Big post of VF5 ideas - read inside

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Grub, Sep 14, 2003.

  1. Grub

    Grub Member

    It's not that I don't want to learn killer combos and what not. In fact, I do. It's just there is only so much you can do with Tekken freaks for friends, constantly battling an AI until you crack and it isn't fun anymore.
  2. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    If he enjoys playing the game then good for him. But the crappy ideas he's spouting would fit The Sims better than they'd fit VF. When you start trying to turn everything into an RPG it becomes a big bowl of nonsense. VF is fine the way it is, if you want to "decorate your apartment" in a game then go play a different one.
  3. Grub

    Grub Member

    You must hate quest, especially with all that girly RPG stuff like dressing up your character, naming him/her and gaining ranks

    You know, I came expecting nice polite users, and instead I get mostly elitest, holier-than-thou users. Oh well, I'll go look for another board then.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    I don't get it most ppl were actually friendly but yet you choose to generalize and put everyone in the same basket. What were you expecting, everyone to nod and say how cool your ideas were ? Some are going to like them and some aren't, some will tell you why and be polite and some are going to be rude, BIG DEAL. Accept criticism and ignore the assholes if you can't deal with them. Oh and trust me looking for another board doesn't equal to finding nicer, more polite users. But good luck anyhow.
  5. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Grub said:

    Plus, I don't have any buddies AT ALL who thinks that VF is cool. They think it sucks and they all play Tekken.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, I know this very well. IMO one of the most weird things in the world. When you're just about to convert a tekkenist into a VF player, he says, oh what the hell, I don't have a PS2 anyway :|

    You know, sometimes I wonder which of the thousands registered users here are actually Namco or Sega spies. I wouldn't be very surprised to find some of your ideas in a fighting game in the near future /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.
  6. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Then play it in VS mode. Yeesh. It wouldn't be the whole game. It would be an expanded quest mode. You wouldn't have to play it. Plus, I don't have any buddies AT ALL who thinks that VF is cool. They think it sucks and they all play Tekken.

    And think about it, your popular character from the sim/quest mode could be brought into vs or arcade mode and people in the cage match stage could be holding up signs that had your character's name on it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I guess we can just agree to disagree.

    Signs in the audience would be interesting for about 5 minutes, but that's just my opinion. I'd rather just add more items to the game instead of including stuff like this.
  7. Grub

    Grub Member

    I wasn't expecting everyone to agree. I was expecting some disagreements, just not @#$@holes who say "ha ha ha your ideas r crappy go plae a difforant gaim"

    Ah well, guess that's just the internet for you. Like the human being, no message board is perfect. There's a little asshole inside of everyone. Even Gandhi. Yeah, Gandhi could be a tough ass mofo asshole when he wanted to and piss off a lot of people. He really could piss off people really badly. I mean hell, look at what he did to the British!

    Anyway, what it all comes down to is some people don't have VF buddies to play with and need a game that has TONS of replay value and new things to offer or else it just gets boring fighting Aoi and Jeffry AIs all the time.

    If you play VF for the versus mode, cool, but consider the fact that people like me are in the minority. A minority of people when the majority are Tekken freaks, and in my neighborhood that minority consists of 2 people: Me and my dad, and my dad is never able to play it anymore. Because of that, I'm constantly playing my favorite game in the universe alone.

    I'm just throwing out ideas to express my feelings of solitude, loneliness, and a large outburst of creativity I had while sitting on the crapper. Yes, most brilliant ideas came from toilet hour.

    Like the pet rock. That was a great idea. I mean, the guy made a million dollars!
  8. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    So you're the minority. You realise that. So what kind of sense would it make to RUIN a perfectly great game for the majority just to please some friendless turds like yourself.

    I guess you didn't think of that before you came up with "Virtua Fighter 5 : Interactive Interior Design Simulator" did you?
  9. Grub

    Grub Member

    Ah, the master of kindness and politeness returns! Let us at least now try to keep our mannerisms out of the 2 to 7 year old range, okay?
  10. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    You must know some very advanced 2 to 7 year olds. Tell me, do THEY know what a "mannerism" is? Get them to teach you.

    Your ideas are rubbish and out of place (it is a beat 'em up after all). If you don't like criticism then don't subject people to your nonsense.
  11. Grub

    Grub Member

    I feel like I'm talking to an AI that takes whatever you say, says it sucks, then adds some personal insults in there as well.

    BTW, mannerism is an actual word. Here's the definition.

    ( --- Main Entry: man·ner·ism
    Function: noun
    Date: 1803
    1 a : exaggerated or affected adherence to a particular style or manner : ARTIFICIALITY, PRECIOSITY <refined almost to the point of mannerism -- Winthrop Sargeant> b often capitalized : an art style in late 16th century Europe characterized by spatial incongruity and excessive elongation of the human figures
    2 : a characteristic and often unconscious mode or peculiarity of action, bearing, or treatment
  12. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Just a quick one but, why would I have suggested you learn what the word meant if I thought it didn't exist? Idiot, learn to READ.

    Anyway, this isn't about you disliking my comments. It's about your ideas sucking. We should keep to the point. Have you got anymore wonderful changes for VF5 or have you finished meddling?
  13. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Your a very angry person, aren't you?
  14. Grub

    Grub Member

    It could be quite possible that you thought that an "-ism" is something that can be taught, hence you said "Hey, I'll tell him to have 2 to 7 years old teach it to him!"

    Well anyway, enough of this childish argument between us. It's pointless and practically nothing to do with my original topic.
  15. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    CONGRATS TO EVERYONE, NOW LET'S BRING IN THE BEERS. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  16. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Sorry man, but your ideas are interesting but they are not well thought out enough...

    If anything, I'm wating for VF Quest, because that game will hopefully have the VF fighting engine around an RPG, a concept I've really wished for ...

    The dojo thing is fun but ultimately takes away from the main point of the game. I'd rather have even better AI, or advancements to the actual fighting engine/gameplay.

    And to whoever said that the fighting engine is perfect, nothing is perfect. There's always something that will be better that beats whatever you were just playing. There's probably a host of ideas that SEGA is juggling but we don't know what they are or how they'll turn out. Don't assume that they won't improve anything.

    I'd want to mentiOn oNe Little thIng NeedEd... it could Push the enveLope in wAys You can't even imagine....

    But I guess I shouldn't say anything...
  17. Grub

    Grub Member

    I was going to mention online. I had a huge list of ideas that were larger than my single player idea list, but since everyone seemed to have hated my ideas, I didn't post it.
  18. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Snappy, why don't you play the game first for about maybe until you become decent and then come back with some feel back.

    It's obvious many of your ideas are very premature at this point. So come back when you're done with more playing and do some more homework on this site as well. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  19. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    to all of you:
    for f*ck`s sake, here`s a guy that actally posts his ideas of some improvements he`d like the game to have. He`s not telling you to like his oppinions, not even tellin you to respect them, and you eat him raw like that!
    vs is a blast, BUT not everyone have human competition all of the time, and spinoffs make the game more interesting if you`re playing alone.

    smurf said: So come back when you're done with more playing

    I say come back when you`ve learnied to be polite /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  20. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    pkg_inc said:

    smurf said: So come back when you're done with more playing

    I say come back when you`ve learnied to be polite /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Please, stop it with the righteous Bull Shit!! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Besides as far as I'm concerned I'd gave Grud my honest opinion about his ideas. Since some many people before me was being so POLITE about it in my opinion. If I'd really wanted to be a Raging Ass on this, I would have started calling Grud names and told him to piss the fuck off with his ideas. Besides, there was only one person who got me that Steamed up and we all know who that was. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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