Best way to make Sega release vf5r.

Discussion in 'Console' started by StarEileen, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    That made me lol. Good one man.

    But why not keep playing VF5 till the next version comes out? Is VF5 not good anymore? VF players going on strike? lol.
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Thanks FeauchA, and maybe I can answer your question. The thing is, if people knew vf5r was coming to consoles everyone would play vanilla until that version came out, but people DONT know if vf5r is coming to consoles and some people's patience expired in the process (konjou anyone?). Like honestly, what's the point of getting better in a version that everyone's moved on to while we play the outdated one. VF5 is such a solid game though that it's still standing strong when compared to other fighter games in present-time, all its lacking is popularity, and for your last question....... I don't know lol.
  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Because Virtua Fighter 5 sucks compared to 5R. Because VF5 has a dead scene and Sega doesn't care. Because VF5 isn't even as good as VF4:EVO. Because we've been playing the same outdated stale VF games since 4FT and it's getting annoying.

    If the Tekken game that just come out was Tekken 6 Vanilla and not Tekken 6 BR the Tekken community would riot. If Super Street Fighter IV was a Japanese arcade exclusive SRK wouldn't know what to do and they certainly wouldn't look so highly upon SFIV Vanilla.

    Your join date suggests that you've been playing VF5 for 1.5 years, two at the absolute most. I've been playing VF heavily since VF4 first came out. When 4FT came out it was bad for the VF scene outside of Japan because hardly anyone got to play it. Now with VF5R it's even worse.

    Look what happens when someone new gets into VF. They realize that they are playing a significantly outdated version almost immediately when they visit these forums.

    VF5 is a mediocre game. VF5R is what VF5 should have been. The differences between 5 and 5R are massive, much more compared to VF4:EVO and VF4:FT. We know that 5R was in development when VF5 wasn't even completed. Meaning Sega visioned this as the complete version of VF5.

    We are playing an incomplete version of VF5. No thanks. I'll sparingly play some VF5 but if VF6 comes out before 5R on consoles then VF and Sega are dead to me.
  4. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I hear ya man. This part kinda confuses me a lil
    I know you don't speak for everyone but, if you knew VF5R was coming out say next spring, why would you play the outdated version knowing a new one is coming? What's the difference in knowing when the next one is coming? If it was coming it doesn't change the fact that the new version is already out, ya know?

    You say "what's the point in getting better at this version when there's a newer version" but at the same time say "if I know a new version is coming i'd be playing this one to get better and be ready for the next version" kinda [​IMG] heheh.

    Also I could probably damn near count on one hand how many people would ever end up playing against ANYONE who happens to be playing/are constantly playing VF5R right now. Not people that have went and played for a week or a month or two, but people that actually live in Japan. So it's not like when/if we get R there's going to be people destroying us cause they've been playing it longer. And we couldn't even really play them online anyways cause the connect wouldn't be any good.

    And yea, sure there's changes that have been made. But it's still VF. The changes aren't drastic enough to where if you are awesome at VF5 you're not going to be anywhere near as good in R. I don't know how long Jeneric was in Japan for but he seemed to do ok at playing the new version of VF. I don't think all his knowledge of the game just went completely out the window. Sure there was new stuff for him to learn and to deal with but simply being a good VF player helped i'm sure. It's not like going from Street Fighter to VF to where everything is different.

    But yet I haven't even been a fan or played the series for two years yet so my outlook is (i'm sure) a lot different from the folks who've been playing for 5-10+ years. So I still find VF5 to be pretty fun, and the fact I haven't been into fighting games for damn near 15 years and now i'm playing one I enjoy a lot. So it's still pretty fresh to me.

    I dunno man, fuck it lol. There's no R, people are going to do what they're going to do right? We could all go in circles about this for days, and i'm sure I misworded or said something that didn't make sense somewhere in here hahah. Fuck it

    What's with all the new avatars of people beating up Akira [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Didn't catch your post Empnova since I was in the middle of typing mine (and doing other stuff in between). I respect your opinion though mang. And oddly enough my post I just made goes ok with yours, not really but kinda in some spots lol.

    Like I said, it is what it is and folks are going to do what they are going to do.
  6. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Your first question: I would play the outdated version because like you said in that collossous paragraph Jeneric is a good example of someone who transfered his skills from vanilla to R and still can win because it's not THAAAAAT different, I'd be playing the outdated version to get myself prepared as much as possible for R. Second question: The difference between knowing when the next one is coming or not is this, if we know its coming then we do what I said in first answer and that's play vanilla to prepare for R, if we don't know it's coming which we don't right now then y'know....... whats the point in playing. "if it was coming it doesn't change the fact that the new version is already out"- If it was coming nothing matters anymore except that it's coming, that's all that matters (this was hardest question my answer here probably didn't make sense lol.)

    QUOTE "You say "what's the point in getting better at this version when there's a newer version" but at the same time say "if I know a new version is coming i'd be playing this one to get better and be ready for the next version" QUOTE EnD

    Maybe I should have said "Whats the point in getting better at this version were there's a newer version that we can't play." If I knew a new version is coming out on consoles though then I'd play vanilla to prepare for R. Everything make sense now? starting to get lost lol [​IMG]

    Oh yeah and the reason about Akira taking punishment is because Truesonic made an avatar thread and all attack Akira because he hates him. [​IMG]
  7. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Ive played both vf5 and vf5r and they aren't THAT much different. Sure its a more well tuned version but theres nothing in R thats has changed that would make you good if you sucked before and vice versa. At the end of the day. understanding the game itself and yomi is whats gonna make a good player. That being said, I am 99.9999999999999999% sure that VF5r will never see a console release due to 1. sega being broke 2. getting assed out on vf5 sales 3. sega being run by a bunch of fucking monkeys. IMO vf is the best fighting game ever but I don't want to invest anymore time in something old mainly because to me online isn't real VF and there isn't enough comp to keep me interested offline. I'm waiting till VF6 which we will hopefully get in 2011 or around there. The only shitty thing I worry about is if 6 does come out, it will more than likely be on a new, powerful sega hardware since thats been the pattern since vf2 and then if/when that does happen, will we get a watered down version that the PS3/XBOX 360 can handle or are they gonna wait till the NEXT gen systems come out to bring it home.

    Until then and even after then, I plan to enjoy life. Spend time with my girl, friends and focus on work/other hobbies.
  8. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Playstation 4 and X-Box 720 will come out. Virtua Fighter 6 will come out for the arcades (Japan only of course). Jabs will become 14 frames making the game even slower. A port will shortly come out afterward but AM2 having designed the arcade game on standalone hardware made porting the game incredibly taxing. Console port will lack training mode, quest mode, and possibly versus mode and the options menu. Critics will talk about how deep Virtua Fighter is even though they spend maybe five minutes playing the game. The netcode shockingly will be amazing though. The Virtua Stick Higher Grade has a PCB issue that causes the controller to catch on fire if you ETEG. Virtua Fighter 6 will become official WCG fighting game and make two appearances at EVO. But then EVO will abandon VF6 because Sega sues them once again. Then Virtua Fighter 6: Second Impact will come out (Japanese arcades only). It will not get a console port. Sega will close another 110 arcades but claim that consoles are still not the way to go and that arcades are the future. Tekken 7 Team Battle Rebellion and Super Street Fighter IV Turbo will sell 5 million copies each. Did I miss anything?
  9. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    don't really have much to say here,just wanna post so u can see my cool avatar [​IMG],best one evarrrrr
  10. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

    Maybe someone should mail Sega of Japan a bag filled with tears of despair. With my purchase of Forza 3, Tekken 6, and with so many other games coming out in the near future I don't have time to whine about this anymore. I'll buy VF5R if it does ever come out but aside from Sonic and Initial D Sega of Japan can kiss my ass.
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    These vf5r threads never die because this is a vf forum, and Tengu some people obviously want vf5r more then you do and I think their complaining is justified, hell I'm one of them.

    Rename all to stupid thread? 95% of the people around here want vf5r badly so are we stupid to feel that way?
  12. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Yours is funny man, why Akira? Why don't you just stay down? Why do you keep getting back up?! [​IMG]
  13. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    THe "Epic Mickey" November issue of Game Informer recounts the minutes from a recent meeting between Sega and Sony. Among other things, Sony said they want several Dreamcast games on the PSN, and some of hem as exclusives. Also, interesting was Sony said they want several previously Japan only Sega games on psn in a special "import" section. Among the games they had in mind were the previous PS3 iterations of Yakuza. One has to wonder though, is Sony also eyeing Virtua Fighter Revolution? Thats a Japan only title. Time will tell how this develops.
  14. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
    oh man, another one of these threads? Forgive me, but I've lost hope.
  15. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    i personally hope Sega gets bought out by a company like Sony,or Microsoft, only will we then see alot of greats sega games get remade. Sort of the way Capcom seems to do,and maybe then what ever parent company that owns Sega can then release VF5R over here in the states and world wide as well on console and even on pc,y not.But thats far and between from happening now or if ever so just chill play vf5 or tekken 6 or whatever games u play to past the time. [​IMG]
  16. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Well if the Dreamcast PSN deal goes through, we Ps3 owners will finally be able to play VF online. VF3 tb that is. Another minute in the Sony/Sega meeting sai that Sony is makinga Ps2 emulator for Ps3 (slim is non backwards compatible) so hey can sell Ps2 games on PSN. If they decide to add online mp to all PSN PS2 games, we could be able to play VF4 EVO online as well. 2010 should be interesting.
  17. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    The Dreamcast games set to appear on the PSN were mentioned as merely ports from what I read. And I read that VF3TB was not one of the desired games by SONY. So the probability of seeing VF3TB with online functionality is very small.
  18. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Doh! VF3 would be awesome.
  19. Ryuuken

    Ryuuken New Member

    Yeah but you'd be surprised how many arcade owners wouldn't care at the whole legality thing. You know every time you walk into an arcade and see a DDR machine? Chances are it's there illegally (especially Extreme and older).
  20. Flyingguillotine

    Flyingguillotine Well-Known Member

    Exactly where did you read all this information ? Would you mind posting a link?

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