Blazblue: Continuum Shift (PS3/360)

Discussion in 'General' started by EmX, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    I find this game to be very simple. It took me an hour to learn Hazama and Tsubaki's basic gameplan and combos. All of Hazama's combos basically go into the same situations and end with you doing jump CCCCC jump CCCCC.

    Only thing I'm confused about is why sometimes his chain projectiles freeze the opponent and allow you to combo and other times they don't. It doesn't seem to be a Counter Hit, Normal Hit thing.
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    It has to do with the height and range you hit them with the jumping 6D. There's a combo using it in challenge mode and the CPU demonstration is done from a pretty specific distance and height.
  3. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    This game tests the muscle memory a bit, that's for sure.
  4. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Hey whats ur opinion on this games netcode?
    I just got this game, i love the way the game looks. I like the system of the game as well.there was sumthing that reminded me of an eteg, like pressing 6P+K+G or sumthing? I heard character balance is no good though, i could be wrong i just read.

    Neways, this game is hard. the input on combos is hard as well. how are u guys doing online for input combos? like the dash or cancelling into diff moves...
    if neone wants to play this or show me couple of things, i would like to get into this game. I wanted to use, Hazama, arakune, rachel, LAMBOT, litchi, or haku-man.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    After VF character balance in just about everything is near non existant. I r4eally don't think it's that bad in BBCS. actually quite good considering how different each character is.

    The Netcode in BBCS is more laggy than in BBCT apparently. Other than the occational lag i think the code is fantastic though. The lobby system is really good and you can join a lobby mid match and it will play the match in fast forward until you catch up.

    edit to say: the characters in this game seem to have even less in common with each other than VF!! I'd definitely recommend learning a single character first or at most a couple. I was really struggling a few of weeks ago juggling a number of characters but am doing better now i'm focusing on just the 2 (Litchi and Makoto)
  6. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    I just made the opposite experience. My connection to most people improved in realtion to CT, but I guess that differs from everyones own connection...

    Like Marly said, its not even SO bad balanced when you think about the different playstyles of the charakters (Bang excludet[​IMG]). A bigger problem is that the game has some horrible matchups. You´ll often counterpick if you want a even fight, or simply win.

    Hold block+ A + B + C will automatically break throws while you Barrier Block, but only for 5 Frames. After the 5 Frame window you will get an Throw reject miss, so don´t spam it out.
  7. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    thnks guys, i didnt know about the 5frame. is there a huge difference in tier from say GOD TIER BANG/LITCHI and like mid tier characters? cus i wanted to use

    Marly how u liking this game in general vs say like other 2d's( guilty gear, superstreet fighter 4). it seems like the most indepth 2d ive seen, but then i never play 2d so i dont know.

    i dont know yet, whether i like the game or not.. but i spent alot of time on this game trying to figure out fundamentals.. ive never seen a game that looks this good b4.

    I hear there is a patch coming with PLATINUM and balance chnges...that should be good
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I think there was a bit more to GG. Game was too complicated and I couldn't get people to play it with me. I actively dislike SF4, and super thought better, is still a step Backwards from what I was playing 6-7 years ago. I'm really liking BB as I said.

    Dunno about God tier Litchi. She does damage and has strong corner mixups which I can't use yet, but she's not that bad imo. Bang on the other hand is just too strong. Glad he's been nerfed to hell in BBCS2. LOL

    Not sure if I'll like BBCS2 though. Characters seem pretty different. Makoto is still good in it though.
  9. Aidan

    Aidan Well-Known Member

    Most important thing is that you play the character you like. Don´t pick your main just because of the Tierlists.
    The difference only really matters when you play on a competitively level.
  10. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    blazblue has actually always been pretty decently balanced, contrary to popular belief. not anywhere near vf, mind you, but still pretty damn balanced overall.

    i think the main reason people get blown up in 6-4 matchups is because most bb players (even the "good" ones) don't know how to instant block. so naturally, when the matchups approach 7-3 and in some cases 8-2 territory and the need to instant block becomes ever more so important, most people simply aren't able to keep up with it.

    not to say that i think this type of "balancing" is inherently effective or fun to play (though i will say that i miss being the receiving end of hakumen vs nu), but that's what it takes to play this game.

    also: guys, you play vf; this game should be a fucking cakewalk when it comes to inputs. granted, if you don't know how the command interpreter works, you're not going to do well at first, but a little bit of reading will take you a long way.
  11. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    LOL I disagree. VF has like the easiest inputs for anything ever. the BnBs in Blazblue are harder than 90%+ of the comboes in VF. I don't even see how that is debatable.
  12. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    with the only exceptions of arakune and carl, nobody in bb is very demanding execution-wise. most of the time when people drop a combo in blazblue, it's because it wasn't spaced properly.

    did you not read the link in my previous post? you can hold down any button to autofire it for 5 frames, and the game buffers directional inputs for 3 frames as well. even if you think vf combos are easy (which for the most part, i will agree to), the command interpreter is much, much more strict than bb's.
  13. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Recently, I picked up BBCS as well. It's quite a neat game. The roster, though, isn't nearly as balanced as VF. I somehow took my shot at Tsubaki, and discovered she is the lowest tier, and it shows not only on a competitive level...

    Anyway, the game is huge fun, but the combos need some getting used to and a lot of practice in Training Mode, which has everything a beat-'em-up gamer could want feature-wise. Too often, though, I find myself practicing combos ad infinitum without even dipping my feet into real bouts and match-ups.

    There's a lot to learn regarding the game system. Granted, the Tutorial and Challenge Mode provide a good start even for people who have been totally unaware of the fighting game genre before. Which is nice. Then there are plenty of online sources to take a plunge into, such as

    And I'm still laughing hard at some ridiculous things going on in Story Mode (try Carl's campaign)...
  14. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    leonard u down for some gray bar BBCS?
    btw, nice start on the blog

    btw, arakune.. the combos, is it possible to land online with decent consistancy? i maining him..
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Oh i've read it before. And i still disagree. The buffer in VF5 is 10 (Ten!!) frames as far as i know and the commands are very lenient with only a few things requiring a clean(ish) input in VF5. Also, combos don't really require much timing in VF. You input the next move as you see the one before end. BB has all sorts of all sorts of dash and jump cancels, instant air dashes and most importantly delays to get you head around. There is also a lot of distance specific stuff compared to VF, which has hardly any compared to a lot of games.

    In VF5 there is pretty much always a simple option that will let you do about 70% of the max damage from a combo starter. Can you say the same for BBCS?

    Again not saying BB is the hardest of games, but to say;

    Just seems wrong. The system is LESS lenient than VF for inputs, the combos are a lot longer and require more difficult inputs.
  16. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    even if this is correct (which i don't think it is; not to say that vf doesn't have a generous buffer, but that number sounds wrong to me), also keep in mind that vf places much, much more emphasis on directional inputs than blazblue (for movement, etc).

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Also, combos don't really require much timing in VF. You input the next move as you see the one before end.</div></div>

    perhaps i'm jaded from learning jacky's max damage combos, but i'll let this one slide. :p

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">BB has all sorts of all sorts of dash and jump cancels, instant air dashes and most importantly delays to get you head around.</div></div>

    none of which should be in the least bit difficult to anyone that's played an airdash game before, which is telling me that you probably haven't. not a knock against you at all, it's just that you sound more overwhelmed than you should be over a game as relatively simple as blazblue.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There is also a lot of distance specific stuff compared to VF</div></div>

    most of which isn't terribly difficult either, since you can easily train yourself to judge the spacing of a combo before you drop it with just a little bit of practice.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">In VF5 there is pretty much always a simple option that will let you do about 70% of the max damage from a combo starter. Can you say the same for BBCS?</div></div>

    yep. and unless you play arakune or carl, once you "get" the max damage combos, you should rarely drop them in actual matches.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The system is LESS lenient than VF for inputs, the combos are a lot longer and require more difficult inputs. </div></div>

    this is an incorrect assessment; blazblue is more forgiving than vf when it comes to inputs during combos. a tit-for-tat comparison of the command interpreters takes them out of context; a 10 frame buffer in a game where the fastest moves are 12 frames and a 5 frame buffer in a game where the fastest moves are 5 is much more telling than just leaving it at "10 frames vs 5 frames" (keep in mind that blazblue's method of buffering button inputs is to literally autofire them for 5 frames, as well).

    combos are longer (this is half of the reason i stopped playing cs after the first few months), but most of them are just boring, braindead loops that aren't all that demanding.

    discussions like this are part of the reason i only want to teach games to people either in person or 1 on 1 over xbox live/ggpo; because to anyone that hasn't played blazblue as much as i have, i sound like i'm just saying "press the buttons harder scrub". but the thing is, if i could have twenty minutes in training mode with marlyjay, i could show him everything i've been saying and help him see through the white noise that blazblue is full of- presumably to intimidate players of far better games. [​IMG]
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I'm not saying i have problems. I've said that in two separate posts. I'm learning and enjoying what i'm doing. If you had said;

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">none of which should be in the least bit difficult to anyone that's played an airdash game before</div></div>

    I'd have agreed with you. You said no one should have issue since they play VF. Bollocks. VF as it is is one of the easiest games to play around input wise.

    It's clear we won't agree. All i could suggest is you ask a person who is trying to learn both games. Alternatively, Just write down the required inputs for a 'big' combo with a sample of characters and it'll become pretty clear on what i mean.

    And the fastest attcks in VF5 are 9 frames in vanilla and 10 in R and FS.
  18. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    10f is right for the buffer window in VF5, I struggle with games that require what seem to be 1f links just for a standard combo too.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    And BB doesn't from what i've seen, but to say it should be easy because you play VF, is ridiculous. It's faster, has half the buffer window and the combos in CS at least are about 5 times as long and require a lot more in the way of inputs.
  20. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Maybe its because i have no 2d background, but BBCS combos are hard for me. VF5 ones are so easy compared to BBCS ones imo. i dont think its the inputs, its the timing that makes it so strict with buffering. I rather do akira's max input combos than doing level 3 challenge mode combos in BBCS. the combos though feel much more rewarding in BBCS and looks nice. i have spent quite of time in DOJO in BBCS to practise the combos. in that time i would have prob done evry closed open stance with a VF CHARACTER by then.

    Im getting better tho with combos, but with muscle memory.

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