
Discussion in 'Akira' started by ROLF75, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. ROLF75

    ROLF75 Active Member

    About this combo:
    i also found that if i delay a little the bodycheck it never misses.
    They only times i miss this combo is against kage if i input the bodycheck too fast.
    My question is: is /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif the most damaging option to end this combo? has anyone tried something else, maybe like a DLC?
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Doesn't bodycheck do more damage the deeper it hits? If so then it's always better to delay it.
  3. Nagasumi

    Nagasumi Well-Known Member

    Testing confirmed, if you do the body check after /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif hits unblocked, the enemy is shoved TOO Far back to counter with a 'normal' throw. People with Advancing catch throws like Akira or Wolf WILL grab you however from that distance but if your foe isn't keen on it, the body check at close range blocked is actually 'unusually' safe...


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