Best players to look for.

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Chunbelievable, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    Well,, I havnt played everyoen here yet... but I do love it when I get a dose of WTF when someone schools me big time out of the blue ... after playing some scrubby cable pullers..
    so most consistant great players for me ( which for me means fun and/or challenging matches with great style )

    DaBadSeed - always got game,, love your goh outfit)
    ChiefFlash - omg ,, just a bully /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    Brisal - too fun,, i love wolf matches
    KingofCarnage - just pure fun for me
    Noneother - cute and tricky shun
    Shinn Akira, Blahzie - both very solid brads,, lots to learn from them for me
    Happy Freind 76 - my nemesis,, i still dont understand why you are always the first person i fight everytime i sign on,, its annoying but i forgive you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif .. finally got my wins on you /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    honorable mention: kowtowrobinson - a good jackie that has made a good transition from other 3d fighters.

    I'm still look'n for the rest of you other older foo's ,, where you at ??
  2. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    Its nice to be mentioned by you, but I need more consistency to be on the same page with these guys. Yeah, Ive snuck em and Stolen victories on them all but again nothing consistent. I was on tilt so hard the other night that I didnt answer Shinn's player match request, sorry buddy.
  3. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    plague iz a very good akira player
  4. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    From my experience, and from what I can remember:
    Wolf- Chief Flash (STAND STILL SO I CAN HIT YOU!!)
    Pai- GeeWaiHo
    Lau- Happy Friend (Looks so basic but hurts so much!)
    Akira- Konjou
    Lei- DarknessRedefine (am i crazy or is this guy a beast with Lei? Never saw his rank so I don't know if he is that good or just has my number...)
    I probably forgot the rest...

    But yeah Geewai somehow injects adrenaline and steroids into Pai, then gets her nice and mad. If I could play Pai like that I'd be WAY less humble than he is. He is the only person I can think of that I have played more than 10 times and have only *1* win against. Literally. Ever. Well his Pai anyway.

    I hear Flash also has a mean Pai but I've never seen it.
  5. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    I have a feeling that his Sarah is stronger.
  6. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    Flash plays with Sarah also? I need to talk to the man. Because I find that funny. Is like all the Wolf players I know(Chief Gutti, Me and others)use Sarah as their secondary. The funny thing is, El Blaze is my Main, not Wolf.
  7. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    I wish I could play Geewai again I need a good Pai player to help me out with my holes. I never had so much dedication to a character in a fighting game. Funny she's Sclass and I feel there is still so much more to learn after a year of playin Pai hardcore.
  8. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    I am almost positive he meant Geewai. I disagree with his statement, but it's also a matter of style versus style. I am weaker in mirror matches.
  9. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    Ya its Geewai, but his Pai is defiantly stronger then his Sarah.
  10. DaBadSeed

    DaBadSeed Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    hiz pai iz way stronger than hiz sarha..
  11. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    His sarah amazed me and is one of the better ones I know and is one of the only sarah's was able to dominate me in her flamingo stance. I never saw his pai and if his pai is better than his sarah and his sarah is as good as she is I am just scared to see just how good his pai is. I would like the honor of seeing his pai is one day to see just to see how good he really is.
  12. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    awwww thx for the props guys.................., i still got laods of things to work on, also my sarah is not that great, my sarah has a set of patterns which i tend to fall upon all the time, and when a player notices that, i become a bit predictable.

    Havent played in under a month cus my disk is scartched and since its the 2nd time my xbox has done that, I dun really feel up too buying a new disk, Also my love for vf is dwindling these days, perhaps playing live to much has kind of been a case of over indulgence, whereas in the past i use to train then meet up every weekend or month, so made training and playing that much sweeter??
  13. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    Ur Not Shidosha
    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    bah i dont wanna hear that, you take your ass to WCG!
    (plus i never got to fight your damn pai... only sarah)
  14. CarolinaPanther

    CarolinaPanther Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    Damn, I feel kinda stupid. I didn't realize you were also FlamingoQueen. I went at that gamertag more times than not. Only went up against your Pai one time. I remember complimenting you except I just don't remember what it was for. I do remember your game was very solid, though.
  15. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    Re: Who are the best XBL Players for each Characte

    I am a hidden boss in the game, on occasion I play online under different handles, can you find me? Also, Denkai, qualify yo ass on the atlantic division like you are supposed to, you don't live in the north region, check the WCG and you will see what I mean...

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