight, first of all you're distracted, then he has all these flashy moves that look like ray mysterio jr. And to top it all off, they gave him the long range game that made kage so unfair. Add in a couple totally O.P. throws, and you can pretty much sure that you'll be crying yourself to sleep, because you just got owned by a guy who couldn't resist shouting "hotdog" every 15 seconds.

    -I know I know, I haven't mentioned the most obviously unbalanced aspect of the game yet. Flamingo stance. OMFG its so unfair. Once sarah is in flamingo, there is NO escape. The only way it ends is with you on the ground, broken and in need of an ambulance. EVERY TIME.

    -Know what else happens EVERY TIME? 60% combos and throws from Jeffery. Does that character even have any combos or throws that you can survive 2 of? Spoiler alert! The answer is no. Thats right, you get hit twice against Jeffery, and you lose. End of story. How can that have a positive effect on the game? It can't.

    - Akira? Aoi? basically the same character. What does it matter when every move you throw gets reversed. I wonder what crack tastes like. I should just ask the developers of vf about that one because its clear they were smoking it non stop when they made the "A characters." Clearly they were hard coded to be the best, and thats BS, every character should be equal.

    - And its not just them either, eileen and shun have the same problems too! Both of them do ridiculous moves that are impossible to predict. And both of them are mega fast with INSANE catch throws. Their presence doesnt even make sense in virtua fighter.

    - Just like Goh's presence doesn't make sense. I wondered for a long time if Goh was actually human. Until I played him a few times then I realized hes a demonic super-zombie spawned by the devil himself with the sole intent of ruining virtua fighter. High throw, low throw, down throw, there is NO situation at which Goh can't pull off one of those sadistically damaging moves. Then to top it all off, he regularly kicks his opponent in the jimmy. Goh scares me just like....

    -Brad scares me. When do you counter attack? When do you high guard? When do you low guard? When do you evade? How the hell do you predict which direction a flurry of fists, elbows, knees, and shins goes? Not only that but he ALWAYS seems to be bobbing and weaving, so pretty much high moves and throws just don't apply to attacking brad. He's immune. Way too fast to be a mortal man. Nothing can be done.

    -What about Lion? Lion is fine, learn to play bros. Seriously, all you ever do is complain. Lion is the only balanced character in the game. Wtf is the problem?

    Credit where its due: : its where I got the idea for this post, and also, some of the jokes.
  5. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    lol /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. Lars

    Lars Active Member

  7. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Holy Crap!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    That's how its done people!
  9. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    hahahahaha! well put linz! well damn put...

  10. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    My son won the very first round of VF he ever played (he got bored after his first round).

    I set up the joystick on the coffee table, logged into xbl, hosted a player match, and encouraged him to push some buttons.
    Some 6th dan or something vanessa player joined the match. My son walloped him the first round - did combos, threw, even guarded. Then he got bored and started playing with something else on the coffee table. You know what his secret technique was? He grabbed the microphone cord and started flailing it up and down so that it scraped the buttons.

    Guess what character he was using? Yep, lei. Name me any other character that an 8 MONTH OLD INFANT WHO HADN'T EVEN LEARNED TO WALK YET could use to beat an adult player.
  11. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    I've found ADHD knawing quite effective
  12. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    Beating a 6th dan vanessa is like masturbation: necessary, easy, but gets kind of boring after a while and eventually you just want a real partner to play with. Get past the turtle and stay close range. You can pretty much be totally random and win. I believe this story 100%
  13. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Low Level Vanessas for The Aoi: /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sleep.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/sleep.gif
  14. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    wow, beat a 6th dan with lei...that's good stoty...not true...but makes ur point. Gern i lost a little respect on that bad to everyone who uses lei nonsense. i use lei and do u know who feels op to me when i play them? Get ready. Pai, lau, jeff, wolf, kage, sarah, jacky, brad, blaze, AND lion. Yep. 10 of 17. Of those, blaze, sarah, wolf and kage really give me trouble. ya know what tho? those are just the characters i need to improve against. i m 6 dan and use lei. akira i run hot and cold against, but beat a barbarian yestertag. my easiest foes are goh, eileen, aoi, vane, shun, and lei. goh 2nd is easiest cuz i dont like being pressured and all he ever does is stand there it seems. Shun used to be sub and is my 3rd easiest. Lei is who i m strongest against, so rest assured he's not broke as or against. Now i could make an argument for lion being op, but no..,i would't. i know to declaw lion all i have to do is play with him until i have him down and know pacing, strengths, and weaknesses. Then i can riddle his weaknesses like i do lei's.
    and to linz...that was hilarious...ur post was op.
  15. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    I dont really have a problem with Lei. I dont think i've ever been beat by a button mashing Lei actually.
    I agree that getting moves to come out is a lot easier with Lei than most other characters. But if a player is mashing buttons,these "moves" are crappy and predictable. Very easy to beat.
    I've played a couple of good Lei players- Mario Delucce (might have spelled the last name wrong) comes to mind. Playing decent Lei players can be fun.
    There are defintaley moves Lei has that if you get hit with, you're fucked. (the low stagger/kick thing would be a good example) But then again, pretty much every character does.
  16. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    Actually... the low stagger kick is only good against people who can't stagger recover it. There are quite a few players that I no longer bother trying to use the followup combo on anymore because their stagger recovery rate is too high to justify the risk.

    To everyone who did *not* get the point of my gargantuan post yesterday. No character is overpowered. All that insane damage you're taking... its all avoidable. If you think a specific character is "broken" its only because you don't know how to get out of it. Watch some high level players, you'll notice that the combos they use are much less damaging on average than the ones you're eating. This is because those combos are guaranteed max damage.
    People use these super-high damaging moves on you because *YOU* eat it. You specifically, not everyone. Players who know the way out of it will not take those moves, then they'll turn around and *PUNISH* the person for TRYING to use it.

    People keep assuming the problem is with the game, but seriously once you get far enough along, you realize that the problem isn't with the game, its with you. Now quit being emo, spend some time *RESEARCHING* the things that give you trouble, and practice! When was the last time you went to the dojo threads and *asked* about this stuff? Lemme take a quick guess... never? Give it a shot, you may find that you get better;)
  17. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member


    Sometimes all you get from higher up character's really powerful moves, on both ends, is a new guessing game at best. And the previous reward far outweighs their non guaranteed punishment(risk). And also, there's even some points where the guess is still in favor of the person that screwed up(had their choice defended), anyway.

    This is risk/reward based on the most common landed moves, and this is what the tiers are based on.

    Which then lends itself to certain 'spammables'. Keep in mind that knowing certain things can be spammed due to this, can also put the guessing game in favor of the person with the uphill battle.

    It always seems to be the players that use the higher end characters, that become the ones defending certain imbalances.

    This game is not perfect, but it's still really good and better than everything else that's out and currently being played(my opinion).

    But, don't be in denial.

    Furthermore, to understand that in certain matchups and problematic situations, knowing the best answer is a good way to avoid the best answer, so in the end it's still reading your opponent, but the risks for screwing up vary in the tier list, before matchups even come into play. The issue is that players want the risks to balance out somewhat, or tone certain rewards down to equal in it's risk.

    And finally, your post was pretty funny. Good shit man.
  18. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Considering the other player probably wasn't that great, and that there obviously was a certain amount of luck involved, I'd guess that he probably could have won with Lau, Jacky, Pai, Sarah, El Blaze, Brad, Shun, or really anyone with long enough strings.
  19. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    The tier list is B.S. to be honest. I've beaten and been beaten by every character in the game, hundreds of times each. My point is, you take the lowest character on the lowest tier, and guess what. Theres a conqueror that plays that character. What it *really* comes down to is individual player skill. If you feel that your character is underpowered, then switch characters! Chances are the reason you feel that way is that your characters style doesn't match up with you.

    Insofar as imbalances... every move has several moves that can beat it. Provided someone had sufficient reflexes, it is possible to win every round every time with an excellent. I've never seen an undefeatable move. This pretty much destroys any possible argument one could have. Practice more and you'll win more. Simple as that.

    And in regards to denial, no offense but seriously man, no one is MAKING you play your character, and no one is FORCING you to not play another character. I stopped playing shun because I didn't like not having access to all my moves until I got drunk. No big deal. As a matter of fact, I've played AS every character in the game at least a couple matches. I know how to play as Goh, Akira, Shun, Lei, Pai, Lau, Kage, etc etc etc. It *IS* possible to switch characters if the one you have isn't satisfactory for ya.

    So really, what it comes down to is, if anyone feels theres an imbalance thats not in their favor, or they loose too much because their character is too low tier, or any of this other bs. Then switch. Take advantage of the imbalances, and prove to all of us just how imbalanced the game is. I'll guarantee you that you'll find people who will take your bucket of spam and destroy it. Those same moves that beat you, don't necessarily beat other people. Live without rationalizations for a while, quit blaming other people, their characters, the game, etc. for your losses.

    Heres the list of why people lose... these are the only valid reasons:

    1) the other player is better. this is the most common one.
    2) you botched some executions, which really is part of skill, and since the other guy didnt, this is really the same as #1
    3) you got distracted, which is part of concentration, which is part of skill, which is the same as #1
    4) lag, but really, there are ways to deal with lag, you just have to learn how to cope with it, which is part of skill, which means this is really the same as #1
    5) pure blind luck. A vast majority of my wins come from luck.
    6) you just had a bad match.

    Every possible move and every possible tactic, all of it can be defeated with skill. Get some humility, admit the *REAL* reasons why you lost that round, and try to do better next time.

    In the words of Konjou, "If you have time to think about Yomi then think about this and ask yourself one question.

    Why do I suck so bad? "

    only in this case, switch "Yomi" to "imbalances"

    Also, thanks for the compliment about my post.:)
  20. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    You're making a completely different argument.

    First of all, the tier list is not BS. Let's tell Koedo or whomever, this.
    Secondly, I don't have a problem with the character I use, because I like the character I use. It's as simple as that.

    There's players greater than you, that won't deny character rankings. It will always be that way because no character is exactly the same as another.

    Finally, I like how you tried to use Konjou's words improperly to strengthen a strawman.

    p.s. no problem haha

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