Bad Games Thread

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by ThePrince, Nov 29, 2007.

  1. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    First off, I used his words not with the intention of strengthening my argument, but merely because I feel its the best advice ever uttered by a human being. If he doesn't feel its applicable in this case, then I'd be happy to remove the quotes, and take full credit for it myself.

    Second off, my point was never that the characters were exactly equal, of course they're not. They aren't because they're not exactly the same. Clearly. My point was always that their differences are irrelevant. I'm not attacking anyone here, just saying, "Lets all, as a community, realize that the only significant factor that determines the victor is skill."

    Complaining about imbalances in, what is in my opinion, the most balanced game ever, is seriously a waste of time and effort and furthermore it doesn't help ANYONE improve. Its like nihilism, it may be true, but really, if you sit there and dwell on it, you'll be worse off, and will make absolutely no progress.
  2. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Although I'm kind of in the middle as far as this argument goes, I was thinking the other day that most top players I see online always use the same 4-5 characters. I'll probably be proven wrong but that's what came to mind a couple of days ago.

    That said, I wouldn't switch Vanessa for any Lei, Kage or Akira /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I never played Final Tuned, but I think VF 5 is definitely less balanced than Evo.
  4. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    You seem to think this is black and white?

    In my opinion it's not black and white, of course skill is a significant factor in the victor, but it's not the ONLY factor in the victor. Needless to say, but it IS the most important factor, and I think that's already understood. There ARE other factors.

    Also, not like any of this matters anyway. I'm not dwelling on this, and I don't think you are either.
  5. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    lol well said bro.. ill say it again its not the character its the person and there skill lvl.. if ya shit ya shit, if ya good ya good that being said some characters need some moves they need to be toned down but all in all the games iz balanced..shit it wuz a time when wolf players gave me trouble so did shun players but i handle both better than i did shun iz the best character in the game not lei fei fuk wut u heard the drunk not the monk /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  6. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    *shrug* my lag to Japan is decent... so I see a lot of high level players for every character. Could just be a statistical anomaly reflecting a westerner preference to those characters.
  7. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    U got it backwards, its all about that Buddah Palm. Shaolin fo' eva! Besides, its well documented that because of long term alcoholism and old age, Shun suffers from ED.
  8. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    lol lol lol /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  9. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

  10. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    Getting back to topic...
    Bad game to JoshW## - You joined *MY* game multiple times... you always join my game. You know who I am. You know what character I play. Before, back when it was a ranking match, you used to pull on me, I gave you a bad review and asked you never to join my game again. Usually I tolerate you joining once or twice, but this time, I vow to never play you again. Now the games aren't so close as they used to be so now you just complain about me being "cheesy." You call my character "cheesy." Then you join my game AGAIN. I tried to make it clear by ringing myself out, then you joined AGAIN. From now on, I plan on pulling at the matchup screen. I don't get paid to take your sass, kid. Go annoy someone else. And also, your playstyle consists of nothing but high/mid punches and circulars. You're extremely easy to predict, and thats why you get sabaki'd like its your job. L2P and stop whining.
  11. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Right on brother. I agree totally.
    Ultimatley, I think it is player skill that determines the victor in this game. (duh) If you suck, it probably dosen't matter what character you pick.
    Im no grand-master at the game or anything, but try this scenario out for size:
    Let's say you (whoevers reading this) travel to the desert and find a magic genie lamp. You rub the lamp and a genie comes out. (naturally) The genie will grant you three wishes if you meet a certain criteria. The criteria is : you must face a person in the video game "VIRTUA FIGHTER 5" who has only played VF for 1 month using Lei Fei. Character of your choice. You must sucessfully win two rounds out of 3.
    If you win, you get three wishes. If you lose, your right arm and left leg are removed.
    Guys, I would take that offer up in a heartbeat. Don't lie. You know you would too.
    I would take another beer right now if i could...
    So its cool.
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I think tiers do matter. A lot? Eh. At highest levels less than lower levels.
    I don't think any of us really are on a higher level. Should you gripe though?


    The game is balanced after all. You can pick Lei Fei too =)
  13. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Bad, Idiotic, Retarded, Disgusting Games to Salva1996. This stupid keeps joining my sessions despite my messages and my disconnections before the match.
    He plays the most annoying, scrubby Vanessa I can imagine. Spamming the same three moves over and over plus the constant low punching...I swear, it's just too much. I decided to play him and kick his ass so he wouldn't join again and I definitely did so but at some point it was too much. I lose it against this kind of spamming retards. Watching him play makes me an even worse player, I lose braincells every time he spams his stupid PPPK and I duck it, rinse and repeat. And he wouldn't stop joining...arrrgggghhhh. I feel like throwing the game out the window right now.
  14. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    thanks for not spamming when we play cordona ; ) but i wish you'd do --take that-- more often in obvious situation when noone has adv. i like that move now that i duck it and float, lol
  15. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    And that right THERE is probably the main reason folks just up and go to Player's matches. You should probably do that every once so often. I'm just glad I haven't had to deal with him/her as of late. For the record, what was his last known rank?
  16. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    i lose so many braincells against him lei goes to suirankan stance and waita full 45 secs to win a round and at the moment while playing salva1996 im eatting my lunch LOL
  17. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    bad games to myself for not being on in like 2 months...
    cant be helped =/
  18. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Damn i need a Cig Solid Snake style while loading.

    Everything you said is true to a tee but you know whats even better about it?

    When your whupping ASS you never notice these things.
    Step your shit up Bra and Keep in Mind "KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE".

    Nothings ever balanced but jeffry is punishable on every whiff damn near and block. Lei Fei has his faults too but it up to you to realize these things. I used to complain about Lei Fei until i realize like a Real Monk his moves have a studder to them that offsets a mistimed sidestep sao i went to dojo and practice dodging the CPU on high without attacking. Shun and Blaze are my problems for obvious reasons.

    BTW you how bad Wolf players was shafted in the earlier versions of VF? His throw game was'nt as serious as it is now because the Throw System has changed after VF3. So i see where wolf is at and why cause he had it bad not having the Handskills jeff has.

    BTW as big as that motherfucker is in a real fight 90% of the time its going to the ground. So what he's doing as a wrestler (Working on the neck and back.) is spot on.
  19. Linzhuomin

    Linzhuomin Well-Known Member

    To be completely honest man, I was actually poking fun at people who complain about such and such a character being over-powered all the time.
    I don't actually agree with what I said there, I think *all* of those things are extremely avoidable, but they were all things that gave me trouble early on (and probably most others as well)... And the post was intended towards the audience that had already made it past most of these hurdles, and recognize how avoidable those things are. (and therefore not valid grounds for complaint)

    exceptions being:
    1) Akira's reversals. If he knows what you're going to do next, there is really very little you can do to stop him. Just gotta be less predictable I guess..
    2) Wolf's throws and dmpk. I know *HOW* to deal with these, just having some problems with execution, but I ALMOST have the reflexes down, just gotta play a few more good wolf players.
    3) Okay okay, maybe I'm not entirely clear about all of el blaze's and eileen's options... I get the general gist of 'em tho.

    My point is, while there are a few things I have trouble defending against, I'm not *seriously* complaining about them. Its my fault for not being able to defend it, its not the characters fault for having the move.
  20. VFhayato

    VFhayato Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha that dude still plays VF,omg he does do the same shit but it's so easy to read when he backs up and do the "take that" which staggers you. i've just more back fast and then he missed like a big dick and then i go in for the rape i even told him on the mic dude how come you do that over and over again then he does crazy on the mic and i can't understand what the hell he is saying. o.o

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