[BT]Rise Of The Youth DVD9 rip.

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by FireLiu, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I hesitate to agree here with what akiralove said. Yes, it's true that those of us who think of ourselves as hardcore fans should support Sega more. For the record, I own both the Japanese version and US version of Ver C. and Evo. I even have both Ver C stick and Evo stick. Aside from this, I've ordered many books and dvd's from Japan and have spent tons of money traveling for VF.

    I often ask myself, all this money spent..... for what? Buying things from Japan incurs shipping charges that cost more than the item itself. Traveling for VF incurs cost in both time and money that could have been spent to buy more than enough copies of Evo. All this effort and money spent, just to be able to play quest mode by yourself?

    Those of you fortunate enough to have FT in your area, good for you to have that luxury. Those of your fortunate enough to have been to Japan, good for you to have that luxury. This doesn't mean that everyone can do or have things the same way as you. I understand that many of you have the means and abilities to obtain these luxuries with fair ease (comparably). It seems as simple as talking to some people, or sending some emails, and there, you have the newest VF dvd's or Game or whatever at a good price. You say people don't support Sega enough, but those of you with the said luxuries simply don't understand the horrors of the majority of the Western players.

    For example, BT doesn't ship to US, their website is in Japanese. If you are some average VF player, the odds are against you. If you want to travel to Japan, not only are many people restricted by visa/travel law problems, the money/time/language issue puts the odds against western players. Ordering from Japan requires in most cases mastery of the Japanese language to navigate their website, then you need a credit card, and you need to pay a huge amount of money in shipping. The odds are again against the western players. I understand that this rise of the youth dvd was available from NCS, but how many people knew of it existence? For the majority, (casual players), the answer is no. They will never support (or what you only think is support) VF, for a very simple reason. They never had anything to support. Not many people I know would buy a dvd that not only require them to possibly buy a new dvd player to be able to play it, but they also had to pay shipping that cost just as much, only to watch a video which they have no clue what anyone in the video is saying. I'm sorry to say, what is there to support? Support people in Japan? So they can have all the VF games and all the cool stuff?

    Before you accuse western people of not supporting Sega, think about those people in Japan who are not supporting first. They are the ones who have actually been given something to support. Yes, thank you Sega for not giving us any VF machines. Thank you Sega for forgetting that VF games sell better in the US. Buying Japanese VF materials is like a castrated person buying porn, no matter how much you watch or know about it, you'll never get to experience it. If that's what you call support, then I hope one day it will mean something for you.

    Some of you don't go through nearly enough hardship to play this game as most of us do. Tell it to the people who shell out hundreds of dollars to repair their FT machine that they bought with their own money. Tell it to those who shamelessly try to approach and attract new players. Tell it to those who are still play Evo quest mode by themselves.

    Yeah.... just buy more dvd's....
  2. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    I still play quest mode & boy is my AI strong! Anyone who says the AI is cheat hasn't tried to truly tried to play VF to it's fullest potiential instead of just doing it to win & get the items.
  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Wow, I never imagined that someone would come out and say that people should hesitate to support a company like BT.

    It's interesting that you've gotten so defensive over this, Srider. Neither myself or others that agreed with me said that people shouldn't DL the clips, copy the DVDs, are lame for being in this thread etc. No one suggested that the thread should be taken down etc.

    All I said is that people should support a company like BT, who literally looses money doing nothing but organizing events and media for fighting game fans. I also said that I think it's lame when people who DO have money and means, and spend it on other things (on occasion INCLUDING travel to Japan), but refuse to buy things like this. They're basically relying on other fans to buy it for them, then burn it or let them borrow it so they can watch it.

    If you don't have means for whatever reason, I totally understand. I just think it's sad that someone like Yamagishi, who totally made Evo2k3 for a lot of people, couldn't come to Evo2k4, because he had no money, because all his money is wrapped up in his company that supports gamers at a loss.

    I never said that Sega is some kind of perfect company that cares for everyone, or that fans in Japan all support these kinds of releases, I know that they don't. But from your post:

    "I often ask myself, all this money spent..... for what? Buying things from Japan incurs shipping charges that cost more than the item itself. Traveling for VF incurs cost in both time and money that could have been spent to buy more than enough copies of Evo. All this effort and money spent, just to be able to play quest mode by yourself?"

    I get the idea that since we don't have a big scene here, you're saying why bother at all? I guess the glass is 1/2 empty for you, but to me, that kind of attitude will just bring the scene down more.

    The facts are simple: VF doesn't get more fan service in the US because it isn't popluar here. Ever notice how every version of Initial D has been released here w/ card system intact? Tekken 5 arcade? It's as simple as supply and demand. If we demand it in huge numbers ($$$), they'll supply it.

    Why don't US people like VF more? I can't say. But, I can say, the fact that Tekken 5's arcade version got all that love, like Initial D, is simply a financial move that can be made because of the large fan bases for those games.

    With regards to getting things from Japan, most of your points don't make much sense to me, I have to say. If you're on this board, you've got a Mac or PC. My mac is about 4 years old, and it plays DVDs. I can set the region to play any DVD, and I've heard from Windows users that their OS doesn't even care about region. If you play VF enough to want to see these kinds of things, you're playing with some people most likely. I'm sure someone has a DVD playing PC that you could use to watch an import DVD.

    If one wanted VF things from Japan that seemed hard to find on Ebay or from places like NCS (who btw was cool enough to sell this DVD at a profit of less than $5), there are 5 people I can think of right off the top of my head that are regulars on this board who live in Japan: VF4Akira, Mukatsuku Shun, KT Tallguy, Namflow and SuperG. I'm sure someone would be willing to help.

    It just isn't as hard, or as expensive as you're making it out to be. And if you don't have the means, by all means, download away! Or pitch in with people (that's how LA got our first Evo board).

    I guess I'm just too old for the way that the net has made everything free game for everyone to copy and download anyone's hard work. When I started playing games, if you wanted to play a game at home, you had to go to the motherfucking store and buy it. Now I see people buying Mod chips, custom flip-top cases for PS2s, so they can burn a $20 game? The last time ANY of us fans were asked to shell out money for an official US-release VF game was 2 years ago, so I don't get it when fans won't pay for other things like books and DVDs.

    "Buying Japanese VF materials is like a castrated person buying porn, no matter how much you watch or know about it, you'll never get to experience it. If that's what you call support, then I hope one day it will mean something for you."

    I don't really know what this means. By your definition, everyone who participates in the Media forum is doing some kind of penis-less masturbation? I think most would agree that while they don't have a scene like the ones in Asia, they learn from watching clips and vids, or reading Noodals translations of Arcadia articles, or looking at the Combo PDFs made from the new Color FT mook. I think the very existance of this thread proves you're wrong here, or that the very least, that most of us would rather masturbate with a small penis than not get a nut at all.

    "Yes, thank you Sega for not giving us any VF machines."

    more horseshit here bro. VF4 and Evo were both released in US arcades. It isn't Sega Enterprises fault that arcade operators didn't buy them, or that US people don't play VF in the arcades that did. I remember that Southern Hills Golf Land, they so called "mecca" of fighting games in the US had the test version of VF4 for weeks. That place was packed every time I went, yet the players there refused to play the game, AT ALL. Nevertheless, Golfland went on to have versions of the final game, and Evo as well. So at what point do we stop blaming the Evil Empire for the fact that there's no US VF scene? Sega did their part: they made a great game and released it, in arcades, then at home with SUPER pimped console versions for us. The rest is up to the consumer.

    So yeah, it does mean something for me to support Sega, and even more so BT, because I think Yamagishi is like the Van Gogh of fighting game otaku culture: he'll probably be dead before people realize how crucial he was to this culture. Without him, there'd be no big Japanese tourney for Western players to go to, where then CAN feel like part of the big scene, if only for a day. I think those kinds of experiences are really great, and everyone should support that. There's just no reason not to, other than you're bitter that your scene isn't as good as you'd like it to be, but then you're just a punk, getting in a back hand dig out of jealousy.

    "Some of you don't go through nearly enough hardship to play this game as most of us do. Tell it to the people who shell out hundreds of dollars to repair their FT machine that they bought with their own money. Tell it to those who shamelessly try to approach and attract new players. Tell it to those who are still play Evo quest mode by themselves."

    I don't know who you're talking to here, but I know it isn't me. If you were talking to me, it'd mean you must've already forgetten about when I drove you from downtown LA to Pamona to go to Evo2k3^^, among all the other things I've done for the LA VF scene in general.

    In the end, the VF scene, anywhere, is TOTALLY created by the players. So yeah, support does mean something to me.
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I think you took my post too personally. I never forgot the time when I was at Evo2k3, that was probably one of the highlights of my VF career and I even remember you introducing me to Yamagishi. I definitely also believe that it's largely because of him that VF has grown this much in Japan over the past decade. My post was definitely not against supporting a company you like or in anyway advocating piracy.

    I never said don't support BT, but where does the money go? Who are the real people to blame for the lack of support? Is it the US people? This is what my post was specifically about. Buying this Enterbrain DVD, does the money go to BT? I sincerely believe that no matter what the US players do, nothing concrete will go into Yamagishi's pocket. The only thing people CAN do is to go play in his store in Japan. How many of you guys' who've been to Japan have done that? All I hear about is people playing at Shinjuku Sportsland. Why don't people put up some signs at Shinjuku Sportsland telling people to go play at BT?

    The point is, the real reason for lack of support for these games is not the US people, it's the Japanese people. No amount of work here by the VF fans here is going to change anything, because like you said, it's way too small. You think games like Initial D and outrun were brought here because of a proven track record? Think about how much money the cabinets cost. Outrun was a disaster. Initial D had no following before they brought it over, the only reason for it's success IS the card system. And the only reason they did that was because they were too lazy to make changes to the cabinets. Even with the success of Initial D and the card system, guess what happened to Ghost squad. The card system was ripped out when it's brought over to the US. You know what does this tell me? That Sega doesn't give a shit. I shell out tons of money to play these Sega games in the arcades, I don't know about you guys in Cali, but I've dropped tons of money in ALL the Sega games, and not just VF. This takes me to the issue of VF in US arcades. You know why no one bothered to play VF in the US arcades? Aside from CA, most everyone ELSE in the US got their VF cabinets AFTER the ps2 release came out. It's even the older version! Evo was then released with NO card system, and put in the saddest machine I've ever seen in my life. The machines had no decals, shitty screen and shitty button/sticks. I drove 3 hours almost every weekend to play it because that was the closest one there is. I then found it else where in another state and realized that the shitty cabinet was standard to every evo machine in the US. At that time, Namco released Tekken 4 and Soul Calibur 2 both on deluxe cabinets. How can you expect people to want to play these games?? I couldn't even tell evo was a new fighting game, and no one else did either. This is why I blame Sega, as much as I love their games, SoA arcade division are managed by retards. Sega of Japan definitely did their part, but no amount of support in the US is going to be given credit to SoJ. SoA did a shitty shitty job for arcade games in the US. The one thing Japan is doing to revive the arcade scene, and also proven to be able to do the same in the US, the card systems, SoA decides to yank it out. Look at Initial D, look at Tekken 5. How can you not blame SoA for being idiots? Why given up with FT? Like I've said before, those of us Hardcore fans, those of us with the ability to influence changes, what did we do to improve the US VF presence?

    I definitely agree with you that when I went to EVO2k3, I was utterly speechless at the amount of burned copies of Japanese Evo. It was embarassing to see people see us playing ripped copies missing audio or freezing up. This is not how you represent at the biggest fighting game event in the western world. It was even more embarassing that games like ST2 had an actual arcade cabinet to be played on. It would have been great to see an evo cabinet there especially since people like chibita, ohsu, koufu megane, neo tower, nuki, all these famous players were present. Oh I forgot, SoA never bothered to give people the upgrade for the newest version, even though it's free in Japan.... Even those Hardcore Fans abandoned it in the arcade. You are telling me that Sega did their part, so why did guys have so much trouble upgrading your evo, or getting FT? Look at Sega Arcade's Website They don't even have their newest releases listed like Ghost Squad. The page is full of broken links and the newest press release is about Derby Club??? You can even try to find a local distributor in CA with the link on the left, and see what happens. Seeing all these things, you are telling me that Sega is doing their part..... I have to saw that Sega of Japan is doing their part, pushing the arcade business forward. Sega here is not doing crap to push their business forward. Namco puts out Tekken 5 everywhere in deluxe cabinets, even likely at a loss considering how fast they put out their home port. What does that tell you about how much Sega cares about their customers in the US.

    I think that what I was trying to say is there is a difference between US and Japan, and no matter how much the US fans try, it doesn't help Japan, and it ultimately is up to Sega of America. How many people on VFDC have even SEEN Final Tuned in front of their eyes, how many people have even seen an Evo machine? Shouldn't this tell you something about the way Sega runs in the US? Don't confuse what I said with piracy, all I'm saying is that no matter what people do here, no matter how much people pirate VF stuff from japan like providing dvd's or scanslations of books, ultimately, the support they need is from the Japanese players. No matter how much people in the US buy VF merchandise, this won't improve the situation here in the US. Since it will be SoJ getting the credit, all that money that could have went to supporting the scene here, would have been for naught. Instead of telling people to buy Japanese merchandise, if you want to talk about support, tell people to buy more copies of Evo, or play in the arcade even if it's an inferior version. No amount of support from the US will help Japanese operators, I'm sorry to say. As much as I admire Yamagishi and what he has done, it's a sad fact that his work can't be experienced by the majority of fans here. This is not to say go ahead and pirate all the dvd's, but really, the majority of the people who visits VFDC is not hardcore enough to buy anything from Japan.

    I want to say that my first response was not anything personal, it's just that I feel the desire to support your friend is a bit misguided. People do learn things from videos and dvds and reading material, but ask yourself, with the amount of time invested by most of the hardcore players here in the US, why do the Japanese beat us so easily? Why are there no FT cabinets in the western world? Like I said, from your perspective, it may seems like your work is paying off. This doesn't mean that the same thing applies for everyone else in the US. Look at the Ohio scene, they are some of the most dedicated players in NA, and they have no FT. Look at Florida, they have no FT. NY is lucky enough to have enough people to buy the machine, and so is Canada. All these effort, sadly, won't help people like Yamagishi, or any of the fans in the US. Simply because even though they ARE supporting VF, they are not supporting in the way that will help the situation. Unless your are buying DVD's directly from BT, or playing in the BT arcade, the money doesn't go to Yamagishi. Unless you are buying US version of PS2 VF or buying US version of FT or Evo for the arcade, SoA won't change their attitude towards VF for the US. All the things we've done, were really not the right thing if you want to call it SUPPORT. We are only supporting our own addictions. This is the key thing I'm trying to get across.

    Many of us feel justified in our opinions because we all feel like we've done alot for the VF scene. But really, have we helped the US scene? Or have we only tried to merge this niche group of people to the Japanese scene? I feel like with all the achievements made by the US players, we've only achieve the second. I guess you take that as a glass is half empty attitude, but really it's just looking at things from a neutral perspective. I'm sure you've had your share of difficulties when it came to VF, but I felt it's not fair for you to talk down to those who really have no options left to feed their love for VF. You know very well the things I've done for VF, I've even bought copies of BT dvd's from you. My response was not for myself, but really for those other people around VFDC who are trying so hard despite the overwhelming odds.

    Like you said:
    [ QUOTE ]
    In the end, the VF scene, anywhere, is TOTALLY created by the players. So yeah, support does mean something to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So how about supporting those players who ARE the scene.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    If the DVD player in your Mac or PC will not play DVDs from other regions, go here to learn how to convert your player to region free by changing the firmware.

    Please read and study carefully before making firmware changes lest you kill your DVD drive.
  6. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    If the DVD player in your Mac or PC will not play DVDs from other regions, go here to learn how to convert your player to region free by changing the firmware.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    also, if you want to play your DVD purchase on a stand-alone unit and not your computer you can take an extra step and rip it and then burn it to a DVD-R. This is what I do for all of my import DVDs. I simply use DVD decrypter and then burn it without regions. the extra cost is, like, a dollar and I still get to support the movies I want to support.

    here's some links!

    http://www.doom9.org/ <-- the definitive source for all DVD info. Serious.
    http://www.dvddecrypter.com/ <--I love this for ripping DVDs
    http://ww2.nero.com/us/index.html <--I use Nero Recode for burning. Everyone has favorites...this is mine.

  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I've been out of town for a few days and so in catching up on a few threads, this is one I felt compelled to reply in.

    Firstly, I've deleted the download link from the main post. I will not allow the posting of any pirated media in general, and especially when it involves the work of such a central figure to the VF community, a VF player, and friend to many of us here, Yamagishi-san.

    In fact, I'm embarrassed that this thread was allowed to go on for as long as it did.

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